Tantus Ringo review: huge butt plug used vaginally

I'm a 5'0 tall, 110-​pound femme who has used dil­dos with the cir­cum­fer­ence of a soda can. My enjoy­ment of huge sex toys is so much more than a Napoleonic "Fuck you. I'll show you"

Tantus Ringo big silicone butt plug colors

Fisting and girthy sex toys make me come uncon­trol­lably. And with the Tantus Ringo and its whop­ping 2.35" max girth, I went big­ger than I ever had before.

UPDATE: the Oxballs Ergo Large is about the same thick­ness but WAY more com­fort­able plug to use vagi­nal­ly. It is an absolute delight for that pur­pose. Also, I've gone even big­ger than the Tantus Ringo with the SelfDelve Eggplant and Vixen Creations VixSkin Gambler.

What exactly is the Tantus Ringo?

The Tantus Ringo is a HUUUUGE, mat­te plug made of medium-​firm sil­i­cone, with a bit of flex at the tip. I want­ed to feel the stretch vagi­nal­ly and walk around wear­ing it, even though it's mar­ket­ed as a butt plug.

For either pur­pose, the rec­tan­gu­lar base makes a lot of sense; the shape allows it to rest between the cheeks or labia, far more com­fort­ably than con­ven­tion­al round bases.

[Image: Tantus Ringo silicone plug, Vixen Randy silicone dildo, and soda can diameter comparison]

UPDATE: This prin­ci­ple of design assumes that all else is equal, of course. The Uberrime Sensi pussy plug has a round base, but it's super soft sil­i­cone. Therefore, it com­fort­ably flex­es over the vul­va. The Oxballs Ergo is anoth­er squishy plug with a squishy and T‑shaped base. Fuck, yeah!

How does this huge butt plug feel to insert vaginally?

UPDATE: A lot has changed since I orig­i­nal­ly this Tantus Ringo review, includ­ing review­ing even flat­ter and blunter dil­dos for vagi­nal inser­tion. Even with the Self Delve Eggplant and VixSkin Gambler, the fric­tion doesn't both­er me that much any­more. Nevertheless, use lots of lube!

[Image: Vixen Creations VixSkin Gambler, Desirables Dalia, and Vixen Randy mug size comparison]
Here's what I originally wrote in my review:

As with many oth­er fat, not-​quite-​squishy sil­i­cone toys, the Ringo drags on my ure­thra a bit on the way in. It's not that I can't han­dle the inter­nal stretch, but my exter­nal bits are spaced close­ly. Use more lube than you think you'll need.

However, once I get past that, I do think the sil­i­cone has enough give to make it com­fort­able. The Tantus Ringo doesn't feel all that much more dif­fi­cult to take than the rigid 2" diam­e­ter njoy Eleven or the medium-​firm 2.25" wide Vixen Randy.

What was I hoping the Tantus Ringo would do?

I want­ed a wear­able plug to stuff my vagi­na and tease me through­out the day. When I, say, got home from work, I want­ed some­thing to give my vagi­na hands-​free, girthy resis­tance to clench around when I come.

For that, the Oxballs Ergo Large is my dream pussy plug.

Tantus Ringo fuck­ing hurt.

[Image: holding the Oxballs Ergo large squishy silicone plug in my hand]

What actually happened with the Ringo?

When the Tantus Ringo is rest­ing, it doesn't both­er my cervix all that much. It turns me the fuck on that I can feel it with every lit­tle move­ment I make. And as a long-​term wear­able, it's sur­pris­ing­ly com­fort­able to wrap my walls around the neck of the plug once it's already in.

However, when I apply vibra­tion or cli­toral stim­u­la­tion, any hope of a great orgasm is tram­pled when I clench. Clenching, a cru­cial part to orgasms, sucks the Ringo deep­er into my vagi­na. And if I'm towards the end of my cycle, this pokes my cervix.

Why the Tantus Ringo excels as a butt plug but fails as a pussy plug

Here's what should have been the most obvi­ous fac­tor: the Tantus Ringo is a very tapered and tra­di­tion­al cone shape. The long taper is excel­lent for start­ing from a cold start and slow­ly work­ing up to the max girth dur­ing anal use. Because a rec­tum can take the length, it's not a hindrance.

A vagi­na, mean­while, is a more lim­it­ed length, and the way the pointy tip is cen­tered directs straight toward my cervix. With tra­di­tion­al dil­dos, I can pre­cise­ly aim behind my cervix. The Tantus Ringo, though, doesn't serve as what I was hop­ing for: a hands-​free, sta­tion­ary object to clench around. I can use this anal toy vagi­nal­ly, but that doesn't mean I should. In this case, it's not an arbi­trary divi­sion; the design for the ide­al butt plug isn't suit­able for a pussy plug.

What would I recommend for a big vaginal plug?

[Image: Oxballs Ergo super soft silicone plugs XS and L  size comparison]

UPDATE: Seriously, get the Oxballs Ergo instead if you want the best plug for vagi­nal use. Fear not if you're not size roy­al­ty like me— the Ergo comes in a vari­ety of sizes. The small­est is 1.3" across, and the largest is 2.9".

Here's what I originally wrote in this post. It's still a useful resource if you want more options.

From my expe­ri­ence with plugs used vagi­nal­ly, I'd say the fol­low­ing fea­tures are use­ful for a pussy plug. I've includ­ed exam­ples of dif­fer­ent sizes up to 2" wide, which is quite a bit big­ger than pret­ty much any set of kegel balls you could find. I've bold­ed my top picks.

As always, your mileage may vary: a plug with a longer neck may be use­ful if you have a deep G‑spot.

Round and bulbous

If you're already com­fort­able with vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion, you might not need a slow, tapered entry. A bul­bous tip is easy for me to take and less like­ly to poke my cervix, so I'd pre­fer that the entrance is a lit­tle blunter.

As well, bul­bous shapes in a rigid mate­r­i­al like steel are espe­cial­ly con­ducive to intense G‑spot stim­u­la­tion, should I thrust the toy.

Tantus Ringo review: huge butt plug used vaginally 1

Tantus Ringo review: huge butt plug used vaginally 2

njoy Pure Plug Large

  1. Hole Punch Toys Radish butt plug — 3.5" long and 1.5" wide with an adorable leaf-​shaped base.
  2. Tantus Ryder — 4" long and 1.5" wide with a long, slim base
  3. njoy Pure Plug large — 2.75" long and 1.5" wide. 

Of course, with the njoy plugs, they're more for if I'm stand­ing up while work­ing. Standing up would do more jus­tice to the Pure Plug 2.0, which is about 1.25 pounds of steel! With a met­al weight in, I always feel like I'm about to cream myself. The Pure Plug 2.0 is prob­a­bly the one plug I'd occa­sion­al­ly choose for vagi­nal use over the Oxballs Ergo, to be honest.

Off-​center tip

When using a butt plug vagi­nal­ly, con­sid­er designs that are asym­met­ric. That way, the toy's tip can eas­i­ly slide behind the cer­vi­cal os if it needs to, instead of jab­bing into it in the center.

These are just a few exam­ples of butt plugs that can be used in a vagi­na. The mak­er of the first one out­right says that it's not nec­es­sar­i­ly a butt plug — it can be used in any hole, so it's just a plug.

Funkit Toys Cashew Nib Plug

Tantus Ringo review: huge butt plug used vaginally 3

Tantus Ringo review: huge butt plug used vaginally 4

Just not super pokey!

[Image: Hole Punch Fluke thumbnail]

The Hole Punch Toys Fluke is a bit of an out­lier on this list. Most notably, at 5.25" of insertable length, it's longer than the oth­er plugs. It's also a girthy 2" long. The junc­tion between the head and neck is a more grad­ual taper, which in this case is a plus.

That means that when I clench, and the tight­est part of my vagi­na wants to wrap around the nar­row­est part, it doesn't aggres­sive­ly suck the plug in. I can aim the tip behind my cervix and, for the most part, it stays there.

Final thoughts on the Tantus Ringo

I swear, I'm usu­al­ly not that eas­i­ly annoyed with items touch­ing my cervix. This plug was just the right com­bi­na­tion of pointy and cen­tered to irri­tate me when I clenched.

[Image: me squishing the Oxballs Ergo XS shimmery smoke super soft silicone plug]

The Tantus Ringo has noth­ing but good reviews for anal use on the Tantus web­site. However, I can't rec­om­mend it for the way I would use a plug: wear­ing it in my vagi­na. If Tantus were to make an equal­ly girthy but rounder, off-​centered plug, I'd be all over that. Luckily, Oxballs has!


I received the Tantus Ringo butt plug from Tantus, Inc. in exchange for my hon­est and freely-​given review.

Tantus is a sil­i­cone sex toy man­u­fac­tur­er based in Nevada. Their com­mit­ment to body-​safe, medical-​grade sex toys and inclu­sive­ness can be summed up in three words: "Good. Clean. Fun." Thank you, Tantus!

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3 Responses

  1. M says:

    Thanks for this! I have a Fluke which I eyed for ever before buy­ing last year, but some­how I hadn't real­ized quite how firm and how big it is. I've been look­ing for some­thing I could wear inside me while wear­ing a har­ness to fuck some­one, but I'm final­ly fig­ur­ing out that just because I can fit and enjoy a plug after warm­ing up a lot, that doesn't mean I can just put inside myself quick­ly and eas­i­ly at the start, so I def­i­nite­ly over­es­ti­mat­ed the size I should look for.

  2. Ana says:

    Thanks for includ­ing the rene­gade, saw it's list­ing many times but nev­er fig­ured it was that big (online shop­ping is con­fus­ing lol), sounds worth trying!

  3. Kalliopeia says:

    Well that is ter­ri­fy­ing­ly enor­mous. Damn.

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