Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review

"A new kind" of sex toy, or just hype?

The Her Ultimate Pleasure's all-​in-​one lick­ing and suck­ing con­trap­tion became a viral sen­sa­tion — and oth­er mak­ers want­ed to cap­i­tal­ize on the trend. Fluttery and flick­ery vibra­tors are grow­ing in vari­ety. Clitoral suc­tion toys are poised to move from the fetish realm to the mainstream.

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 1

I don't think many sex toy fanat­ics would say, "NO, I DON'T want to try more sen­sa­tions beyond con­ven­tion­al vibra­tion AT ALL." Even the salti­est of us would at least be curious.

That's why I've grouped three such toys in this review. All of them fea­ture "tongue" flick­er­ing or suction:

I'll be upfront about where the Destiny, Dreamy, and Twitch rank in my collection, though:

They don't come close to the Fun Factory Volta's flut­ter OR the NU Sensuelle Trintii XLR8's all-​around inten­si­ty for me. However, not every­one wants the absolute strongest sen­sa­tions, so let's talk about the quality-​to-​cost ratio, too.

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 2

Maia Toys Destiny 3-in-1 clitoral suction fluttering vibrator

The Maia Destiny is notably the most afford­able, despite its bells and whis­tles galore. This thing offers true one-​way suc­tion, along with vibra­tions in the han­dle and the flap inside the nozzle.

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 3

What's not to love about the Maia Destiny?

Immediately upon turn­ing it on, my hopes turned into a deject­ed, "Oh…"  The vibra­tion in the head bare­ly trans­fers to the "tongue" at all. I only know it's pow­ered on when I hear the high-​pitched whin­ing and feel some­thing.

It's not much — good luck dis­cern­ing the motor's loca­tion by feel alone. There are vibra­tions some­where in the Maia Destiny's top half, but beyond that, they get lost. There's not much hope for the Maia Toys Destiny's remain­ing flut­ter to trans­fer to my cli­toris, let alone do any­thing for me.

What's to like about the Maia Destiny?

Meanwhile, the handle's vibra­tions are fine, I guess — noth­ing ter­ri­ble and noth­ing amaz­ing across its 3 steady speeds and (UGH!) 12 pat­terns. It's just a 4 out of 10 on my (sub­jec­tive) inten­si­ty scale. I do appre­ci­ate the defined edge on the Maia Destiny's mushroom-​like flare, though. It focus­es the vibra­tion for pin­point sen­sa­tion, while the round­ed end dif­fus­es them a lit­tle if that's what you prefer.

I per­son­al­ly wouldn't insert the tip, though, because the big dip in diam­e­ter would eas­i­ly snag on my pubic bone and be hard to (com­fort­ably) remove.

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 4

The Maia Destiny's only sav­ing grace is how strong the suc­tion is for the price. Rather than back-​and-​forth air puls­es, it pulls air in one direc­tion for bona fide suck­ing and latching.

There are 15 set­tings to choose from on this motor:

  • 1–3 are con­tin­u­ous suc­tion of dif­fer­ent intensities.
  • 5, 6, and 12 are sim­ple pat­terns — not 100% steady, but still con­sis­tent enough to enjoy and climax!
  • Everything else (4, 7–11, 13–15) involves lots of up-​and-​down that does noth­ing for me.

Maia Destiny vs. NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8

What I'd ultimately recommend for intense clitoral suction

Don't let the Maia Destiny's uncon­ven­tion­al facade and bold col­ors fool you; its sen­sa­tions feel bare­ly beyond beige. Maybe get it if you'd pre­fer your stim­u­la­tion on the gen­tler side.

Whatever you decide, you can use my coupon code, SUPERSMASHCACHE for 10% off at Peepshow Toys.

While the Destiny's not ter­ri­ble, I'm stick­ing to my NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8's vrooooom.

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 5

Why pick the NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8 over the Maia Destiny?
  • The Trinitii's han­dle vibra­tions are rum­bli­er and stronger (capa­ble of splash­ing when dipped in water!)
  • Its back-​and-​forth tongue flick­ing is super pin­point and can han­dle more pressure.
  • And it sucks in a good way, too.

In short, the NU Sensuelle Trinitii's design isn't for out­landish shock fac­tor — it's actu­al­ly just the thing for those want­i­ng to go into overwhelmingly-AAAAAH-"forced orgasm" territory.

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 6

Elegance Dreamy clitoral flickering vibrator by Shots

Shots' Elegance Dreamy is the sim­plest toy on this list, with an intu­itive han­dle, a broad lip noz­zle, and a flick­ing tongue.

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 7

I can already sense peo­ple on Instagram com­ment­ing, "Just get a LELO Sona or Womanizer" upon see­ing this thing. But I want to be clear: the Elegance Dreamy is not a suc­tion or pres­sure wave stimulator.

Its raised open­ing is there to help with posi­tion­ing — to let the "tongue" hov­er over your hot spots and flut­ter back-​and-​forth. While the flap can't press too hard, it's nice and rumbly through my cli­toral hood — mak­ing it easy to come on!

The only major down­side is that it can get loud if it's not pressed up against flesh.

The one-​button con­trol is also sim­ple for cycling through the set­tings. Fortunately, the options aren't exces­sive, as with the Maia Destiny. There are 6 func­tions that I can dis­cern on mine, and instead of cycling 1–2‑3–4‑5–6 and back to 1, it goes 1–2‑3–4‑5–6‑5–4‑3–2‑1. I can appre­ci­ate how easy it is to adjust the inten­si­ty and go back down with­out hav­ing to click a gazil­lion times.

Shots Elegance Dreamy vs. other fluttering vibrators

Overall, the Elegance Dreamy by Shots is like a bii­ig upgrade to the Blush Aria Flutter. It's also rum­bli­er than the Satisfyer Flower Power but not as versatile.

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 8

I wouldn't pay full price for the Elegance Dreamy, but I can def­i­nite­ly see why oth­ers would.

It's nowhere near the Fun Factory Volta's inten­si­ty or adapt­abil­i­ty — you can't splay the Elegance Dreamy's tip to enve­lope a penis head or dis­trib­ute broad vibrations.

However, the Dreamy feels good on the cli­toris, frenu­lum, nip­ples, and wal­let for less than half the Volta's price.

Twitch Innovation clitoral fluttering and tickling vibrator

The Twitch Innovation by Shots had the fan­ci­est pre­sen­ta­tion upfront, with its stur­dy terrarium-​like dis­play box. Its pack­ag­ing is about what I'd expect from Shots (basi­cal­ly the dude­bros of Europe's adult nov­el­ty indus­try), but what about the actu­al toy?

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 9

Of the three cli­toral "lick­ing" vibra­tors in this review, I find the Twitch Innovation the most intense.

Like the Dreamy, the Twitch's sil­i­cone bris­tles and flaps need only the slight­est graz­ing to dri­ve me wild. The vibra­tions behind it rum­ble the lit­tle tick­lers, the two "tongues," and the "lip."

If I want to play with both independently-​controlled motors, the suc­tion noz­zle also needs to latch on and form a seal. I'm not sure I'd agree with Twitch Innovation's mar­ket­ing, say­ing it's a hands-​free cli­toral suc­tion toy; posi­tion­ing is finicky for me. To its cred­it, though, its swoop­ing exte­ri­or eas­i­ly fits in my palm.

Once it's set up in the right place, wooooahhh.

I was skep­ti­cal about the bris­tles at first, wor­ry­ing that they'd irri­tate me — my clit usu­al­ly doesn't like direct touch. However, the fil­a­ments have round­ed tips and are juu­ust the right soft­ness. The suc­tion inten­si­fies that, and the com­bi­na­tion makes me insta-​come with­out feel­ing abrasive.


Shots' Twitch Innovation is one of the few wham-​bam all-​in-​one suc­tion toys that I… actu­al­ly like? And it's not too gim­micky for me. While the rumbly vibra­tions trans­fer well through the sil­i­cone, the Twitch Innovation is best for users who like (rel­a­tive­ly) big, fast move­ments with a light touch.

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Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 11
Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 12

Comparison & specs of these clitoral suction/flicking toys

Destiny by Maia ToysElegance Dreamy by ShotsTwitch Innovation by Shots
FUNCTIONS2 vibration motors, suction motor; 15 functions each6 steady vibration speeds10 vibration settings (3 steady speeds), 4 suction settings
VIBRATIONSBuzzy in "tongue," + moderately zingy in handleRumbly, flick-y back-and-forthModerately rumbly fluttering
NOZZLE1.5" long x 1.2" wide x 0.8" deep1.5" long x 1.3" wide x 0.5" deep; "lip" is THICC all around at 0.25"2" long x 1.5" wide x 0.4" deep
TONGUE SIZE0.6" long x 0.4" wide0.3" long x 0.8" wide0.3" long x 0.3" wide "tongues" and 0.1"-ish wide ticklers
TONGUE FIRMNESSMedium-soft, but thickness near the base limits movementRelatively firmMedium-soft, bendy filaments
OVERALL LENGTH7.5"5.5"4.1"
Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 13

Further readings

FWIW, I find that the Trinitii feels way bet­ter than the Fantasy For Her Ultimate Pleasure. 🙂

Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suction vibe review 14

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2 Responses

  1. G says:

    i may seem like a bro­ken box say­ing along the same things but I REALLY adore how you do both com­par­isons in the chart AND the pros and cons of toys while com­par­ing them to e/​o.

  1. April 8, 2021

    […] let’s take a look at Super Smash Cache’s post about the Maia Destiny, Elegance Dreamy, Twitch Innovation suc­tion vibe. They also reviewed another […]

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