My Past Sexy Side Hustles & Free Stuff (Beyond Reviews!)

[Image: financial domination and sexy side hustles banner]

In the cur­rent gig econ­o­my, you've prob­a­bly heard Millennial femme friends joke about sug­ar baby­ing, finan­cial dom­i­na­tion, or sell­ing used panties to pay off stu­dent loans. Or just for extra spend­ing mon­ey. It's not a myth— there's no short­age of Oddly Specific ways to make mon­ey, even out­side of sex toy reviews and free­lance writing.

For me, it start­ed in 2013 on a par­tic­u­lar kinky social net­work. I'd post pic­tures I felt sexy in, get an influx of friend requests (no sur­pris­es there, right?), also send out mass friend request bursts, rack­ing up around 8,000 fol­low­ers. I was on the trend­ing con­tent page mul­ti­ple times for my writ­ing (also unsur­pris­ing) and videos of myself danc­ing. It was a hus­tle. It was nev­er mon­ey for noth­ing, but it sure as hell was fun.

All sorts of sub­by inter­net guys fol­lowed me. They sought humil­i­a­tion for their small cocks and jacked off to hot women like me, call­ing them los­er cucks. And I milked it from there. Here's how.

Set up a registry or wishlist

My Past Sexy Side Hustles & Free Stuff (Beyond Reviews!) 1

I had fol­low­ers send me mon­ey as a trib­ute or buy me gifts. That includ­ed sex toys and lin­gerie for my con­tent, of course. Fun fact: it was a sub­by inter­net cuck who bought me a Vixen Randy.

But they also bought me things utter­ly unre­lat­ed to sex, like books, make­up, soap, crys­tals, halo crowns, and bulk packs of pens that I'd burn through in my days of learn­ing and teach­ing organ­ic chem­istry. The Subby Internet Guys liked the per­son­al, one-​on-​one atten­tion and intel­lec­tu­al con­ver­sa­tion with a hot girl. And, of course, they enjoyed serv­ing me and con­tribut­ing to my happiness.

The inter­net model's wish­list is a com­mon prac­tice— and a fas­ci­nat­ing, can­did off­shoot of social media. It lets you in on their very human, quo­tid­i­an wants and needs. Ah, yes! This mod­el demands new light­bulbs for her house. This oth­er one has a shoe fetish. That one likes moral phi­los­o­phy and hoards plan­ner stick­ers and washi tape.

Selling used panties and sex toys

The real­i­ty is that I don't want to keep all the sex toys I receive for review. Luckily, though, peo­ple are will­ing to buy them off me. Most pre­fer toys boiled and dis­in­fect­ed, of course, but there are also plen­ty of kinksters want­i­ng my flu­ids. On my used toys. On my used panties. On a partner's clothes. On any­thing, real­ly. It's the thought that counts.

My Past Sexy Side Hustles & Free Stuff (Beyond Reviews!) 2

Consultations and sex coaching sessions

The unfor­tu­nate real­i­ty is that not every ther­a­pist is under­stand­ing of risk-​aware con­sen­su­al kink as a poten­tial­ly healthy phe­nom­e­non. Going from 0 to 100 with a sex ther­a­pist takes time. And while I'm not a trained ther­a­pist of any kind, I can lend some­one an ear, val­i­date their con­cerns, and tell them about my (numer­ous) expe­ri­ences— maybe while they shop around for a ther­a­pist they trust. In a sim­i­lar vein, I can take a hands-​on approach by observ­ing someone's tech­nique and giv­ing them feed­back. Level up.

Domination, keyholding, and verbal degradation

There are so many ways to be mean to some­one! Isn't it great? That could include:

  • mild teas­ing and taunting
  • mak­ing fun of them for jack­ing off to pic­tures of your toi­let (or just send­ing the occa­sion­al pic­ture of it filled with peri­od blood)
  • pick­ing out a cock chasti­ty cage and telling them when they are and aren't allowed to jack off
  • giv­ing them rules like, "if you jizz on your face, then yes, you can finish."

The pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less. For me, they often start with me say­ing, "You'd be worth­less to me if you didn't offer me mon­ey or enter­tain­ment, los­er," but end with, "You're a good boy."

Further read­ing:

My Past Sexy Side Hustles & Free Stuff (Beyond Reviews!) 3

This post was spon­sored. As always, all opin­ions expressed are my own.

Photo credits:

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1 Response

  1. G says:

    anoth­er enlight­en­ing read, tyvm!!

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