Sex Toy Cookie Decorating With Easy Icing Recipe: A Date Night DIY

14 sex toy cookies on a cutting board

My boyfriend ex and I are no strangers to date nights in. After all, it was dur­ing our first date that he chopped off the tip of his pinky try­ing to catch a knife while cook­ing. (The irony? He has a food sci­ence degree and is now in culi­nary school.)

A sex toy cook­ie dec­o­rat­ing night was inevitable amid his kitchen shenani­gans, my sex geek­ery, and our com­bined introversion.

Neither of us is a pro­fes­sion­al at bak­ing or dec­o­rat­ing (or pho­tog­ra­phy, for that mat­ter). To the con­trary: it was my first time pip­ing designs with icing. What mat­ters, though, is that we had fun dec­o­rat­ing these cook­ies with draw­ings of pop­u­lar, body-​safe sex toys.

njoy Pure Wand and butt plug cookies in a plastic container

This DIY tuto­r­i­al is writ­ten by and for the layper­son. I'll show you snip­pets of our date night in, includ­ing a quick intro on how to use the sug­ar cook­ie icing. It's easy-​to-​make and dries to a hard fin­ish— ide­al for beginners.

Want to skip straight to the instruc­tions? Here's a link for that.

The finished products: sex toy cookies

A sex toy cookie decorated with the Hitachi Magic Wand rechargeable and its cord in whimsical loops.

Let's start with the cult clas­sic that needs no intro­duc­tion: the super-​powerful Hitachi Magic Wand.

A close-up of cookies with the We-Vibe Rave, njoy Pure Wand, and Pure Plug

I also con­sid­er the njoy Pure Wand and Pure Plug part of this cat­e­go­ry, as well as the We-​Vibe Rave, Tango, and Touch, known for their rumbly motors.

The Tango is shown inside the We-​Vibe Dusk sleeve. You can wear the sleeve inter­nal­ly and clench around to pull the bul­let up against your clit or perineum.

3 cookies. One cookie with a turquoise bullet inside the We-Vibe Dusk sleeve, one with a We-Vibe Touch, and one with a We-Vibe Rave

(Psst! To be hon­est, I don't love the Magic Wand, but I respect every­thing it's done for fem­i­nism and human sex­u­al­i­ty.) I still don't love the Magic Wand Original, but the Magic Wand Plus is BAE.

Red sex toys! On cookies! Fun Factory Volta, LELO Mona 2, and Avant D5

Fun Factory Volta, a LELO Mona 2, and a Blush Avant D5 rock the reds. The Volta's tips can flut­ter against the cli­toris, split along the sides of a penis, and so on against your exter­nal junk. Like all Fun Factory vibra­tors, it has a basslike rum­ble. In con­trast, the Mona is basic and sim­ple, but far more ver­sa­tile for inter­nal and exter­nal stimulation.

Sex toy cookies with Femmefunn Ultra Bullet, Avant D6, VeDO Crazzy Bunny

The Avant D6 (D5's sib­ling) puts a new twist on clas­sic fuch­sia and teal. Alongside are the Femmefunn Ultra Bullet and VeDO Crazzy Bunny (com­pa­ra­ble in pow­er to the VeDO Bam). Both are afford­able and pow­er­ful for the price.

Sex toy cookies with butt stuff: B-Vibe Triplet vibrating anal beads, Rianne S basic plug, FT Gplug

And final­ly, every­one has a butt, so I includ­ed the B‑Vibe Triplet anal beads, Rianne S butt plug, and Fun Toys Bioskin Gplug. The Rianne S plug kit comes in 3 sizes, mak­ing it good for use in anal train­ing. Fun Toys London's Bioskin Gplug, in con­trast, is more for some­one already com­fort­able with anal pen­e­tra­tion but wants some­thing squishy.

Preparing to Decorate the Sugar Cookies

You can bake your sug­ar cook­ies, but my boyfriend ex and I snagged a pre-​baked pack. If you made them your­self, make sure they're com­plete­ly cooled before you start decorating.

  • Measuring cups/​spoons
  • Mixing bowls
  • Stirring spoons
  • Piping bags*
  • Scissors
  • Butter knife

*To save mon­ey, you can also use sand­wich bags and snip the cor­ner off, but they're hard­er to control.

Ingredients for an Easy Alternative to Royal Icing

My boyfriend sifting powdered sugar

If we had a stand mix­er, we'd make roy­al icing with egg whites. But since we don't, we found an easier-​to-​follow recipe for the layperson.

  • 1 cup con­fec­tion­ers' sugar
  • 2 tea­spoons of milk
  • 2 tea­spoons of corn syrup
  • 1/​2 tea­spoon of almond extract (option­al)
  • Food col­or­ing

Stir togeth­er sug­ar and milk until smooth. Mix in corn syrup and almond extract until smooth and glossy.

Mixing the Icing Colors

Swirling black food coloring on white sugar cookie icing

Before you start divid­ing the icing, decide what your col­or scheme will be and how much to make of each. After all, you prob­a­bly have lim­it­ed pip­ing bags, ingre­di­ents, and time to mix colors.

Choosing a palette to rep­re­sent sex toys is almost painful­ly pre­dictable: pink and pur­ple top the list, fol­lowed by blue and black. I also threw in some red for vari­ety, and white and sil­ver for accents. Of course, I had to leave some white! How could you show­case the most pop­u­lar sex toys with­out includ­ing the Magic Wand?

Drizzling ribbons of gray sugar cookie icing back into the bowl

We used two com­bo packs of liq­uid food col­or­ing: one with the tra­di­tion­al red, blue, leaf green, yel­low, and one with "neon" pink, blue, lime green, and pur­ple. We also need­ed black and grey. For that, you can buy pre-​made black food col­or­ing, but we mixed our own with 5 parts blue, 3 parts red, and 2 parts yellow.

Check the Consistency

Take a spoon­ful of icing and drib­ble rib­bons back into the bowl. If it takes 2–3 sec­onds before the rib­bons sink and dis­ap­pear back into the rest of the icing, you can pro­ceed! If not, add more milk or pow­dered sug­ar as needed.

Prepping the Bags

Me showing visually the proper way to hold an piping bag while filling it with icing

Fold the top of a pip­ing bag out and down. With the top of the bag out-​of-​the-​way, you can eas­i­ly access the bottom.

Squeegeeing a bag of black icing

Hold the bag under the fold with one hand (kind of like you would hold a rolled con­dom) and start spoon­ing in the icing with the other.

Use the hand out­side the bag to squeeze the icing off the spoon. Using some­thing with a straight edge, like a knife guard or the straight side of a but­ter knife, squeegee the icing towards the tip.

7 bags of DIY sugar cookie icing, colors mixed and ready to go: black, gray, purple, blue, red, pink, white

Twist the top of the bag to keep the icing squeezed to the bot­tom of the bag. Repeat as need­ed with the oth­er col­ors. Snip a tiny part of the tip when you're ready. Remember: you can always cut more off if you need to, but you can't put back part of the tip if you cut off too much.

Using the Icing to Draw

Holding the Piping Bag Properly

My boyfriend demonstrates the proper way to hold an icing bag

The eas­i­est way to hold a pip­ing bag is to have your dom­i­nant hand hold the bot­tom part of the icing pack like a pen­cil, squeez­ing the icing out.

At the same time, the oth­er hand holds the bag around the twist. Holding the bag like this keeps the icing towards the tip and makes it eas­i­er to control.

Basic Steps for the Design

There are sev­er­al dif­fer­ent ways to dec­o­rate the cook­ies. For exam­ple, you can start with the doo­dle first and add the back­ground around it. Alternatively, you can spoon a smooth back­ground on first before pip­ing the design on top.

The Overall Icing Drawing Process

I started piping the njoy Pure Plug outline

It's quite sim­ple: out­line the area, fill it in, and repeat.

The out­line gives the icing a bound­ary to stay inside. Fill in the space while the out­line is still wet. Lightly shake the cook­ies to smooth the icing. Repeat with oth­er areas.

Ideally, there would be two con­sis­ten­cies for each col­or: a thick one for out­lin­ing and a thin one for flood­ing the area. We already had so many col­ors, though, that we used one con­sis­ten­cy to save time.

I add white

Once the pre­vi­ous areas have dried, it's final­ly time for the but­tons, bor­ders, etc.!

If you do this before the last lay­ers have dried, the col­ors will sink into the icing instead of sit­ting on top. If you like that look, go for it, but think about that before you decorate.

Sex Toy Sugar Cookies DIY Recap

Decorating sug­ar cook­ies with icing is one of many enjoy­able ways to build team­work as a cou­ple! If one part­ner isn't artis­ti­cal­ly or culi­nar­i­ly inclined, the task is slight­ly chal­leng­ing. However, the gen­er­al idea behind out­lin­ing and flood­ing is sim­ple enough to be fun.

Close-up of the DIY njoy Pure Wand and Pure Plug cookie. It has a pink background and white stitching, and sits next to the Femmefunn Ultra Bullet cookie and the Hitachi cookie

Even though cir­cum­stances have changed a lot, this activ­i­ty brought me back to the days when my boyfriend and I start­ed dating.

Of course, you can use this easy icing recipe to out­line and flood oth­er shapes than sex toys. Halloween is com­ing up, after all. But I'm a dil­dol­o­gist, and this kind of thing is my boyfriend's and my idea of fun. If you had a free night in to dec­o­rate cook­ies, what would you draw? Maybe a uni­corn? Or a were­wolf? Or maybe to you, sex toys are just as magical.

Thank you so much to Couples' Toy Store for spon­sor­ing this post!

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4 Responses

  1. Quinn Rhodes says:

    I'm hav­ing a lot of fun look­ing through some of your old­er posts and while I'm sure I've said this before I fuck­ing LOVE this idea. Your dec­o­rat­ed cook­ies are incred­i­ble and while I know I won't be able to make them this neat I think I'm going to try this as a solo-​date for Valentine's Day this year!

  2. G says:

    These are so well done and so colorful!!

  3. Jay says:

    This is such a fun idea! This would also make a fun friend activ­i­ty, as my friends and I bake a lot togeth­er, but we’ve nev­er done sug­ar cook­ie dec­o­rat­ing. I real­ly enjoyed this type of per­son­al, activity-​based post; l’d love to read more like it.

  4. Shelby Di Martino says:

    I love that not only did you give us the recipe for this, but you described what you put on the cook­ies as well. This is so cute as a date and get­ting to see into your life is awesome.

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