Category: Reviews

Review: BMS Leaf+ Bloom & Cal Exotics Marvelous Lover 1

Review: BMS Leaf+ Bloom & Cal Exotics Marvelous Lover

Time flies when you're review­ing (and test­ing!) sex toys. When I start­ed my col­lec­tion, recharge­able sil­i­cone vibra­tors were very much in a lux­u­ry league. In 2014, LELO and L'Amourose stood as the industry's dar­lings, and the Leaf+ line by BMS Factory…

Review: Velvet Thruster Prime, Nanci (FKA Abbey), Sammie, Teddy GS 12

Review: Velvet Thruster Prime, Nanci (FKA Abbey), Sammie, Teddy GS

Velvet Thruster's lat­est hand­held fuck­ing machine designs bring us the hard-​​and-​​fast pow­er I know and love, and more. These new hand­held fuck­ing machines are bring­ing us: That last bul­let point espe­cial­ly got me excit­ed. Because I, Cy Smash of Super…

Review: Gvibe Gpop 2 vibrating plug by Fun Toys London 16

Review: Gvibe Gpop 2 vibrating plug by Fun Toys London

I love it when a vibrat­ing butt plug pleas­ant­ly sur­pris­es me with its motor! Fun Toys London reeled me in with its stun­ning hues and ele­gant han­dles, but I didn't expect to be cap­ti­vat­ed by the Gpop 2's vibrations. …

Clone-A-Willy Kit Review: How to Life Cast a Penis in Silicone! 20

Clone-A-Willy Kit Review: How to Life Cast a Penis in Silicone!

Imagine encoun­ter­ing (or cre­at­ing) your dream cock, and how love­ly it would be to cus­tomize a copy of it. You pick a part­ner shape, cast it in body-​​safe and glow-​​in-​​the-​​dark sil­i­cone, and you make it vibrate! That's all with­in reach with…

Review: Zeus Twilight Violet Wand & Cal Ex Impulse Petite 21

Review: Zeus Twilight Violet Wand & Cal Ex Impulse Petite

Turn me on with your elec­tric feel. I'm no stranger to elec­tros­tim­u­la­tion, but today, we're explor­ing THREE MORE elec­trokink sex toys: The Zeus Twilight Violet Wand by XR Brands Cal Exotics' Impulse Petite Electrostimulator Wand Cal Exotics' Impulse Petite G‑Spot…

Icicles No. 70 S-curved G-spot & A-spot glass dildo review 24

Icicles No. 70 S-curved G-spot & A-spot glass dildo review

A sum­ma­ry of my thoughts on the Icicles No. 70 in one word — no, sound — would be, "AAAAAAAAAAAA!" Not even a full-​​on word. Just unin­tel­li­gi­ble scream­ing, in the best way. I've often joked about the dif­fi­cul­ty of staying…

Selfdelve Marshmallow Squishy Spiral Silicone Dildo Review 35

Selfdelve Marshmallow Squishy Spiral Silicone Dildo Review

If you've ever want­ed to fuck a cloud deity, that's what the SelfDelve Marshmallow dil­do feels like. As the name sug­gests, the Marshmallow Sweet Treats Twisting Dildo is suu­u­u­u­u­per soft, with a col­or­ful rope design. Not only do the…

Honey Play Box Jubilee fluttering rabbit vibrator review 37

Honey Play Box Jubilee fluttering rabbit vibrator review

If you fol­low many sex-​​positive Instagram pages, you've prob­a­bly seen an influ­encer either pos­ing with the Honey Play Box Jubilee or incor­po­rat­ing it into a meme. In-​​depth reviews rarely accom­pa­ny the smil­ing self­ies, so I'd like to shed some light…

Amazing Glow-In-The-Dark Dildos under blacklight

7 Radiant Glow-in-the-Dark Dildos to Try!

Stuck in a sex toy sea of pink, pur­ple, and cadav­er beige? Fuck that. Nix the gen­dered mar­ket­ing and stroll through my sex toy col­lec­tion: the lush dil­do for­est where teals, greens, and pow­der blues are abun­dant. We'll make it…

Iobatoys Ohmyg Review: "Super Silent" G-Spot Massager 41

Iobatoys Ohmyg Review: "Super Silent" G-Spot Massager

Imagine you're mas­tur­bat­ing and you're about to orgasm. At exact­ly the crit­i­cal moment, the sound of a dol­phin (or maybe angry squir­rel) squeaks from your hole. Your dog down­stairs hears it and has a bark­ing fit at the mys­te­ri­ous noise.…

Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulsator Vibrator Hybrid Review

Fun Factory SUNDAZE Pulse Vibe Review: Best Discreet Vibrator?!

For dis­creet mas­tur­ba­tion, it's hard to top the Fun Factory Stronic pul­sators' power-​​to-​​noise ratio. These thump­ing, minia­ture fuck­ing machines are must-​​haves when trav­el­ing, Welcome Fun Factory's SUNDAZE; they call it a Pulse Vibe. I call it bril­liant­ly cap­i­tal­iz­ing on…