Blush Novelties Hop Cottontail Silicone G-spot Rabbit Vibrator Review

If you've ever drooled at LELO's lux­u­ri­ous dis­plays and their Gigi 2's shape, read on. I'm about to intro­duce you to some­thing even bet­ter for less than half the price.

Silky mat­te sil­i­cone. Rumbly vibra­tions. A clas­sic flat head to knead the G‑spot. These fea­tures all belong to the Blush Novelties' Hop rab­bit vibra­tor line.

While the Blush Hop Cottontail has been dis­con­tin­ued, you can still get the Hop Trix. <3

Blush Novelties Hop Cottontail Silicone G-spot Rabbit Vibrator Review 1

An affordable alternative to the LELO Gigi 2

No joke: the insertable por­tion is way bet­ter than the LELO Gigi 2 in many ways. For one, it's way more pow­er­ful (many sex blog­gers agree that the Gigi is under­pow­ered as fuck). With the shit­storm that LELO has been for the past five years, hid­ing mediocre motors behind suave pack­ag­ing doesn't cut it any­more. Affordable and body-​safe toys are the future.

Don't under­es­ti­mate the Hop Cottontail's vibra­tions just because it comes in pret­ty pinks. Though you'd be jus­ti­fied for hat­ing pink, the motors are quite luxurious.

[Image: Blush Novelties Hop Cottontail flexible arm]

Zingy but potent vibrations

The Cottontail's low­est set­ting (out of 3) is a mod­er­ate hum, a bit more high-​pitched than and not quite as rumbly as my beloved Pillow Talk Sassy. (Fun fact: the Pillow Talk Sassy is rum­bli­er and more pow­er­ful than the Mona 2, anoth­er pop­u­lar LELO vibra­tor.) But the Hop Cottontail is among my favorite afford­able vibra­tors to use on my clit. It has far more inten­si­ty than the Sassy, both regard­ing pow­er and G‑spot head shape.

A classic G‑spotting head shape

The flat­tened head of the Blush Hop Cottontail is broad­er than the Gigi's, allow­ing it to knead more of my G‑spot's sur­face area. At the same time, it's more round­ed and less severe­ly hooked than the LELO Ella or Picobong Moka. The Ella's abrupt­ly squared head tend­ed to miss my G‑spot and aim a bit past it— which works for plen­ty of peo­ple, but not me.

[Image: Blush Novelties Hop Cottontail in ballet slipper / pink side view]

In con­trast, the Hop Cottontail's rel­a­tive­ly round­ed head juts out to more snug­ly nes­tle against my G‑spot's dip. It's as well thought out as a flat G‑spot head design can get, and you can push the flex­i­ble clit arm out of the way if you don't want to use it. However, its inten­si­ty puts me in a weird posi­tion to write this review.

The Hop Trix is a lii­itt­tle less severe. Plus, its exter­nal cli­toral arm grips a lit­tle more tightly.

I'm doing better than before!

I received the Hop Cottontail rab­bit vibe as a review sam­ple from Blush Novelties in August 2018. Its com­bi­na­tion of pow­er and G‑spotty shape had the poten­tial to take over a slot among my favorite vibra­tors at the time.

[Image: Blush Novelties Hop Cottontail in ballet slipper / pink 3/4 view]

I love rigid G‑spot earth­quakes and anni­hi­la­tors. That's my brand: I have a vagi­na of steel. My cervix still loves the bludgeon-​like njoy Eleven. My G‑spot still likes the wood­en Lumberjill Grace's pres­sure and the stain­less steel Eleven's round­ed head.

But come September and October 2018, I had some health prob­lems that ren­dered the Hop Cottontail's inten­si­ty my neme­sis and not my friend. I'm hap­py to report that my health has improved and I fell in love with the Blush Hop Cottontail again. I'm leav­ing the fol­low­ing sec­tion up, out of com­pas­sion for my past self.

Here's what my Blush Hop Cottontail review said before:

But nowa­days, my G‑spot can't han­dle more direct stim­u­la­tion like my boyfriend's curled fin­gers or being pushed against my his penis's tip. My G‑spot no longer deals well with turn­ing on the Cottontail's vibra­tions or thrust­ing direct­ly with its rigid­i­ty. Even my A‑spot hates it— the entire front wall of my vagi­na cow­ers in fear.

I don't know why this is hap­pen­ing. Perhaps my fam­i­ly his­to­ry of endometrio­sis is rear­ing its ugly head for me. Maybe I'm wit­ness­ing symp­toms that may wors­en over time, or per­haps a lit­tle CBD lube will han­dle pain in the long run.

[Image: close-up of the Hop Cottontail Rabbit's head]

My past self's dream rabbit vibrator

The most impor­tant thing I know about this vibe is that, if I had received the Hop Cottontail any ear­li­er, I would only have three gripes:

  1. You couldn't con­trol the motors independently.
  2. While the shaft's abil­i­ty to revolve in tiny cir­cles was cool, it didn't add any­thing sub­stan­tial to the stim­u­la­tion for me.
  3. It's strong but on the zingy side, and I'm not always in the mood for that.

But when I am? There's much to love:

  1. Blush's Hop line is quite powerful!
  2. The G‑spot head is per­fec­tion if you like some­thing intense to thrust or to grind against your G‑spot.
  3. The cli­toral attach­ment is pin­point, pow­er­ful, with no irri­tat­ing rab­bit ears or anything.

Oh yeah, and it's rel­a­tive­ly afford­able for a begin­ner, giv­ing just a lit­tle taste of luxury.

Blush Novelties Hop Cottontail rabbit vibrator measurements

[The Hop Cottontail Rabbit vibrator is 1.5" wide across / 4.7" around the widest point. It's 4 inches insertable and 8 inches total.]

And the Hop Cottontail rabbit's dimen­sions fit me well. The clit arm was the opti­mal dis­tance from my vagi­na, flex­i­ble enough that I could eas­i­ly adjust it. Someone with a longer clit-​vag gap could bend it while thrust­ing to main­tain pres­sure on their clit.

Unlike with oth­er rab­bits I've tried, this one for some­one with aver­age to closely-​spaced anato­my. My G‑spot is some­where between 1 and 2 inch­es inside my vagi­na, and my clit-​vag gap is an aver­age 1 inch.

The Hop Cottontail's prongs are close enough for me to get simul­ta­ne­ous dual stim­u­la­tion. And did I men­tion that the cli­toral stim­u­la­tor is pin­point and rumbly, one of my favorite combinations?

Preferences are fluid, and changes are okay

Writing this review is was frus­trat­ing when the Hop Cottontail's fea­tures blew pre­vi­ous rab­bits I've tried out of the water. It was a dream come true, but my cir­cum­stances aren't right for it now. weren't opti­mal when I orig­i­nal­ly wrote this review.

UPDATE: I've found my rab­bit vibra­tor soul­mate! Meet the California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster. <3

The BMS Pillow Talk Sassy: another affordable LELO vibrator alternative

In the inter­im, my Pillow Talk Sassy was a more ver­sa­tile and gen­tle shape that suit­ed my G‑spot's needs on more occa­sions. But also, I still had days where my clit want­ed some­thing more potent than the Sassy and less so than the Tango. And there's noth­ing wrong with using the Hop Cottontail exter­nal­ly some­times and inter­nal­ly oth­er times. That's the beau­ty of an insertable vibra­tor. Likewise, you don't have to turn it on if you're not in the mood, you also don't have to insert it.

My verdict on the Blush Novelties Hop Cottontail rabbit vibrator

The Blush Hop Cottontail is per­fect for those who crave firm G‑spot knead­ing and pow­er­ful vibra­tion at an afford­able price. Its incom­pat­i­bil­i­ty with my body at the time didn't mean that the vibra­tor nor my body was bro­ken. Sex toys should accom­mo­date my expe­ri­ence, my med­ical con­di­tions, and me in gen­er­al— not the oth­er way around.

You'll probably love the Blush Novelties Hop Cottontail rabbit if you:
  • …have mea­sure­ments sim­i­lar to mine
  • …like pin­point clit stim
  • …crave intense G‑spot grinding
[Image: other specs. A key function of the Blush Hop Cottontail rabbit is that it has a gyrating shaft]

And if you seek a budget-​friendly and more pow­er­ful alter­na­tive to the LELO Gigi 2? You could have got­ten a Picobong Moka back in the day.

But from my expe­ri­ence, I'd say that the Hop Cottontail fits a broad­er range of G‑spots because its shape isn't as extreme. Both the Moka and Cottontail are lit­tle lux­u­ries — qual­i­ty motors, might not last as long, but not pre­ten­tious about it.

Try the Blush Hop Cottontail's prog­e­ny, the Hop Trix vibra­tor.

I received the Blush Novelties Hop Cottontail in exchange for my hon­est and freely-​given review. There are also affil­i­ate links in this review, which bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you. If any­thing, you'd save mon­ey from using my coupon code.

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2 Responses

  1. Prudence says:

    I'm glad you includ­ed this toy in your give­away, sounds like a real­ly great item.

  2. G says:

    As always, love see­ing the sec­tion on who's more to like it.

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