Category: Reviews

[Image: Cy Smash / the writer, a woman with red hair and pink lipstick wearing a blue bra and holding a Doxy Die Cast against her cheek]

9 Ways to Use a Wand Massager with a Partner

"I'm jeal­ous! Women get so many sex toys to choose from," lament­ed some guys in my life. But when I ask whether they've used a vibra­tor with a part­ner or for penile mas­tur­ba­tion, crick­ets chirp. Here's the thing: sex toys…

Le Wand Rechargeable vs. Magic Wand Rechargeable 1

Le Wand Rechargeable vs. Magic Wand Rechargeable

The design­ers behind the Le Wand Rechargeable know that lux­u­ry lies in the lit­tle exte­ri­or details. Everything about its pack­ag­ing is ele­gant, down to the rose gold foil stick­er boast­ing, "XBIZ AWARDS WINNER /​​ LUXURY BRAND OF THE YEAR."…

Uberrime A-Spot Avenger Girthy Superhero Silicone Dildo Review 3

Uberrime A-Spot Avenger Girthy Superhero Silicone Dildo Review

Marvel at the maker's metal­lic mar­bling. Let the (Captain America-​​inspired) Patriot span­gle you until you see stars. Marco Uberrime's lat­est cre­ation, the A‑Spot Avenger, strik­ing­ly resem­bles the Aqua-​​King, which I named #5 on my best sex toys of 2019…

Hot Octopuss Amo Rumbly Bullet Vibrator Review banner Super Smash Cache

Hot Octopuss Amo Rumbly Affordable Bullet & Tango Alternative Review

I'm excit­ed AF about the Hot Octopuss Amo bul­let, and not just because its black-​​to-​​magenta col­or fade match­es my hair. It's because this rumbly mini-​​vibe com­bines some of the best fea­tures of my favorite bul­lets, and it's a steal for…

Doxy Die Cast Review: Wand Better Than Hitachi! 4

Doxy Die Cast Review: Wand Better Than Hitachi!

The Doxy Die Cast is the absolute most pow­er­ful wand vibra­tor I've ever tried, dethron­ing every iter­a­tion of the Hitachi Magic Wand. When I orgasm with the Doxy Die Cast, my pelvic floor has one pri­ma­ry objec­tive: DESTROY. Crush…

Hole Punch Toys Mother Interior Review: Silicone Nun Dildo 7

Hole Punch Toys Mother Interior Review: Silicone Nun Dildo

Would you rather fuck a dildo-​​sized nun or a nun-​​sized dil­do? Hell had nev­er felt so heav­en­ly until the Hole Punch Toys Mother Interior. If you're look­ing to get fucked hard in the land of gods and mon­sters, this…

Review: 10-Setting Tongue-Shaped Clitoral Vibrator via BestVibe 8

Review: 10-Setting Tongue-Shaped Clitoral Vibrator via BestVibe

Full lips and tex­tured tongue? Use the edge for pin­point stim­u­la­tion or enjoy shal­low pen­e­tra­tion with it. A tongue-​shaped vibra­tor with tex­ture and a flex­i­ble rim This sil­i­cone tongue-​​shaped vibra­tor allows the user to decide between pin­point and broad exter­nal stimulation…

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try 9

New Sensations: 8 Unique Sex Toys to Try

Dildos have been around for prac­ti­cal­ly for­ev­er — at least 28,000 years. Early vibra­tors orig­i­nat­ed as med­ical devices in the 1700s. Since then, new sex toys have come a long way in mate­r­i­al safe­ty, tech­nol­o­gy, and cre­ativ­i­ty. For those…