Rideable Humping Vibrator Review: Liberator Wanda & VibePad 2

Mounted, hands-​free, rideable vibrators for the straddler who loves riding face.
Liberator Wanda with Magic Wand Rechargeable, VibePad 2, and Ruby Glow Blush humpable vibrators

Over the years, peo­ple have found my blog by Googling the fol­low­ing terms:

  • “doing splits on mag­ic wand”
  • “asian chick cli­toris vibrator”
  • "cyber­punk panam abs"

I hope they weren’t too sore­ly dis­ap­point­ed at what they saw. Fast-​forward to now, and my read­ers are prob­a­bly com­ing for the mount­able vibra­tor reviews and stay­ing for the pho­tos of me rid­ing a Magic Wand.

That’s the theme of today’s sex toy review: mount­ed, near­ly hands-​free, ride­able vibra­tors for the strad­dler who loves rid­ing face. Each of the fol­low­ing comes with sweet perks, and I’m here to help you decide which one is for you.

The tl;dr version of this humpable vibrator review

I love to trib and frot, and there’s no short­age of toys I want to grind on. However, there’s a time and place to stick to the tried-​and-​true classics.

Sitting on a Liberator Wanda mount with Magic Wand massager

The Liberator Wanda wand mount is my favorite item in this post, while the Ruby Glow Blush is phe­nom­e­nal as a G‑spotter but “meh” as a ride-​on vibra­tor for my body. And the VibePad 2? Expressing my dis­ap­point­ment will save oth­ers from mak­ing the same mis­take. There’s an ide­al user who will love the Vibepad 2’s flut­ter­ing tongue and dual motors, but I’m not one of them.

First, I’ll start with the good news: if you’re on the fence about the Liberator Wanda, get one.

Liberator Wanda mount review

Unlock next-​level-​intensity orgasms with a wand mas­sager, but hands-​free! Lower your­self onto your throne and light­ly rock your hips until you’ve had an orgasm or twen­ty.

Straddling and riding a Liberator Wanda mount with Magic Wand massager

The user doesn’t have to man­u­al­ly hold the wand against their junk because their body weight is doing all the work. What more could a face-​humping pil­low princess ask of ride­able vibra­tors for women?

Furthermore, you can use the Liberator Wanda to slot in the self-​propelling Velvet Thruster Prime fuck­ing machines if you use the part­ner play attach­ment. We'll focus on the wand-​mounting aspect for now, though.

How the Liberator Wanda makes my favorite wand massagers even better

There are two main ways to posi­tion on top of the Liberator Wanda Magic Wand mount:

  • Straddle it from the top and sit on the wand head
  • Lie down under the mas­sager while it press­es against you; you’re sand­wiched between the cush­ion and the wand head

Straddling and riding a Magic Wand mount

Adding ele­va­tion makes it way eas­i­er to enjoy and ride a toy since you don’t have to bend your knees as much or strain your hips to get ade­quate force push­ing back up at you. Place this wand mount on a bed, the floor, or a chair. It’s up to you.

Liberator Wanda cushion mount for Magic Wand massager vibrator

(Yes, that applies to dil­dos and dicks, too! Place the Liberator Wanda sex cush­ion under the penis-owner’s butt or tell them to push up their hips for deep­er pen­e­tra­tion.)

This posi­tion­ing option is best with a full-​sized wand whose neck isn’t too too flex­i­ble, so the Doxy Die Cast and Magic Wand are prime can­di­dates! Another fan­tas­tic fit is pair­ing the Liberator Wanda with the We-​Vibe Wand 2's Bluetooth remote compatibility.

Since the slot’s inner diam­e­ter is about 2.1”, a com­pact mini-​wand wouldn’t fit snug­ly enough to give you the resis­tance and “oomph” you’d prob­a­bly want against your clit (or balls or dick since wands can be used on penis­es, too).

Doxy Die Cast aluminum wand massager

Another way to position yourself on the Liberator Wanda

If you want to rest your hips between the wand and the cush­ion, the head’s slight flex­i­bil­i­ty is an asset; it can com­fort­ably clamp on your clit as you adjust the wand’s height. While you get the most sta­bil­i­ty when the top 5.8” of the Magic Wand sticks out, you can cer­tain­ly move it up, push your hips for­ward, and still get plen­ty of pressure.

Liberator’s suu­u­per dense polyurethane foam is firm and sup­port­ive, main­tain­ing its shape as you sit on its exte­ri­or or push the wand han­dle against its inte­ri­or. It’s not squishy like a pil­low. It has a lit­tle give at the cor­ners and edges, though, and the remov­able velvet-​like cov­er feels quite lush.

Liberator Wanda Magic Wand mount measurements

Here are the main Liberator Wanda mea­sure­ments you need to know:

Wand positioning

  • The wand rests at about 48 degrees 
  • 5.8” stick­ing out at minimum
  • Though you can posi­tion the mas­sager high­er up

Internal measurements

  • 2.1” slot width
  • 7” slot length

Remember that wand cords and adapters would have to feed through this closed tunnel.

External measurements

  • 20” total length
  • 11” “seat” length
  • 11” max­i­mum width
  • 8” max­i­mum height

The downsides to the Liberator Wanda

One big down­side is that, to adjust the speed set­ting, you may have to pull the wand out a lit­tle to expose the but­tons and push it back into the slot.

The excep­tion? The We-​Vibe Wand 2, thanks to its Bluetooth smart­phone remote control!

Liberator’s prod­ucts also strike me as being made for thin peo­ple. If your hips are on the big­ger side, and you intend to sit behind the wand rather than on top of it, you may want to use the Liberator Wanda on a chair or couch or against a wall or head­board. That way, you have the back for addi­tion­al support.

You win some, you lose some. There’s no such thing as a per­fect sex toy, after all.

Sitting on the Liberator Wanda rideable Magic Wand vibrator mount

Closing thoughts on the Liberator Wanda

Practically every­one rec­og­nizes the Magic Wand, but only some give it the ver­sa­til­i­ty or rev­er­ence it deserves. The angling of the Liberator Wanda wand mount means I have options for strad­dling the wand head and lying under it.

It takes the crème de la crème of cli­toral crush­ers and makes it even eas­i­er to bul­ly your bits with extreme intensity.

And wow, who would have thought? My Instagram fol­low­ers loved see­ing me strad­dle a vibra­tor through my shorts. Is the appeal how my ass looks, or imag­in­ing how hard I’ve been clench­ing when I cum?

Probably both. 

🙌 Take 10% off the Liberator Wanda 🙌

Use dis­count code SUPER at Betty's Toy Box. The coupon also applies sitewide to oth­er items in your cart!

Rideable Humping Vibrator Review: Liberator Wanda & VibePad 2 1

Other positioning aids and wand add-ons to check out

Universal wand harness by Wand Essentials

Already got a favorite pil­low to hump? This wand har­ness gives you a quick and cheap way to strap your mas­sager to it. Ride on.

Velvet Thruster easy reach handle

Screw it to the base of a Velvet Prime and slot it into the Wanda.

Bananapants Bumpher

This grind­ing sil­i­cone sad­dle has (as the name sug­gests) bumps to grind up against the vul­va. It’s like the B.cush I tried, but with a pock­et that fits over a dil­do base or wand head. Pressure and vibra­tions and squish? Yum.

Body Dock Lap Strap

Wrap it around a thigh, pil­low, or chair seat of your choice (up to 30" around) and pop on your favorite suc­tion cup dildo.

Rideable Humping Vibrator Review: Liberator Wanda & VibePad 2 2

Liberator Wing dildo mount

Same foam sup­port. Great for inserta­bles of mod­er­ate diam­e­ter. You could even slot in a rab­bit vibra­tor you love for hands-​free blend­ed orgasms.

I’m par­tial to mount­ing the Santa Cruz Coaster, but its anato­my align­ment is very spe­cif­ic. Make sure to read my full review of it before get­ting one.

That brings me to the next in my review queue: a humpable vibra­tor explic­it­ly meant to be a dual (or even triple) stimulator.

The Ruby Glow has been dis­con­tin­ued, but here's my old review of it if you're curi­ous about this piece of sex toy history.
Rocks-Off Ruby Glow Blush humpable vibrator with removable base

Rocks-Off Ruby Glow Blush review

The Ruby Glow Blush can send my gasps into “Oh gosh, you sound like your get­ting stabbed” ter­ri­to­ry — but prob­a­bly not in the way you think.

It is a self-​contained, recharge­able sad­dle vibra­tor with a twist: the Ruby Glow Blush detach­es from its flat base, doing dou­ble duty as a cli­toral grinder and a G‑spot ham­mer. And that lat­ter pur­pose is where it takes over my body.

Just look at that cur­va­ture. UGGGHHHHH. It eas­i­ly press­es on my front wall with the slight­est tilt of the han­dle and mesh­es against the dip of my pubic bone — right where my G‑spot is the most help­less. And the vibra­tions in the tip motor? Zingy but pret­ty strong.

With that shape and firm­ness, it’s all about focus and pre­ci­sion. This vibra­tor doesn’t need to be huge to anni­hi­late my insides and make me cry as the Joue G‑Kii does.

Rocks-Off Ruby Glow Blush G-spot vibrator in hand

Ruby Glow Blush vibrator measurements

Here’s how the Ruby Glow Blush vibra­tor lit­er­al­ly mea­sures up:

Without base
  • 1.25” max­i­mum head diameter
  • 1” neck diameter
  • 3.3” insertable length*
  • 7.4” total length
With base
  • 2.9” high at the first bump
  • 2.3” high at the sec­ond bump
  • 3.4” from the apex of the high­est hump to the second-​highest hump**

* The prod­uct page on SheVibe says that the Ruby Glow Blush has 5” of insertable length, and I don’t quite agree with that. Can you insert that much? Sure. Is it going to be com­fort­able? Probably not, with the cur­va­ture and how steep the swelling at the sec­ond bump is.

** That last mea­sure­ment from hump to hump will mat­ter sig­nif­i­cant­ly in the next sec­tion when I unpack how it felt for me as a ride-​on vibrator.

Rocks-Off Ruby Glow Blush rideable vibrator side view

How the Ruby Glow Blush feels when mounted

This vibra­tor was osten­si­bly meant to bump up against the cli­toris and the vagi­nal open­ing simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. That comes with the issue inher­ent to sex toys that try to do too much at once: the spac­ing between cli­torides and vagi­nas varies! And that means that not every dual stim­u­la­tor will suit your anato­my.

While it would have been cool to feel the vibra­tions against my cli­toris and vagi­na, that’s not where the hilly peaks of the Ruby Glow Blush land. Remember: the dis­tance on this toy is about 3.4”. Meanwhile, my clit-​vag gap is approx­i­mate­ly 1”.

What does that mean for me? The Ruby Glow Blush’s cas­cad­ing con­tours hit my cli­toris and booty­hole when I ride. And that’s… fine, I guess, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to buy an exter­nal vibra­tor that does that.

(A butt plug that spins to sim­u­late lick­ing, though? I could get used to that.)

(Spoiler alert: the VibePad 2’s spac­ing is also far­ther apart than I’d like.)

Everything else you need to know about the Ruby Glow Blush

So let’s say the Rocks-​Off Ruby Glow Blush hap­pens to line up with your junk the way you want it to. Let’s talk about the motors — yes, plural.

Rocks-Off Ruby Glow Blush vibrator control panel and magnetic charging contacts

Vibration quality

The motor in the tip is a lit­tle deep­er, with three speeds mea­sur­ing 80, 90, and 100 Hz. I can’t com­plain about its strength. Meanwhile, the motor in the mid­dle hump is buzzy AF, at 138, 152, and 164 Hz, and feels very surface-​level. I enjoy the for­mer and don't like the latter.


There's a remote con­trol, along with two but­tons on the vibe itself. One cycles through the set­tings for the tip motor and the oth­er for the shaft motor. 3 steady speeds and 7 pat­terns each.

I don’t give a fuck about each of the rhythm set­tings, aside from one that’s rem­i­nis­cent of the Mission: Impossible theme song’s beat.

Noise level

The sound was quite promi­nent when the vibra­tor rat­tled in its hard plas­tic base. To reduce the vol­ume, I high­ly rec­om­mend rest­ing it on a soft sur­face and apply­ing pres­sure as soon as pos­si­ble — whether with your hand or your hips.

Rocks-Off Ruby Glow Blush base micro-USB charging port

Closing thoughts on the Ruby Glow Blush

This vibra­tor rocks my world as an insertable, but rid­ing it is a no for me. Your mileage may vary.

Do you like firm pres­sure against your G‑spot? Voluptuously curved instru­ments that hook against your inter­nal cli­toris with brava­do, just slight­ly past the pubic bone? Then get the Ruby Glow Blush and vibe responsibly.

VibePad 2 licking vibrator review

Don’t be so cap­ti­vat­ed by fan­tasies of trib­bing on the flut­ter­ing tongue that you for­get the short­com­ings of dual stimulators.

Rocks-Off Ruby Glow Blush vs. VibePad 2 rideable vibrators for women

As with the Ruby Glow Blush, the VibePad 2 vibrates my clit and my ass, with the shal­low hills about 3.6” apart, and I’m not into that.

It's rumbly. Its wire­less remote con­trol recharge­able inter­face for inde­pen­dent­ly man­ag­ing the motors is cool, I guess. And so is the warm­ing option, and so are the pat­terns where the motors alter­nate. However, form fol­lows func­tion, and the fan­cy doo­dads won’t com­pen­sate for the mis­aligned shape — or the price tag.

Is the flut­ter­ing tongue’s nov­el­ty flashy on cam­era? Sure. But I’ve seen sim­i­lar func­tions on stand­alone cli­toral vibra­tors for cheaper.

There’s no ratio­nal­iz­ing it: I spent plen­ty of time tex­ting friends while sit­ting on the VibePad 2, bored because it sim­ply isn’t for me. I’m express­ing dis­ap­point­ment so you won’t have to expe­ri­ence it first­hand. It’s such a shame when I took so many love­ly pic­tures of the VibePad 2, but I just don’t have enough fucks to give about dis­cussing this vibra­tor any further.

More mountable or hands-free sex toys

Beyond the Liberator Wanda and Wing, here are a few oth­er hands-​free sex toys I’d rec­om­mend, whether you:

  • Are a lazy masturbator
  • Want to free up your hands for oth­er forms of stimulation
  • Have lim­it­ed mobil­i­ty and need some help with positioning

Some of these toys are cli­toral, some insertable, and some dual stimulators.

Velvet Thruster with suction cup

This self-​thrusting dil­do fucks with flaw­less con­sis­ten­cy at 136 strokes per minute. Its bar­rel cam mech­a­nism yields a 3” long thrust length, which feels sur­pris­ing­ly real­is­tic for how mechan­i­cal it is.

Cy from Super Smash Cache holding the Velvet Thruster Prime Sammie while it's suction cupped to a mirror

No oth­er fuck­ing machine of this size class that I’ve tried comes close to the Velvet Thrusters’ pow­er. My cervix is pleased by the dopamine ejec­tion — if rid­ing a dil­do is cocaine, this thruster is like crack.

My favorite Velvet Thruster mod­els are:

Read my full Velvet Thruster Prime Edward review.

California Dreaming self-thrusting G-spot rabbit vibrator accordion mechanism

California Dreaming Santa Cruz Coaster

I know it’s a lit­tle hyp­o­crit­i­cal to be salty about dual stim­u­la­tors and then rec­om­mend one, but hear me out: I don’t often find rab­bit vibra­tors that fit me, and the Santa Cruz Coaster is my one-​handed (or no-​handed) blend­ed orgasm soulmate.

See my full Santa Cruz Coaster review for mea­sure­ments and siz­ing pre­cau­tions before you get one! You’ll prob­a­bly love it if your bits are spaced close togeth­er like mine.

Twitch Innovation by Shots

Another cool piece of sex toy history

This suc­tion toy isn’t super intu­itive to use hands-​free, but once it latch­es on, wooooaahhh.

Shots Twitch Innovation suction vibrator

I’ll quote my past self:

The Twitch Innovation’s sil­i­cone bris­tles and flaps need only the slight­est graz­ing to dri­ve me wild. The vibra­tions behind it rum­ble the lit­tle tick­lers, the two “tongues,” and the “lip.”

[Its] fil­a­ments have round­ed tips and are juu­ust the right soft­ness. The suc­tion inten­si­fies that, and the com­bi­na­tion makes me insta-​come with­out feel­ing abrasive.

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suc­tion vibe review

Finally, because I have a recur­ring qualm with my goril­la grip coochie stop­ping thrust­ing toys, be sure to check out my shop­ping guide for the best hands-​free self-​thrusting dil­do experience

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1 Response

  1. Trix says:

    I didn’t know about a lot of these—the Bumpher and Pillow Talk Lusty par­tic­u­lar­ly appeal!

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