B-Vibe Rimming Plug 2 review: vibrating butt plug with spinning beads

Vibrators have come a long way since Sex and the City, but the peo­ple who inno­vat­ed sex toys with rotat­ing beads were on to something.

B-Vibe Rimming Plug 2 review: vibrating butt plug with spinning beads 1

B‑Vibe uses the once-​trendy spin­ning bead motor in a nov­el way: not in a rab­bit, but in a vibrat­ing butt plug. More pre­cise­ly, the B‑Vibe Rimming Plug 2's beads occu­py the neck of the plug.

Their place­ment engages the anus's sen­si­tive fine-​touch recep­tors. And that's not all— the beads in the neck can revolve back-​and-​forth, like a tongue flick­ing. They can cir­cle in one direc­tion, in both direc­tions, at dif­fer­ent speeds, and for adjustable amounts of time before switch­ing. At the tip of the plug is a con­ven­tion­al vibrat­ing motor so you can get the best of both worlds.

You need to know about the B‑Vibe Rimming Plug 2 if you're into butt stuff and can han­dle the 1.5" max width. However, it's not a toy for every­body (cer­tain­ly not butt begin­ners). The spin­ning motor can only be so nar­row— even the small­er Rimming Plug Petite is still 1.4" wide. And there are more caveats beyond the size.

Using the B-Vibe Rimming Plug 2

Once the Rimming Plug 2 is sit­u­at­ed, and I'm relaxed, the beads feel like small but rapid flicks inside. I can't com­pare it to the times I've been rimmed because, on those occa­sions, the stim­u­la­tion was most­ly exter­nal and with broad­er motions. There are five rows of beads, and while I can't feel each bead, I can feel the columns as they revolve.

Combining vibration and rotation

My favorite set­tings are the one where the spin­ning beads quick­ly switch direc­tion back and forth, and the one where the spin­ning grad­u­al­ly ramps up in speed and de-escalates.

B-Vibe Rimming Plug diagram showing the vibrating motor in the tip and the beads in the neck. There are 5 rows of spinning beads.

You can quick­ly access the for­mer via the but­ton on the base. For the lat­ter, you need to use the remote con­trol. Both the plug and the remote are splash-​proof (but not submersible).

While the spin­ning one way mere­ly feels good, the dif­fer­ent direc­tions and pat­terns give it a less mechan­i­cal and more dimen­sion­al feel. You can also com­bine dif­fer­ent spin­ning sen­sa­tions with vibra­tion pat­terns and speeds.  Both sets of move­ments have six speed settings.

Lazy, mostly hands-​free orgasms

With the beads' speed turned up, the momen­tum builds quick­ly. In just two or three min­utes, I go from, "Okay, this feels nice," to gasp­ing and try­ing to steady my breath. The orgasms are mild­ly over­whelm­ing, but even more expan­sive and flow­ing when I'm delib­er­ate about my breathing.

The orgasms don't stop. For me, it's an alter­na­tive route for unlock­ing orgasms that don't quick­ly dip down from the plateau— com­ing, again and again, is easy. Other butt plugs have been arous­ing and fun to wear, but no oth­er plug has made me come by itself.

B‑Vibe's Rimming Plug 2 is the most stim­u­lat­ing butt plug I have ever tried— in the 

best way pos­si­ble. If I had nev­er tried it, I would have assumed I couldn't orgasm via back­door stim­u­la­tion alone.

B-Vibe Rimming Plug and remote on pink paper with doodled tongue, lips, and butthole background.

What is the B-Vibe Rimming plug not for?

It can't replicate a tongue's broad strokes…

…even though its mech­a­nism has its perks. I do have to warn my read­ers: do not expect the Rimming Plug 2 to repli­cate "the real thing."

Between each bead col­umn, the dips aren't espe­cial­ly deep. They spin rapid­ly, but if you seek to repli­cate the deep pres­sure changes and big motions of a rim­ming tongue, this plug's action isn't for you.

As well, the beads spin under the sil­i­cone coat­ing, so the sen­sa­tion is sub­tle. It's pro­nounced enough for anal use, though too sub­tle for me to dis­cern the beads mov­ing in my vagi­na. If you were look­ing for a plug to insert vagi­nal­ly and mim­ic cun­nilin­gus, you're SOL unless your vagi­na is respon­sive to fine sensations.

It does not have rumbly vibrations

I'd throw the B‑Vibe Rimming Plug 2 against the wall if it were a cli­toral vibra­tor. It's so weak that it doesn't fit neat­ly into the buzzy vs. rumbly dichoto­my. My boyfriend felt the vibra­tions and called them "a high rum­ble. Like if it were any higher-​pitched, it'd be buzzy."

When I think of a high rum­ble, I think of some­thing with depth and an obnox­ious­ly high speed, like the Bodywand Midnight. The Rimming Plug 2 has nei­ther of these things. Instead, it's very surface-​level and has a mod­er­ate pitch. Its buzz isn't inher­ent­ly a bad thing, because it's not so whiny or shrill that it's irritating.

However, it would have failed by my clit's stan­dards. By my butt's stan­dards, it's accept­able when com­bined with the rim­ming action.

It's not for those who need flexibility

The B‑Vibe Rimming Plug 2 is most­ly rigid. With about 5 inch­es of insertable length, some may find the Rimming Plug's length pokey and irri­tat­ing. I like a long butt plug, but I under­stand that not every­one feels that way. The Rimming Plug Petite is an inch short­er, but still just as stiff.

The rimming action is not discreet enough to use in public

The spin­ning beads sound like the whirr of a small den­tal drill. Just don't wear it with the revolv­ing action gong. The vibra­tions are of a mod­er­ate vol­ume when I ini­tial­ly turn them on, but the noise is damp­ened and bare­ly audi­ble once insert­ed. I would not rec­om­mend the B‑Vibe Rimming Plug 2 if you most­ly want vibra­tions, though.

My verdict on the B-Vibe Rimming Plug

I've nev­er had such a high con­cen­tra­tion of fun with a butt plug before. And, as always, B‑Vibe includes carefully-​chosen pack­ag­ing; with the B‑Vibe Rimming Plug 2 and remote con­trol, you get a stur­dy car­ry­ing case.

B-Vibe Rimming Plug 2 review: vibrating butt plug with spinning beads 2

I want read­ers to be real­is­tic with their expec­ta­tions. While the beads and vibra­tions offer a one-​of-​a-​kind sen­sa­tion, the B‑Vibe Rimming Plug 2 will not replace a human tongue.

And that's fine— sex toys were nev­er meant to replace humans. The remote con­trol is a well-​executed addi­tion that makes it right at home in part­ner play. When used solo, it makes explor­ing the com­bi­na­tions of move­ments far more convenient.

Overall, the B‑Vibe Rimming Plug 2 is an advanced and stim­u­lat­ing toy for those who are already com­fort­able with anal pen­e­tra­tion. Despite the down­sides, I'd rec­om­mend it in a heart­beat for those who don't mind buzzy vibra­tions and enjoy rim­ming with small, fast flicks.

Thank you to Spectrum Boutique for sending me the B‑Vibe Rimming plug 2!

I received the Rimming Plug at no cost in exchange for my freely-​given and hon­est opin­ion. As always, I tell you in detail what I like and don't like about this toy.

I also use affil­i­ate links in this post, which bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you when you pur­chase. If any­thing, you'd be sav­ing mon­ey. Take 10% off your first order at Spectrum Boutique with coupon code SUPERSMASH10

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3 Responses

  1. Wow one of the best reviews for a b‑vibe rim­ming plug I've seen. Totally mir­rors my expe­ri­ence with it. Wonder what a to that could mim­ic broad tongue strokes would look like.

  2. Qiu says:

    It's good to see vibrat­ing butt plugs. Idefintely on my wishlist.

  3. Jay says:

    The b‑vibe rim­ming plug has been on my list for a while now, but it always get pushed to the bot­tom in favor of anoth­er toy. I hope to see it in per­son before I con­sid­er buy­ing it, though your pos­i­tive review is real­ly convincing.

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