Category: Lists

Porn for Women: 6 Traits I Love Seeing! 9

Porn for Women: 6 Traits I Love Seeing!

Plenty of women watch porn. And, when what women want is a core con­sid­er­a­tion (instead of an after­thought), we con­sume even more visu­al smut. There’s a lot of nuance in…

5 Top Types of Sex Toys for People With Penises 28

5 Top Types of Sex Toys for People With Penises

Sex toys aren't just for cis­women! There's a pletho­ra of sex toys for penis­es out there, from stro­kers and sleeves to pumps and prostate mas­sagers. If you're look­ing to upgrade…

Amazing Glow-In-The-Dark Dildos under blacklight

7 Radiant Glow-in-the-Dark Dildos to Try!

Stuck in a sex toy sea of pink, pur­ple, and cadav­er beige? Fuck that. Nix the gen­dered mar­ket­ing and stroll through my sex toy col­lec­tion: the lush dil­do for­est where teals,…