Je Joue Uma Review: Rumbly Mid-Sized Vibrator 6

Je Joue Uma Review: Rumbly Mid-Sized Vibrator

On paper, the Je Joue Uma looked like every­thing I was look­ing for. The Je Joue Uma has many hall­marks of a ver­sa­tile toy. It has a bulging, gen­tle curve that…

6 Reasons Why "Vibrator Addiction" is BULLSHIT 7

6 Reasons Why "Vibrator Addiction" is BULLSHIT

Even the most sup­port­ive friends can have mis­con­cep­tions. "I don't know how you still have sen­si­tiv­i­ty," I often hear when I talk about my We-​​Vibe Tango. "Don't vibra­tors numb you? I mean,…

California Exotics Embrace G Wand review: triple motor rechargeable vibrator 8

California Exotics Embrace G Wand review: triple motor rechargeable vibrator

The ver­sa­til­i­ty cov­ers all bases for me. It's deli­cious for quick­ies and long ses­sions alike. It's like when you're rel­ish­ing a meal and move from appe­tiz­er to main course to dessert and think, "Damn, any one of those dish­es would have hit the spot on its own, but the meal is so ele­vat­ed as a whole because every­thing adds on to every­thing else and synergizes."