Fun Toys Bioskin Gplug vibrating dual-density butt plug review

If you think the sex toy mar­ket is sat­u­rat­ed, I have three words for you: dual-​density butt plugs.

Fun Toys Bioskin Gplug vibrating dual-density butt plug review 1

[Image: The Funtoys London Gplug has a very squishy tip and slightly less squishy sides]
 There aren't that many out there, let alone dual-​density vibrat­ing butt plugs. This lack seems like such a dis­ser­vice when Millennials are known for eat­ing avo­ca­dos and ass.

Sex toy man­u­fac­tur­ers often treat butt toys as an after­thought, so bra­vo to Fun Toys London for offer­ing some­thing fresh with their Bioskin Gplug.

Dual-density? Bioskin????

If you've nev­er heard of dual-​density sex toys before, it's just the slight­ly more tech­ni­cal term for "squishy on the out­side and firm on the inside." With a well-​executed dual-​density dil­do, you have a firm struc­tur­al core for easy thrust­ing, along with squish for com­fort and a more real­is­tic feel.
[Image: The Funtoys London Gplug vibrating dual-density butt plug is available in pink]
The FT London Bioskin Gplug's out­er lay­er, though, doesn't feel like oth­er dual-​density sil­i­cone I've tried— it's soft­er. It's more like there's spongy mem­o­ry foam under the body-​safe sil­i­cone encasing.

As a whole, the toy is body-​safe because, what­ev­er the under­ly­ing mate­r­i­al is, the sil­i­cone exte­ri­or is non-​porous and water­tight. Soap and water are enough to clean it. If you want a more thor­ough clean­ing, use a 10% bleach solu­tion to kill germs. Then wash thor­ough­ly again with soap and water.

General features of the FT London Bioskin Gplug

[Image: the Funtoys London Gplug is technically the same max girth as the B-Vibe Snug Plug, but substantially more tapered]

Fun Toys' sil­i­cone sur­faces always have a gor­geous fin­ish. You'll want to rub the Gplug against your face when you first unpack it. It's not tacky and glossy like Tantus's OG sil­i­cone, nor does it have as much drag as Blush's vel­vety mat­te fin­ish. It feels much smoother and refined. As a lux­u­ry sex toy should.

If I were to take the foam off, the rigid vibrat­ing por­tion would be a bit over 1" wide.  With the foam, it's 1.5" wide and tech­ni­cal­ly the same max girth as my Snug Plug Large, but far more gen­tle due to the taper­ing and squishi­ness. The squish is much more notice­able at the tip than the sides.

Inserting the Gplug

[Image: The Funtoys London Gplug squishy vibrating butt plug has a comfy T-shaped base]

I think this plug is per­fect for warm­ing up to anal inter­course or using more rigid toys. It was my go-​to for that pur­pose when I test­ed the barrel-​shaped Snug Plug 3.

The Gplug's smoother sur­face has lit­tle drag and doesn't demand much lube. I rec­om­mend Sutil Rich or Sliquid Sassy for their gel-​like for­mu­las. You can use just the soft and tapered tip first and insert more as you get more com­fort­able with girth. I find that the Fun Toys Gplug takes longer to enter than the super-​slick, mirror-​polished njoy Pure Plug Large. But it's more enjoy­able on the way in because of how yield­ing it is.

However, it's big enough that I'd rec­om­mend this plug to those expe­ri­enced with butt toys or will­ing to take time using their fin­gers before­hand. If you want to insert it all the way, keep in mind that, despite the squishy tip, the bot­tom of the bulb is rigid.

Wearing the Gplug

[Image: The Funtoys London Gplug's neck is flexible and comfortable]

Once it's in, the Gplug is com­fort­able for long-​term wear, due to it shar­ing many fea­tures with my beloved Snug Plug and njoy Pure Plug.

For one, the base is slen­der and fits between the cheeks. A T‑shaped stop­per makes so much more sense than a round one. The neck is flex­i­ble and bends as you move around. And there's a sig­nif­i­cant size dif­fer­ence between the bulb and neck, help­ing the plug stay in place as you go about your day.

Just like any oth­er butt plug, it gives a sense of full­ness. However, I don't think that to wear the Gplug while you're out would do the most jus­tice to it. Its squish is best appre­ci­at­ed dur­ing vagi­nal inter­course and exper­i­ment­ing with dou­ble penetration.

The Fun Toys Gplug's vibrations

[Image: The Funtoys London Gplug's vibrations are super buzzy]

There are six func­tions on the Fun Toys Gplug: one steady vibra­tion set­ting and five pat­terns. And they are among the buzzi­est I have ever wit­nessed in a recharge­able vibra­tor. Buzzier than my VeDO Bam Mini, even.

Turning on the Gplug made my boyfriend ex gri­mace as if a skunk had just sprayed the air. It gave me flash­backs to when I tried the orig­i­nal Gvibe (before the mini Gvibe came out) and didn't want to ded­i­cate writ­ing 500 words about such fee­ble vibrations.

If it were a cli­toral vibra­tor, whose suc­cess chiefly relied on pow­er and rum­ble, I'd tear it apart. However, because it's a butt plug, I'm will­ing to grant amnesty; my butt is more sen­si­tive to vibra­tions, at least when this plug is on the way in.

For me, this plug's vibra­tions are more to help me relax.[Image: The Funtoys London Gplug's squish is almost as comfortable to thrust anally as the slimmer Blush Novelties Avant Pride toys. Almost.]

That's part of why it's so com­fort­able for me to take con­sume. The Gplug's sym­pho­ny of squish and sub­tle shiv­er­ing make it more enjoy­able to thrust than the stan­dard butt toy.

Overall verdict on the Fun Toys Bioskin Gplug

Anal pen­e­tra­tion can't get me off on its own as deep vagi­nal pen­e­tra­tion can. But using the Gplug inten­si­fies cli­toral orgasms in a way that I can only describe as mes­mer­iz­ing and trance-​like. It gen­tly stretch­es, and I clench around the dual-​density firm­ness. The orgasms are much more pro­found and fuller-bodied.

[Image: Overall, I think the world needs more dual-density butt plugs like the Fun Toys Bioskin Gplug.]

I'll repeat it: it's eas­i­est to appre­ci­ate the Fun Toys London Gplug when pair­ing it with vagi­nal and cli­toral stim­u­la­tion. The out­er lay­er of the plug yields lux­u­ri­ous­ly, but its core still has enough struc­ture to thrust with ease. Other sex toy com­pa­nies should con­sid­er join­ing this gold rush and offer­ing more dual-​density options for butt plugs.

Other sex toys you might like

If you want to try a more afford­able dual-​density dil­do of a sim­i­lar girth to the Gplug, con­sid­er the Blush Real Nude line. Its out­er lay­er isn't as soft as the Gplug's but squishi­er than the stan­dard sil­i­cone that Blush uses in its (already springy) Avant toys. Just make sure to use even more lube!

If you want a more lux­u­ri­ous and realistic-​feeling dil­do of mod­er­ate size, con­sid­er the VixSkin Mustang or VixSkin Raquel. They are quite a bit prici­er, but I don't think any com­pa­ny does dual-​density sil­i­cone bet­ter than Vixen Creations does.

If you still want a vibrat­ing dual-​density toy, I sug­gest stick­ing with the Fun Toys Bioskin Gplug or get­ting the Fun Toys G Jack 2. The G Jack costs sub­stan­tial­ly more than the Gplug but is more pow­er­ful, more squishy, and with more length. And I appre­ci­ate the Gplug at my sphinc­ter, but as I learned with the Snug Plug, length does mat­ter for anal stimulation.

Thank you, Spectrum Boutique!

A sampling of what's available at Spectrum Boutique

Spectrum Boutique sent me the Fun Toys London Bioskin Gplug in exchange for my hon­est and freely-​given review.

As always, all opin­ions expressed are my own and hon­est to the best of my knowl­edge. I also use affil­i­ate links in this post, which bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you. You can shop at Spectrum Boutique and use coupon code SUPERSMASH10 to take 10% off your first order.

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3 Responses

  1. taylor says:

    thanks for the info. (i think part of the prob­lem with the orig­i­nal is it's got a round base rather than this one's t‑bar, and iirc the orig­i­nal *isn't* real­ly recessed.) i am giv­ing seri­ous thought to get­ting the g jack 2 if i get christ­mas loot, though, because green/​ribbed/​options are all things i'm fond of.

  2. qc says:

    Does this still have the super-​annoying "the on/​off/​function change but­ton is on the base and it's real­ly easy to turn it off acci­den­tal­ly" set­up that the orig­i­nal G‑Plug does? (Also so much yes to the crap qual­i­ty of vibrations.)

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