Fun Factory Stronic Surf Pulsator II Self-Thrusting Dildo Review

[Image: Petrol Blue/Teal Fun Factory Stronic Surf Pulsator in my hand, in front of my condom and lube cabinet. The lighting shows much contrast along the shaft's waves]

I wouldn't swim the ocean for Kelsey, but I would do so to tell you how much I love the Fun Factory Stronic Surf.

It's among the newest of the self-​thrusting Stronic pul­sators and the best, by my vagina's stan­dards. That's say­ing a lot, con­sid­er­ing that my review of the Fun Factory Stronic Real began with:

Some sex toys are so good that I strug­gle to write more than, “This toy is amaz­ing. Buy it. You don’t need to read beyond this point, but I need to add more words. Words words words words words.”

Now that I've tried the Fun Factory Stronic Surf and Stronic G as well, I rec­om­mend you do con­tin­ue read­ing. Because the ridged Stronic Surf has topped its pre­de­ces­sors and its sib­lings.

The Stronic Surf was everything I loved about the Stronic Real and more

[Image: side-by-side Fun Factory Stronic Surf, Real, and G pulsator II shape comparison]

Rapid, focused strokes, like a part­ner whose fin­gers won't quit. My entire cli­tourethrovagi­nal com­plex jos­tled to obliv­ion. Ridiculously quick and effort­less orgasms.

"Do I have to take it out?" I whined in my head. Cue pleading-​eyes emo­ji in a pud­dle of lube and body flu­ids. "Can I just leave the Stronic Surf inside me forever?"

That's because nobody else makes  pulsators like Fun ? Factory.

Fun Factory was the first promi­nent sex toy man­u­fac­tur­er to incor­po­rate thud­dy, magnet-​driven weights into lin­ear self-​thrusters, back in 2013. Rather than vibrat­ing or gyrat­ing or expanding-​and-​contracting, the entire unit shut­tles itself back-​and-​forth. Not quite dil­do, but not quite vibra­tor, either.

Other com­pa­nies have incor­po­rat­ed watered-​down imi­ta­tions of the tech­nol­o­gy, but they don't come close. Nobody buys the Zalo Sweet Magic Desire for its pow­er— they buy it for its del­i­cate opu­lence. The self-​propelled Fun Factory Stronics are the oppo­site: bold col­ors, ele­gant but no-​nonsense curves, and motors far more befit­ting of the title, "hand­held fuck­ing machine."

[Image: Petrol blue/teal Fun Factory Stronic Surf ridged self-thrusting dildo and pulsator next to Lego city]

Hypothetically, I could bruise my face by turn­ing on a Stronic and hold­ing the hard han­dle near my cheek­bone for long enough. And if I rest my fore­arms on a table while grasp­ing one, every­thing jos­tles a bit. (Fun fact: I moved my phone a lit­tle far­ther away from the edge as I typed this post.)

Against my clit, any of the Stronics feels like a part­ner rub­bing with per­fect rhythm. It's a god­send when I want thud­dy cli­toral stim­u­la­tion but find vibra­tions overwhelming.

What's more? All of the Stronics share the following features:
  • tru­ly whisper-​quiet (sound­ing like super-​distant helicopters)
  • sub­mersible, thanks to their external-​only mag­net­ic charg­ing contacts
  • three-​button con­trol pan­el for easy cycling through the settings
  • trav­el lock (hold the FUN and – but­tons to lock; FUN and + to unlock)
  • fan­tas­tic bat­tery lives for a good time and a long time

Video: Fun Factory Stronic G thrusting in action

So, where does the Fun Factory Stronic Surf surpass the others?

[Image: Fun Factory Stronic G and Stronic Surf on my sex toy shelf, next to butt plugs, njoy stainless steel dildos, and a pink We-Vibe Chorus]

I did mention a recurring quirk in my Stronic Real review:

[M]y vagi­na total­ly push­es the toy out every time I come, and I have to hold it in place. Which hap­pens a lot, repeat­ed­ly, and stu­pid­ly quickly.

I know— woe is me! That doesn't even count as a com­plaint when it's lift­ing a fin­ger to come again and again! And the barely-​a-​problem still applies to the Stronic Surf, though not near­ly as much.

Its sec­ond and third steady speed set­tings are what it means to be alive. Their stroke lengths are about a quarter-​inch long — a bit short­er and more jig­gly than the first speed's half-​inch, but still force­ful. Turning the Stronic Surf on and bump­ing up the inten­si­ty is all it takes for me to come.

Strategically-​shaped crests and dips for front wall stimulation

[Image: holding the Pool Blue Fun Factory Stronic G and Petrol Stronic Surf pulsators side view in front of my lube and condom cabinet with some of the other toys on the shelf visible]

For that, I cred­it the spac­ing of the waves. There are four of them along the (5.6‑inch-long) insertable por­tion, each about an inch apart. The waves' con­cav­i­ties delight­ful­ly encap­su­late my pubic bone's curve and ure­thral sponge. The Fun Factory Stronic Surf's mod­er­ate girth (1.75" near the base) is also fill­ing but still impact­ful. Unlike the Stronic Drei, the orig­i­nal (and now-​discontinued) tex­tured Stronic, the Surf doesn't get in the way of the thrust­ing motion.

It does, how­ev­er, lock into place just enough for sta­bil­i­ty— one peak at the mouth of my vagi­na, and one against the front wall, just before the G‑spot ful­ly dips, like sur­round sound. Some G‑spots pre­fer deep pres­sure a bit far­ther inside. But for my shal­low eroge­nous zones, it's heav­en when com­bined with the tip's slight for­ward tilt. It shakes my entire inter­nal cli­toris, includ­ing where its "legs" wrap around my back wall. The Stronic Real's sin­gle ridge pales in comparison.

[Image: purple Fun Factory Stronic Real, petrol blue Stronic Surf pulsator, and blue and purple Uberrime Xenuphora dildo]

That's no sur­prise, con­sid­er­ing my deep fond­ness for defined coro­nas and sharp edges in oth­er toys. The Uberrime Xenuphora and Aqua-​King also give me that, as does the Tantus Tsunami. Even the BS Atelier Max's more realistic-​but-​still-​defined crown has a sim­i­lar appeal.

And unlike the Tantus Echo's more abun­dant and densely-​packed waves, there's not so much going on at once that I reg­is­ter it as irri­ta­tion. The Stronic Surf has a stun­ning bal­ance: noth­ing left to add, and noth­ing left to take away.

Other self-thrusting or G-spotty dildos to consider

The Fun Factory Stronics are hand­held fuck­ing machines with a phe­nom­e­nal power-​to-​price ratio. They're worth every pen­ny, but their qual­i­ty doesn't come cheap. As always, know thy body. In this case, ask your­self, "What move­ments and shapes work for me?"

[Image: self-thrusting dildos! Purple Velvet Thruster Jackie, Fun Factory Stronic Real pulsator, and Bi Stronic Fusion among flowers and feathers]

If you crave a long, real­is­tic stroke length for pen­e­tra­tion, I rec­om­mend a Velvet Thruster for auto­mat­ed thrust­ing. Consider their OG Jackie, Frankie, or "mini" Teddy Thruster. I put "mini" in quotes because it's still big on pow­er and well-​suited for cervix stim­u­la­tion and deep pen­e­tra­tion.

If you want short, jig­gling, or jerk­ing thrusts, get one of the Fun Factory Stronics. The Stronic Real's name is self-​explanatory— its design is the most straight­for­ward and phal­lic. The Bi Stronic Fusion has a mild curve and swelling tip that I find more G‑spotty than the oth­ers. It's worth­less as a dual-​stimulator for me because of how wide its clit-​vag gap is, though.

[Image: purple Blush Novelties Wellness G Ball G-spot vibrator next to pool blue Fun Factory Stronic G Pulsator and clear NS Novelties Glass G Wand]

The Stronic G, in con­trast, has an angled neck and flat head. It works well for my G‑spot as a dil­do, but not as a pul­sator. So while plen­ty of oth­er review­ers con­sid­er it the holy grail, the Stronic G's price tag isn't worth it for my G‑spot.

I suggest you try one of the following first:

They're all with­in the flat-​headed fam­i­ly, and none of them worked for my G‑spot. If your anato­my is built like mine, I'd rather you find out with a cheap­er toy than a lux­u­ry pulsator.

My verdict on the Fun Factory Stronic Surf

If you have sim­i­lar tastes to me in tex­tured dil­dos, and you enjoy tip drilling with short thrusts, I'm here to reaf­firm to you what you prob­a­bly already know. YES. GET THE FUN FACTORY STRONIC SURF. JUST GET IT.

[Image: a freshly-washed toy queue featuring the Fun Factory Stronic Real, Blush Novelties Aria Flutter, blue and purple Luzarte Luna, polka-dot Luzarte Jollet, Fun Factory Stronic Surf, and Fun Factory Stronic G]

Think of fin­gers bend­ing "come hith­er" in tiny but quick strokes, with robot­i­cal­ly refined rhythm. And com­bine that sen­sa­tion with a thrust­ing phal­lus. The ridges remind me of that.

By my vagina's pref­er­ences, the Stronic Surf is the best Fun Factory pul­sator I've tried. I thought the Stronic Real was love at first thrust until I tried the Stronic Surf.

Save 10% off on the Stronic Surf with coupon code SUPERSMASH10 at Spectrum Boutique

Use it on any­thing else you want, too— the dis­count applies sitewide! Fun Factory's sil­i­cone tends to be on the drag­gy side, so I sug­gest get­ting some good lube to go with your Stronic Surf.

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5 Responses

  1. nightingale says:

    Just got it yes­ter­day after looong time of eye­ing it. Only had one use with it so far and kin­da liked it… But it wasn't exact­ly what i expect­ed. It's good and qual­i­ty toy, but for me per­son­al­ly not $120 good.
    I like the sen­sa­tion and how it most­ly stim­u­lates my vag open­ing, but it slips out WAAAY too eas­i­ly and i didn't yet fig­ure out in what pose would it work best. If i hold it with my hand, it doesn't feel like it's mov­ing much. The biggest ridge was always stay­ing out­side of my body, and i wish the next ridge would be stick­ing out just a lit­tle more so it'd be "lock­ing" (as you described) stronger. Also, got­ta agree that the 2–3rd speed set­tings are the best!
    I feel like i'd love this shape much more as a vibra­tor which i'd be thrust­ing myself, and for Stronic i should've got the G one so it'd be glid­ing more eas­i­ly because of less texture.
    Really love the ridges any­way. Considering get­ting some more of tex­tured toys now (Patchy Paul maybe? Or the Tiger, by FF too. Maybe i'll have bet­ter luck with those)
    Thank you for your review and recommendation!

    • That's total­ly valid! Sorry you didn't have as great of an expe­ri­ence as I did with it. That said, I liked the Tiger a lot, even though it's a bit much some­times <3 <3

  2. Trix says:

    I was wor­ried about the girth and extreme tex­ture, but it’s actu­al­ly real­ly com­fort­able (with lots of lube, of course) as well as stim­u­lat­ing. The Surf has real­ly made me aware of the back wall of my vagi­na as an eroge­nous zone…

  3. Jimena says:

    I cant wait to get a stron­ic omggg

  4. Mark Mitchell says:

    I pur­chased this for my wife. She loves it. The tex­ture, all the dif­fer­ent motions. Its her new fav!

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