California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster thruster review

BIG NEWS: I've found The One.

No, I'm not get­ting mar­ried, but I'm just as star-​crossed to have dis­cov­ered my rab­bit vibra­tor soulmate.

California Dreaming blue self-thrusting rabbit vibrator by California Exotics

The Santa Cruz Coaster thrust­ing dual stim­u­la­tor fits my anato­my like no oth­er cur­rent­ly on the market.

California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster by California Exotics

What's to love about this dreamy device?

Its rapid-​fire thrust­ing shaft pum­mels my pussy with up to three strokes per sec­ond — about 180 BPM on the high­est speed. It's the vibra­tor equiv­a­lent of high cadence drum-​and-​bass with the sick­est buildup and drop.

What a coast­er drop indeed!

Those flut­tery flaps on the exter­nal stim­u­la­tor? Hoooooh.

California Exotics' cli­toral vibra­tors have a his­to­ry of mak­ing me squirt, and their Santa Cruz Coaster is also a wet won­der for me. The three tick­ling tips have some seri­ous bite with their pin­point perime­ters, but not too much. They're pli­able pals that work with my body instead of bul­ly­ing under the hood.

California Dreaming self-thrusting G-spot rabbit vibrator by California Exotics

And the broad, bul­bous G‑spotting head fits against my pubic bone like a puz­zle piece. Considering how fussy my G‑spot is about dif­fer­ent dil­do head shapes, I couldn't have asked for a bet­ter rab­bit vibra­tor for my body.

All the ele­ments syn­er­gize, hit­ting my cli­toris from end­less angles and stay­ing in con­tact with min­i­mal effort. Self-​thrusting rab­bit vibra­tors make senseOnce the Santa Cruz Coaster latch­es on, it's hands-​free hedo­nism, baby!

Santa Cruz Coaster Specifications & Measurements

Okay, so this recharge­able sil­i­cone rab­bit is a fre­net­ic G‑spot jack­ham­mer. But how do the thrusts mea­sure up?

Shown below is the accor­dion shaft, con­tract­ed and expanded.

California Dreaming self-thrusting G-spot rabbit vibrator accordion mechanism
California Dreaming self-thrusting G-spot rabbit vibrator accordion mechanism

The California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster fea­tures 4.26" of insertable length when ful­ly expanded.

Its accor­dion shaft con­tracts to 3.66", giv­ing us a stroke length of  0.6". In oth­er words, if you enjoy short but some­what real­is­tic thrusts, the Santa Cruz Coaster can give you that. My G‑spot (and some­times A‑spot) is in love if you couldn't tell.

Its 2.5" long exter­nal stim­u­la­tor fits a pret­ty wide range of clit-​vag gaps. You can flex it out­ward if your anatomy's more spaced out. If your cli­toral glans is clos­er to your vagi­na, you're in luck, too. The Santa Cruz Coaster at rest bare­ly has any dis­tance between the two prongs — mean­ing you'll get a pret­ty tight grip with it.

Its head's bulb is about 1.5" long by 1.6" wide, giv­ing us ample sur­face area to knead the front wall. Note that there are small ridges on the tip, though. While I enjoy the tex­tures on the silky sil­i­cone, not every­one will appre­ci­ate it.

California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster rabbit vibrator flexible external stimulator

Who Would Enjoy the Santa Cruz Coaster?

The Santa Cruz Coaster rab­bit vibra­tor cer­tain­ly isn't for every body, but its fea­tures come togeth­er beau­ti­ful­ly against mine.

It's a good fit for those who:
  • Have clit-​vag gap on the short side OR pre­fer a tight grip
  • Enjoy pin­point stim­u­la­tion and don't mind a lit­tle buzz
  • Want INTENSE sensation
  • Play in the bath­tub (Yay, waterproof!)
  • Their inter­nal hot spots are slight­ly on the shal­low side

My clit-​vag gap is about aver­age at one inch apart, while many would con­sid­er my G‑spot shal­low. For me, it's at its most sen­si­tive at about an inch-​and-​a-​half inside.

California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster thrusting G-spot vibrator vs West Coast Wave Rider gyrating rabbit

The Santa Cruz Coaster's G‑spotting head and exter­nal vibra­tor are spaced super close­ly, clamp­ing on to my pubic bone and cli­toris. And since it's self-​thrusting, I can leave it in place hands-​free while it works its magic.(That's more than I can say for the renowned We-​Vibe Nova 2, unfor­tu­nate­ly. The orig­i­nal was fan­tas­tic, but the new one's hing­ing shaft is too loose to do much for me.)

Controls, Functions, and Settings

Three but­tons inde­pen­dent­ly con­trol the Santa Cruz Coaster's two motors.

Settings you get with this thrusting rabbit vibrator:
  • 3 steady thrust­ing speeds (135 – 180 BPM)
  • 3 con­stant exter­nal vibra­tion set­tings and 7 patterns 
    • 73, 78, 110 Hz frequency
    • 3 out of the 7 rhythms are fast and con­sis­tent enough to be useful

This rabbit's vibra­tions are strong at those fre­quen­cies but can veer on the zingy side. Again, it's best for those who pre­fer a pre­cise and pierc­ing qual­i­ty with their exter­nal stimulation.

The bot­tom but­ton cycles through the vibra­tion set­tings, the mid­dle through the thrust­ing, and the top instant­ly shuts both motors off. The California Dreaming rab­bit vibra­tors also con­tain chips to "remem­ber"  which set­ting it was last on.

Control panels on the Santa Cruz Coaster and West Coast Wave Rider thrusting rabbit vibrators by California Exotics

Downsides of the California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster

There are two notable cons. First, its pow­er is lim­it­ed. 2.5 hours of charge gives you only 40 min­utes on high (150 min­utes on low).

And if it's low on bat­tery, it occa­sion­al­ly stalls when I push super hard against my walls. But I'd have to be try­ing to stop it. A good 90% of the time, it's still a‑chuggin' along, even as my vagi­na clench­es around it.

With how over­whelm­ing­ly intense the orgasms can be, there's no way I'd be using the Santa Cruz Coaster for any­where near 40 min­utes straight.

The Santa Cruz Coaster can't match the Velvet Thrusters, but that's fair for every­thing it does at about half the price. When you con­sid­er oth­er similarly-​priced thrusters like the Maia Max/​Monroe, the Santa Cruz Coaster still has vast vroom, vari­ety, and reliability.

It's also not the qui­etest vibra­tor I've ever tried, but I'd say its noise lev­el is pro­por­tion­al to its pow­er. With how over­whelm­ing­ly intense the orgasms can be, there's no way I'd be using the Santa Cruz Coaster for any­where near 40 min­utes straight. 🙂

Santa Cruz Coaster vs. West Coast Wave Rider vs. Orange County Cutie

If you don't want the stim­u­la­tion to be as intense, but the over­all shape appeals to you, con­sid­er the West Coast Wave Rider instead.

California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster Thrusting Rabbit and West Coast Wave Rider side-by-side
How the West Coast Wave Rider compares:
  • Its head cur­va­ture is a lit­tle less pronounced.
  • The flut­ter­ing flaps are more flex­i­ble and rounded.
  • It gyrates instead of thrust­ing — which I also enjoy a lot.
  • The exter­nal prong's body isn't as close to the shaft at rest.

Overall, I still like the West Coast Wave Rider A LOT but would pre­fer the Santa Cruz Coaster's tighter clamping.

The Orange County Cutie is anoth­er good pick, with a G‑spotting tip that's rel­a­tive­ly relaxed and aims slight­ly deep­er. It would be a bet­ter fit for those who:

  • Have anato­my slight­ly more spaced apart than mine
  • OR are try­ing to go for A‑spot stim­u­la­tion instead of G‑spot
  • Don't care for the rib­bing at the Santa Cruz Coaster's tip

My Verdict on the California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster

California Exotics' California Dreaming vibrators offer a little something-​something for a wide variety of bodies.

For my anato­my, the Santa Cruz Coaster is the absolute best-​fitting rab­bit avail­able. You'll also like­ly love it if you're a pin­point pres­sure princess with a shal­low G‑spot and a short clit-​vag gap.

There's no such thing as the per­fect rab­bit vibra­tor, but the Santa Cruz Coaster is unde­ni­ably right for me. […] Considering my propen­si­ty to squirt […] every time I use it, my clit clear­ly likes some­thing about this rabbit. 🙂

The caveat: I'd still rec­om­mend two sep­a­rate toys instead of a rab­bit if you're an absolute zealot for the rum­ble. California Exotics' exter­nal stim­u­la­tors can be potent and splash aplen­ty, but they also won't give you a deep, basslike purrrrrrr.

(Again, the orig­i­nal We-​Vibe Nova was love­ly for its rich tim­bre, but the Nova 2's flex­i­ble shaft didn't do it for me.)

California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster self-thrusting G-spot head

With how sharp the Santa Cruz Coaster's "tick­lers" are, though, a lit­tle buzz is more than okay. Considering my propen­si­ty to squirt and stay in the con­tin­u­ous orgasm loop every time I use it, my clit clear­ly likes some­thing about this rabbit. 🙂

Internally, the Santa Cruz Coaster's thrust­ing mech­a­nism is sur­pris­ing­ly stur­dy for its price. No, it prob­a­bly wouldn't hold up to a user bot­tom­ing out their vagi­na. But for shal­low G‑spotting, this self-​thrusting rab­bit keeps going and going and going, even when I clench.

There's no such thing as the per­fect rab­bit vibra­tor, but the Santa Cruz Coaster is unde­ni­ably right for me. When you find The One, you'll know.

Further reading

Single-​handed, simul­ta­ne­ous pen­e­tra­tion and cli­toral vibra­tion are still pos­si­ble! Nowadays, I rec­om­mend pair­ing Fun Factory's Nos vibrat­ing cock ring with a dil­do. Choose your insertable for a cus­tomiz­able fit.

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2 Responses

  1. Kissyc Alonso says:

    The ratio was not it for me…. The clit piece did not hit my clit at all! I was so dis­ap­point­ed because I was so look­ing for­ward to this toy… but I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one feel­ing this vag to clit ratio is on the small­er side…. Thanks for that!!

  2. Sm says:

    Using thrust­ing toys is daunt­ing for me I always wor­ry they won't be strong enough. 

    I have found some real­ly nice­ly priced sex machines that look promis­ing but my best friend is wor­ried that the motor won't last with heavy use… im thank­ful for that guy always being the prac­ti­cal­i­ty to my whimsy.

    I'm gun­na look through your posts for a sex machine review :^)

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