Fun Factory Darling Devil Battery+ vibrator review

There are few vibra­tors as cheeky in design as the Darling Devil. Fun Factory's past mus­es have includ­ed ocean waves, flow­ers, and vul­vas, but this one best epit­o­mizes Fun Factory's play­ful exper­i­men­ta­tion with shape and color.

Fun Factory Darling Devil Red

This Fun Factory Darling Devil is first a rab­bit /​ dual-​stimulating vibra­tor. Its slight­ly bent neck stim­u­lates the G‑spot, A‑spot or prostate, while the exter­nal "tail" stim­u­lates the cli­toris. There are also waves of tex­ture, most promi­nent along the back of the shaft, and very mild at the front.

Being the dark­er coun­ter­part to the Wicked Wings vibra­tor, the Darling Devil comes in red and black. These two col­ors are not super com­mon in toys for vagi­nas, but they fit the char­ac­ter of the toy and make it that much more delight­ful to look at.

Tl;dr the Darling Devil is cute AF, but if you're think­ing of get­ting a tex­tured Fun Factory Battery+ toy, I think you should get the Abby. It's just as tex­tured, but with­out the rab­bit attachment's limitations.

Fun Factory's Battery+ rechargeable vibrator line

The Darling Devil gives you the con­ve­nience of pop­ping in charged bat­ter­ies and play­ing right away, and the eco-​friendliness of recharging.

I might get sent to sex toy review­er jail for this, but… at any giv­en time, only three or so vibra­tors in my col­lec­tion have any bat­tery juice at all. Sometimes I just don't want to wait to charge a vibe — that's actu­al­ly a huge part of why I use my beloved Eroscillator so often.

The Battery+ line allows users to buy a charg­ing cord to recharge AAA bat­ter­ies while inside the vibe. And despite the bad rap that AAA vibra­tors usu­al­ly get, Fun Factory's Battery+ motors are very well-executed.

Fun Factory Darling Devil Battery+ vibrator review 1

Fun Factory's unique and rumbly AF vibrations

Even the high­est of the four speeds is deep, with a rich­er tim­bre than any oth­er AAA-​powered toy I've tried. Instead of a buzz or a hum, Fun Factory's vibra­tions sound more like a bass slight­ly wob­bling, "voomvoomvooomvoomvoom". There's a flut­ter to the low­er set­tings, and as you turn the speed up, the vibra­tions become buzzi­er and more uniform.

For com­par­i­son, con­sid­er the bare-​bones Blush Gaia Eco — shock­ing­ly pow­er­ful for a $10, AA-​powered vibra­tor. Its high­est speed is a lit­tle more pow­er­ful than the Darling Devil's low­est speed, but the types of pow­er are very dif­fer­ent. The Gaia Eco has less depth and a high­er pitch, sound­ing like a toy helicopter.

Meanwhile, when I first held the Darling Devil in my hand and pressed my elbow against a wood­en table, my boyfriend mis­took the sound for a car pulling up out­side. It's not loud, nor is it super pow­er­ful— I'd say its pow­er is only mod­er­ate. However, the vibra­tions' audi­ble depth, jit­ter, and range of motion trans­late to a more dimen­sion­al sense of move­ment. With the Darling Devil on my cli­toris, my orgasms are notice­ably longer and more expan­sive than with oth­er AA or AAA toys.

Fun Factory Darling Devil battery+rumbly silicone rabbit vibrator review

Using the Fun Factory Darling Devil externally

The motor ends about halfway up the shaft, mean­ing that this mid­point has the high­est vibra­tion con­cen­tra­tion. This set­up would be a dream for users who love broad, mod­er­ate­ly pow­er­ful vibra­tion, or tex­tures against their exter­nal junk.

I can still some­what tar­get the vibra­tions by using the back of the shaft, press­ing the waves' edges against my cli­toris. The tex­tures and tim­bre make the Darling Devil a wel­come addi­tion to my collection.

If you're a diehard pin­point pres­sure prince(ss), though, using the tip cli­toral­ly is a no-​go. For one, flex­i­ble sil­i­cone com­pris­es the entire tip, damp­en­ing the vibra­tions. Aside from sen­sa­tion, there's anoth­er, more objec­tive rea­son this toy isn't great for pressure.

The devil's horns: cute but cumbersome

The horns are nar­row and a bit more del­i­cate than I'm com­fort­able with. Repeated pres­sure stretch­es and strains the con­nec­tion where the horns meet the head of the toy. If you're real­ly reck­less, you could break a horn off.

Fun Factory Darling Devil Black

This shouldn't be a big deal when used for vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion. However, as some­one who likes firm pres­sure on my cli­toris, I real­ly need to be care­ful with push­ing the tip against my bony vul­va. I real­ly wish the horns were thick­er at the base, because as they are, they're a gim­mick at best and a hin­drance at worst.

What about as a dual stimulator?

I nor­mal­ly hate rab­bits, but I'm pleas­ant­ly sur­prised to dis­cov­er that I actu­al­ly real­ly like this dual stimulator's fit. I think the cli­toral arm is genius— it has just enough flex­i­bil­i­ty to meet my cli­toris and main­tain pres­sure while I thrust.

If you have an aver­age or low-​set cervix, the Darling Devil and Fun Factory Abby are great A‑spot explo­ration toys. While this vibra­tor only has 4.6" of insertable length, I find that it's angled enough for me to eas­i­ly aim at my A‑spot.

When pushed all the way in, the thrust­ing can stim­u­late my A‑spot and cli­toris at the same time. Targeting my shal­low G‑spot is doable but not as easy as A‑spotting because the sil­i­cone is flexible.

All of this comes with the dis­claimer that everyone's anato­my is dif­fer­ent. My clit-​vag gap is a remark­ably aver­age 1 inch long, giv­ing me the priv­i­lege of eas­i­ly align­ing rab­bit vibes. Your mileage will vary, depend­ing on the rel­a­tive spac­ing among your vagi­nal open­ing, cli­toris, G‑spot, and A‑spot.

So who would I recommend or not recommend the Fun Factory Darling Devil to?

Fun Factory Darling Devil Red Thumbnail

There's plen­ty to love about the Darling Devil, espe­cial­ly if you're a begin­ner exploring.

  • There's the hybrid bat­tery system
  • The motor is rumbly
  • It's angled at the tip
  • There's mild tex­ture to exper­i­ment with
  • It's an okay size if you don't need lots of length or girth.

But if those are the main fea­tures that appeal to you, I encour­age you to look at the rest of the Battery+ line first. Many oth­er designs car­ry the same perks with few­er of the drawbacks.

Fun Factory Darling Devil Battery+ vibrator review 2

The Abby G is the most com­pa­ra­ble. It's about the same size (but with­out the rab­bit arm) and has tex­tures along the front of the shaft. Front-​facing tex­ture rubs against my G‑spot and A‑spot and does way more for me than back-​facing tex­ture. The Mr. Boss is my next sug­ges­tion: a lit­tle longer with one pro­nounced ridge and some tex­ture towards the base.

Sure, the Abby G and Mr. Boss don't have horns, and maybe they're not as cute, but the horns are exact­ly the Darling Devil's Achilles' heel. I await the day that the horns get a more stur­dy redesign. Until then, I keep the Darling Devil on my night­stand only to savor the tex­tured shaft's rum­ble against my clit.

Want to get a Fun Factory Darling Devil?

You can find the Darling Devil at Peepshow Toys. Take 10% off with coupon code SUPERSMASHCACHE

Find oth­er rad Fun Factory toys at SheVibe! I also rec­om­mend lots of water-​based lube, since Fun Factory's sil­i­cone is very mat­te and draggy.

I received this vibra­tor from SheVibe in exchange for my freely giv­en and hon­est review.

If you enjoy my reviews and want to sup­port my writ­ing, con­sid­er clear­ing your cook­ies and buy­ing from my links next time you're shop­ping for sex toys. It makes no dif­fer­ence in cost to you, but brings me a com­mis­sion and helps keep this web­site running!

Fun Factory Darling Devil Battery+ vibrator review 3

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5 Responses

  1. Mary says:

    Have you also tried the wicked wing vibra­tor? If so, which one is best: dar­ling dev­il or wicked wings?

  2. G says:

    I real­ly love the red in the pictures.

  3. C says:

    This is such an inter­est­ing design, it reminds me of a joke design Kenton of Funkit did, called the Dildevil. That’s not to say I wouldn’t give this a chance, but the horns seem like they’d be very pokey ?

  4. Ali says:

    I have always loved Fun Factory toys. I real­ly enjoyed read­ing your review. While this vibra­tor does look awe­some, I wish the horns were less frag­ile. The Abby G looks like a great alter­na­tive though.

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