Category: Reviews

Iroha Zen Matcha textured mini-vibrator review 1

Iroha Zen Matcha textured mini-vibrator review

If you're a clitoris-​​owner who's ever envied the tex­tures inside Tenga's penis-​​strokers, you're in luck. The Iroha Zen is a mini-​​vibe that resem­bles a Tenga 3D Zen sleeve, but small­er, phal­lic, and non-​​porous. You can rub the delight­ful­ly squishy, tea whisk-like…

Frisky Beast Cybersaur huge dildo next to arm

Review: Cybersaur Large by Frisky Beast / Twin Tail

If you're using the Frisky Beast Cybersaur solo and you have a pen­chant for cer­vi­cal orgasms, you may want to keep an extra pil­low near­by to snug­gle after­ward. I also sug­gest obtain­ing a hot piz­za of your favorite kind…

FemmeFunn Bougie Bullet powerful aluminum vibrator review 2

FemmeFunn Bougie Bullet powerful aluminum vibrator review

If you've sought an afford­able alter­na­tive to the We-​​Vibe Tango, you've prob­a­bly heard of the Ultra Bullet by FemmeFunn. It's one of the best mini-​​vibes you can get, and for a sub­stan­tial­ly low­er price than the Tango. FemmeFunn's newer…

Fun Toys Bioskin Gplug vibrating dual-density butt plug review 4

Fun Toys Bioskin Gplug vibrating dual-density butt plug review

If you think the sex toy mar­ket is sat­u­rat­ed, I have three words for you: dual-​​density butt plugs.  There aren't that many out there, let alone dual-​​density vibrat­ing butt plugs. This lack seems like such a dis­ser­vice when Millennials are…

B-Vibe Snug Plug 3 Medium weighted silicone butt plug review 6

B-Vibe Snug Plug 3 Medium weighted silicone butt plug review

So many things about the B‑Vibe Snug Plug 3 make me say “yaaaasss.” Its design­ers espe­cial­ly know what they’re doing, mak­ing it com­fort­able and plea­sur­able. I pre­vi­ous­ly wrote that the njoy Pure Plug large is soooo goooood that it’s the…

Womanizer Classic review: clitoral suction and pressure wave stimulator 7

Womanizer Classic review: clitoral suction and pressure wave stimulator

The Womanizer's unique pul­sa­tions have forcibly extract­ed orgasms from the many who have used it. Instead of vibrat­ing, the Womanizer applies pres­sure by encir­cling the user's cli­toris and rapid­ly alter­nat­ing between suck­ing and blow­ing. Basically, it makes air in the…

Uberrime Night King long ribbed fantasy dildo review

Uberrime Night King review: long fantasy dildo

The Uberrime Night King dil­do feels like it was made just for me. I have all but died and come back to earth from heav­en. I'd clutch it hiss­ing, "PRECIOUS" if any­one tried to take it. Because, if you love…

Pretty Love Dylan "Come Hither" rabbit review 9

Pretty Love Dylan "Come Hither" rabbit review

When it comes to sex toys, I'm always starry-​​eyed and swayed eas­i­ly by the new and nov­el. Maybe to a fault. My curios­i­ty got the best of me when I saw the Pretty Love Dylan— a cheap G‑spot vibrator…