Blush Novelties Wellness G Ball review: vibrator with flickering bead

It's a new decade! As time goes on, we'll undoubtedly see more toys that flicker, suck, thrust, pulse, swivel, swirl, roll, and so on, more effectively and at more affordable prices.

[Image: Sliquid Sassy lube bottle next to NS Novelties Firefly Glass G-Spot Glow Wand and Blush Novelties Wellness G Ball G-spot vibrator]

In that vein, the Internet (under­stand­ably) has a fas­ci­na­tion with cli­toral toys with tongue-​like back-​and-​forth move­ments. No sex toy will repli­cate oral sex (no, not even the viral Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure), but I nev­er­the­less appre­ci­ate the expan­sion of avail­able sen­sa­tion. That brings me to the Wellness G Ball by Blush Novelties.

I like the Wellness G‑Ball a lot, but not for the rea­sons one might expect from look­ing at it. The osten­si­ble G‑spot hook? Not right for me, and I should have antic­i­pat­ed that. The (bare­ly vis­i­ble) rolling ball under the sur­face? Aw yiss, that's the right way to inte­grate pseudo-​licking motions with vibra­tion. If you're look­ing for a zip­pi­er and more afford­able alter­na­tive to LELO's Ora 2 (which is a watered-​down ver­sion of the now-​discontinued Je Joue SaSi), you'll want to check this out.

Blush Novelties Wellness G Ball as a clitoral toy/oral sex simulator

[Image: purple Blush Novelties Lush Iris self-thrusting rabbit vibrator, Pipedream Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure, and Blush Wellness G Ball G-spot vibrator on snowy evergreen branches]

I first and fore­most use the Wellness G Ball as an exter­nal toy. I don't often review G‑spot vibra­tors nowa­days, but I'm a suck­er for nov­el­ty. When I saw it at ANME 2019, the rol­ly ball's loco­mo­tion on the inner cor­ner of the G‑spotting head caught my eye.

You'd be for­giv­en for entire­ly over­look­ing the Blush Wellness G Ball's bead. It's an 8 mm thick and about 12 mm diam­e­ter, most­ly recessed in its 1‑inch-​long (that's 25.4 mm) path­way. But it's there, shut­tling back-​and-​forth about three times every sec­ond— and that's just on the low­est steady speed out of five! It does stall a bit with pres­sure, but that's hard­ly rel­e­vant when it moves so fast by default.

Because the linear back-​and-​forth more closely matches the way I manually touch myself, I get off far quicker with the Wellness G Ball than most other toys externally.

If your clit is on the small side, like mine, and enjoys firm pres­sure, the Wellness G Ball is a fan­tas­tic fit! Its lin­ear move­ment aligns eas­i­ly with my cli­toral glans. It feels more like cun­nilin­gus than the sharp and pin­point­ed NU Sensuelle Trinitii or Blush Aria Flutter could. That's not a bad thing— they're just dif­fer­ent. And unlike the tongue-​flicking Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure, the Wellness G Ball's speed won't veer into the ter­ri­to­ry of futility.

Wellness G Ball as a G-spot vibrator

It's the rolly ball doing most of the work.

[Image: G-spot dildo and vibrator head shape comparison]
The vibra­tions add a lit­tle something-​something on either side of its track, like sur­round sound for my clit. By them­selves, they're okay. They get the job done, but they're bullet-​level— noth­ing to write home about for a vibe that's 1.25" diam­e­ter and 5.5" insertable length.

As for the shape, my G‑spot his­tor­i­cal­ly hasn't got­ten along well with steeply hooked and squared-​off G‑spotting heads, like on the LELO Ella and yes, the Wellness G Ball. They tend to tar­get too far past my pubic bone to do much for me, and there's no nego­ti­at­ing with the Wellness G Ball's rigid struc­ture. That bone's shape is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent for every­one, so your mileage may vary. My G‑spot prefers slight­ly more round­ed toys like the We-​Vibe Nova, Desirables Dalia, and BMS Pillow Talk Sassy.

Plus, if you're look­ing for a stan­dard G‑spot vibra­tor, it's hard to beat the Pillow Talk Sassy. It's qui­et, its vibra­tions are rumbly with a rich tim­bre (espe­cial­ly for the price!), and its shape appeals to a broad­er audi­ence than the Wellness G Ball does.

I'll nev­er use the lat­ter inter­nal­ly. Many love the steep hook, but I can't rec­om­mend it in good faith to a total begin­ner to sex toys. And I can't be 100% sure unless they already know that they love the LELO Ella or Picobong Moka.

My verdict on the Blush Novelties Wellness G Ball

[Image: purple Blush Novelties Wellness G Ball G-spot vibrator in front of jar of dried purple flowers]

I've been on a wand mas­sager stint late­ly, but I make occa­sion­al excep­tions for the Wellness G Ball. Its oscil­la­tions are a refresh­ing break from con­ven­tion­al vibra­tions. Toys with rows of spin­ning beads, I have tried before, but a sin­gle slid­ing sphere? And for less than half the price (and less of the guilt) of the slow­er LELO Ora 2? I like!

I'm delight­ed to add the Blush Wellness G Ball to my line-​up of cli­toral toys. Its vibra­tions aren't the most impres­sive, but the rapid and uncon­ven­tion­al lin­ear mas­sag­ing more than makes up for it. It's a case of pre­ci­sion over power.

With anoth­er trip to the draw­ing board, a revamped, external-​only edi­tion could go viral — one with a big­ger, more pro­trud­ing bead, and per­haps some cush­ion­ing. As the Wellness G Ball is, it's worth its price tag. But I hope there will be anoth­er iter­a­tion. With some improve­ments, Blush Novelties has anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to out­shine LELO once again and per­haps over­take them as the dar­ling of the sex toy world.

Get the Blush Novelties Wellness G Ball at SheVibe.

[Image: Vibe Responsibly banner]

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2 Responses

  1. Trix says:

    I tend to use the G‑spot vibra­tors exter­nal­ly any­way, so this one is tempting…

  2. planets says:

    I love your idea of a revamped external-​only ver­sion, I would want to try that.

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