Honey Play Box Oly Review: Bluetooth Remote Vibrator 1

Honey Play Box Oly Review: Bluetooth Remote Vibrator

What’s hot­ter than remote-​​controlling a partner’s panty vibe? Imagine the siz­zling sub­tleties that could lay­er into it, even when you're not around oth­er peo­ple. Never under­es­ti­mate the pow­er of grinding…

BestVibe Phoenix self-thrusting monster cock in hand

BestVibe Phoenix Self-Thrusting Monster Dildo Review

Wobble baby, wob­ble baby, wob­ble baby, wob­ble. Get in there! (Yeah, yeah!) I was not expect­ing the BestVibe Phoenix to move the way it did. Self-​​thrusting? Yes. A big, beautiful,…

Domina Decoded: 5 Femdom Principles for Male Obedience 2

Domina Decoded: 5 Femdom Principles for Male Obedience

Master female dom­i­nance and male sub­mis­sion, rule over him, and have him eat­ing out of your hand. Men's myr­i­ad moti­va­tions for sex go beyond the phys­i­cal release — even with the…

Foria CBD-infused anal sex suppositories and Intimacy Sex Oil among peaches

Foria CBD Booty Melts & Intimacy Oil: First Impressions

Foria is known for cannabis-​​infused sen­su­al care prod­ucts — weed lube and cramp-​​combatting CBD, any­one? And they've added Booty Melts, specif­i­cal­ly for butt stuff, to their line­up! These sup­pos­i­to­ries enhance…

Uberrime Kraken's Revenge artisanal silicone tentacle dildo in hand

Uberrime Kraken's Revenge Tentacle Dildo Review

I did say that the Kraken's Revenge ten­ta­cle dil­do was the most extra Uberrime design I had ever seen, but then again, that entire stu­dio is known for extra cartoony…

Mystique Venus Vibe Review: Rabbit With Flower Petals 4

Mystique Venus Vibe Review: Rabbit With Flower Petals

Calling cli­toral tex­ture fiends! The Mystique Venus Vibe’s flow­er­ing bud and branch­ing “stem” are juu­ust the right soft­ness to press up on my cli­toris with every thrust — deli­cious­ly delicate…

Y2K Rainbows: An Iridescent Glass Plug & Curved Pastel Dildo 5

Y2K Rainbows: An Iridescent Glass Plug & Curved Pastel Dildo

This gleam­ing glass dil­do turned my friend on to hard­er mas­sagers for years to come. And equal­ly aes­thet­i­cal­ly allur­ing is this dil­do with a stri­at­ed, rainbow-​​sunset pas­tel palette. What’s a girl…