We-Vibe Rave Review: a rumbly G-spot & A-spot vibrator!

The We-​Vibe Rave was the only G‑spot vibra­tor I would have re-​bought if I had to restart my col­lec­tion from noth­ing — even after own­ing over $10,000 of sex toys.

We-Vibe Wand, We-Vibe Rave G-spot vibrator, and Self Delve Eggplant dildo

Left to right: We-​Vibe Wand, We-​Vibe Rave, and SelfDelve Eggplant

G‑spot vibra­tors don't often do much for me, but this one does. They work, but I get antsy if I go for too long with­out deep pen­e­tra­tion. And there are plen­ty of good G‑spot vibra­tors, but for me, the We-​Vibe Rave blew the oth­ers out of the water — includ­ing its abil­i­ty to dive deep.

Up until the Rave 2 update, the We-​Vibe Rave Classic was in my top 2 best G‑spot vibra­tors, tied with the Je Joue G‑Kii.

2023 UPDATE: The Rave 2 is here, and I am not as enam­ored with it, due to its flex­i­ble shaft not hold­ing up to my G‑spot. Womp womp. I wish We-​Vibe had kept the orig­i­nal design.

What fol­lows is about the orig­i­nal We-​Vibe Rave Classic.

"I'm a few years away from being as excitable as the Rainbow Sponge Lady," I used to joke. When you Google, "lady has orgasm with art sponge," the first result is an infomer­cial fea­tur­ing serotonin-​saturated Dee Gruenig. She gasps and squeals and "OOOHH!"s and "YES! Yessss"-es.

All for a sponge.

We-Vibe Rave Review: a rumbly G-spot & A-spot vibrator! 1

I think I'm already there, now that I've tried the We-​Vibe Rave Classic and Fun Factory Sundaze. Some peo­ple are less excit­ed about their whole lives than I am about the Rave.

I don't need to get graph­ic about the shud­der­ing, shak­ing, shout­ing when I use it, do I?

What puts the We-Vibe Rave among the best G-spot vibrators

We could split hairs about the exact divide between dil­dos and vibra­tors all day — I don't con­sid­er pul­sators or thrusters vibra­tors — but that's beside the point. After test­ing $10,000 worth of sex toys, the We-​Vibe Rave G‑spot vibra­tor emerges as one of the irre­place­able few.

We-Vibe Rave Review: a rumbly G-spot & A-spot vibrator! 2

In a nutshell, the We-​Vibe Rave is:
Rumbly AF

We're talk­ing We-​Vibe Tango-lev­el, deep, almost par-​with-​wand, splash­ing like crazy when its head is dipped in water. As far as slen­der G‑spot vibra­tors go, the We-​Vibe Rave's motors are top-​tier. It's hard to top such pow­er in this modestly-​sized package.


The shape allows for G‑spotting, A‑spotting, cervix mas­sage, pin­point exter­nal stim­u­la­tion, twist­ing against the inter­nal cli­toris, and more! I'll elab­o­rate on the shape in a bit.


Oh gosh, the unyield­ing shaft and 8" of length was exact­ly what my vagi­na needed.

We-Vibe Rave Review: a rumbly G-spot & A-spot vibrator! 3


Use the three but­tons to select from 9 speed set­tings and 10 pat­terns. The pow­er range is fan­tas­tic. Turn the steady set­tings up and down as you please, or use the app for FULL CONTROL.


Use your phone as a remote con­trol for the We-​Vibe Rave and let your imag­i­na­tion run wild:

  • Tease and edge your part­ner by turn­ing the speed up and down
  • Pilot your partner's device via long-​distance chat 
    • SUPER use­ful in the era of COVID-19
  • Sync up the vibra­tions to music and near­by sounds
  • Create and save cus­tom patterns

We-Vibe Rave G-spot vibrator shape

Let's talk about the We-​Vibe Rave's shape, what I love about it, and what oth­ers might not enjoy about it.

We-Vibe Rave Review: a rumbly G-spot & A-spot vibrator! 4

What was delightful about the We-​Vibe Rave

I was ini­tial­ly skep­ti­cal about the We-​Vibe Rave's curve, wor­ried that it would be a bit too steep. Intensely-​curved and bul­bous inserta­bles are deli­cious for hard­core G‑spot mas­sage, but they're chiefly spe­cial­ists for shal­low pen­e­tra­tion. As such, they can be a bit hard­er to aim at my favorite eroge­nous zones with­out irri­tat­ing my cervix. I want­ed a more bal­anced all-arounder.

It turns out that the We-​Vibe Rave is juu­u­ust right for me. Most ses­sions, its firm body ruth­less­ly pounds my G‑spot and vibrates my whole CUV com­plex from the inside. The We-​Vibe Rave's spe­cial­ty is slam­ming on the "in" stroke when it comes to shal­low penetration.

2023 UPDATE: I don't rec­om­mend the new­er Rave 2 for G‑spot stim­u­la­tion, but if you love A‑spot and cervix mas­sage, it can cer­tain­ly work for you there.

We-Vibe Rave Review: a rumbly G-spot & A-spot vibrator! 5

I can gen­tly finesse my front wall by twist­ing and grind­ing, too, if I wish to take the scenic route. The asym­met­ric design was lit­er­al­ly made for lat­er­al move­ments, whether I'm focus­ing on the We-​Vibe Rave's flat­tened head or its sharp edges. I rarely stay on that path before jack­ham­mer­ing or spelunk­ing, though.

The We-​Vibe Rave eas­i­ly slides behind my cervix and takes min­i­mal exer­tion to tar­get. Boom, with just a few thrusts, I'm gasp­ing with plea­sure, with my face con­tort­ed and the oxy­tocin flooding.

Who the We-​Vibe Rave is not for

Not every­one loves deep pen­e­tra­tion as much as I do — your pri­or­i­ties may be total­ly dif­fer­ent from mine. As well, what makes the best G‑spot vibra­tor head shape for shal­low pen­e­tra­tion is high­ly sub­jec­tive.

We-Vibe Rave Review: a rumbly G-spot & A-spot vibrator! 6

There's some vari­a­tion in vagi­nal canal con­tours, so your mileage may vary. If you:

  • Aren't already BFFs with your G‑spot
  • Have a high­ly recessed G‑spot
  • Prefer small rock­ing motions

…then I don't rec­om­mend this G‑spot vibra­tor for you. A more bul­bous and flex­i­ble toy would be far more effec­tive at fit­ting the pubic bone's dip like a puz­zle piece. If that's what you need, get a Je Joue G‑Kii. It was made for effort­less aim­ing with a gen­tle touch.

Budget options for begin­ners include the Pillow Talk Sassy.

My verdict on the We-Vibe Rave

The We-​Vibe Rave's design is more about max­i­miz­ing inten­si­ty once you've already sight­ed the prey. Between the Rave and Je Joue G‑Kii, I don't want to go back to any oth­er G‑spot vibrator.

This one is for those who want deep, hard thrusts and vibra­tions that take the orgasms from "OH GOD, fuck yes," to "OH FUU-​HUU-​CK" to inco­her­ent, straight-​up scream­ing. No words — just octaves and oxytocin.

We-Vibe Rave Review: a rumbly G-spot & A-spot vibrator! 7
We-Vibe Rave Review: a rumbly G-spot & A-spot vibrator! 8
We-Vibe Rave Review: a rumbly G-spot & A-spot vibrator! 9

Get the We-Vibe Rave rumbly G-spot vibrator

Take 10% off at Peepshow Toys with discount code supersmashcache

The coupon applies sitewide, so con­sid­er get­ting some lube, too!

We-Vibe Rave Review: a rumbly G-spot & A-spot vibrator! 10

You can also get the We-​Vibe Rave direct­ly from the manufacturer.

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6 Responses

  1. B R says:

    Thanks for anoth­er thought­ful and com­plete review. It sounds like we need to work on G‑spotting some more before we try this one.

  2. B R says:

    Thanks for anoth­er thought­ful and com­plete review. It sounds like we'll have to work on G‑spotting done more before we try this one.

  3. nightingale says:

    I am real­ly torn between Rave and Pillow Talk Sassy right now. In my coun­try they are pret­ty sim­i­lar price (Sassy ~$90 and Rave ~$120), and both seem SO tempt­ing, but cant choose which one would be bet­ter. Sassy seems like its a bit thick­er and there­fore will be more.. fill­ing, and Rave got the tan­go pow­er and the app… Oof.
    So i am cur­rent­ly read­ing all the reviews i can find about those two toys, and i want­ed to ask. If you could only choose one of them, what would it be?

  4. Trix says:

    I real­ly loved my Rave (exter­nal­ly, since the ridge on the flat­ter side felt uncom­fort­able dur­ing insertion)…sadly, it’s about to give up the ghost after 2+ years of very enthu­si­as­tic use, and the vibra­tions have become surface-​level, weak­ened, and noisy. It’s still in the go-​to sec­tion of the toy­box just in case…

  5. Lisa Stone says:

    A good hon­est review in which the author writes not only praise to please the man­u­fac­tur­er, but also about those short­com­ings (or fea­tures) that he noticed in the process of study­ing the product.

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