Category: Reviews

Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux review: penis vibrator for couples 1

Hot Octopuss Pulse Duo Lux review: penis vibrator for couples

Hot Octopuss knows their rumbly motors from pow­er­ful bul­lets to oscil­lat­ing guy­bra­tors penis mas­tur­ba­tors. Perhaps their fan­ci­est cre­ation is the Pulse Duo Lux, a cou­ples' vibra­tor that claims to do it all. I'm in the "any toy can be a…

Le Wand Contour vs. njoy Eleven (Comparison & Review) 4

Le Wand Contour vs. njoy Eleven (Comparison & Review)

You don't fuck with per­fec­tion. Why did Le Wand try to do that again? My sin­gle favorite dil­do is the njoy Eleven. Beyond its sexy exte­ri­or and lethal con­struc­tion, there's a rea­son it's in my avatar. Simply, the njoy…

Hankey’s Toys Topher Michels Medium Review: HUGE Realistic Dildo 6

Hankey’s Toys Topher Michels Medium Review: HUGE Realistic Dildo

Despite its average-​​sounding name, Mr. Hankey's Topher Michels medi­um dil­do is any­thing but that. Don't be fooled: with a 2.68" diam­e­ter near the shaft, this dil­do looks gar­gan­tu­an next to my oth­er "real­is­tic" toys. I put "real­is­tic" in quo­ta­tion marks because…

Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews 8

Uberrime Praesto, Tantus Sport, & Silc Arts Renaissance dildo reviews

3 BEAUTIFUL, beginner-​​friendly G‑spot dil­dos In this fast-​​blast round-​​up, there's a lit­tle something-​​something old (the Tantus Sport), some­thing new (the Silc Arts Renaissance), noth­ing bor­rowed (I wouldn't be com­fort­able with that), and some­thing blue (the Uberrime Praesto). Click to…

Zeus Arcana Electrosex Wand Massager Review: Vibrations and Electrokink 9

Zeus Arcana Electrosex Wand Massager Review: Vibrations and Electrokink

Today's review is a blast from the past, fea­tur­ing the Zeus Arcana elec­tro­sex wand. It deliv­ers elec­tri­cal shocks and vibra­tion in one self-​​contained unit. That might sound futur­is­tic to some. Still, this mas­sager comes from an era where wavy Microsoft…

Silc Arts Sparrow Large bird-shaped artisan dildo review 11

Silc Arts Sparrow Large bird-shaped artisan dildo review

I own plen­ty of pret­ty phal­lus­es, but not all can pass off as art pieces. The Sparrow by Silc Arts is a non-​​representational dil­do that cer­tain­ly could. "Silicone sculp­ture" isn't mere­ly a euphemism here. As the shop's name would…

Xcitme Sym-B Sensual Collection interchangeable vibrator system review 12

Xcitme Sym-B Sensual Collection interchangeable vibrator system review

An all-​​in-​​one vibra­tor sys­tem with swap­pable heads that rrrum­ble. The Xcitme Sym‑B Sensual Collection's attach­ments offer mul­ti­ple afford­able alter­na­tives to LELO's recharge­able vibra­tors — with­out sac­ri­fic­ing strength. Its ver­sa­til­i­ty and pow­er are the cake, while its stur­dy pack­ag­ing is…

[Image: Cy Smash / the writer, a woman with red hair and pink lipstick wearing a blue bra and holding a Doxy Die Cast against her cheek]

9 Ways to Use a Wand Massager with a Partner

"I'm jeal­ous! Women get so many sex toys to choose from," lament­ed some guys in my life. But when I ask whether they've used a vibra­tor with a part­ner or for penile mas­tur­ba­tion, crick­ets chirp. Here's the thing: sex toys…

Le Wand Rechargeable vs. Magic Wand Rechargeable 13

Le Wand Rechargeable vs. Magic Wand Rechargeable

The design­ers behind the Le Wand Rechargeable know that lux­u­ry lies in the lit­tle exte­ri­or details. Everything about its pack­ag­ing is ele­gant, down to the rose gold foil stick­er boast­ing, "XBIZ AWARDS WINNER /​​ LUXURY BRAND OF THE YEAR."…

Uberrime A-Spot Avenger Girthy Superhero Silicone Dildo Review 15

Uberrime A-Spot Avenger Girthy Superhero Silicone Dildo Review

Marvel at the maker's metal­lic mar­bling. Let the (Captain America-​​inspired) Patriot span­gle you until you see stars. Marco Uberrime's lat­est cre­ation, the A‑Spot Avenger, strik­ing­ly resem­bles the Aqua-​​King, which I named #5 on my best sex toys of 2019…