Ejaculating Dildos: POP by Tantus vs. Strap-On-Me Comparison

Cum play has been allur­ing prac­ti­cal­ly for­ev­er, but body-​safe ejac­u­lat­ing dil­dos and jizz lube are rel­a­tive­ly new.

POP by Tantus espresso dark silicone squirting dildo vs. Strap-On-Me Large vanilla

It’s easy to take them for grant­ed in 2022, espe­cial­ly with the return of POP (for­mer­ly Semenette).

Consider this post a 3‑in‑1:

  • Part POP by Tantus squirt­ing dil­do review
  • Part his­to­ry of the dif­fer­ent mod­els through the years
  • Part dis­cus­sion on what I hope to see more in the world of ejac­u­lat­ing dil­dos and cum play.
Best hybrid cum lubes and ejaculating dildo syringe barrel

History of Semenette and POP silicone ejaculating dildos

Not even ten years ago, there was a glar­ing gap in the sex toy mar­ket when con­ven­tion­al cum dil­dos tend­ed to be one of the following:

  • Veiny AF and made from porous (read: impos­si­ble to san­i­tize) materials.
  • Body-​safe sil­i­cone but in the colos­sal, col­or­ful fan­ta­sy drag­on dong territory

There wasn’t much in between, so Stephanie Berman, who had been in the repro­duc­tive health indus­try since 2003, took it into her own hands.

She found­ed Berman Innovations, LLC in 2013 and start­ed mak­ing the Semenette dil­do with the fol­low­ing inten­tion: an option for arti­fi­cial insem­i­na­tion that com­bined fun with function.

No doctor’s office, flu­o­res­cent lights, or turkey baster-​like con­trap­tion would be nec­es­sary. The first iter­a­tion was sim­ple in shape: straight and cylin­dri­cal body, flared base, round­ed tip.

POP by Semenette and Fun Factory

Then came the Fun Factory ren­di­tion and rebrand­ing from Semenette to POP. It used the same mold as Fun Factory’s Boss dil­do, with a soft curve and swoop­ing G‑spot head, but (of course) came with POP's cum tube mechanism!

Production for that mod­el ceased around 2018; POP went on hiatus.

In the inter­im, anoth­er com­pa­ny cap­i­tal­ized on the demand. Strap-On-Me's ejac­u­lat­ing dil­do bore a strik­ing resem­blance to the Fun Factory Semenette mod­el with its heart-​shaped base and pro­nounced coro­na. The main dif­fer­ence? Strap-​On-​Me imple­ment­ed a cum syringe instead of a squeeze bulb.

Fast-​forward to 2022. POP came back, this time with Tantus mak­ing the insertable por­tion. Was that a change for the bet­ter? I cer­tain­ly have thoughts.

POP by Tantus espresso dark skin tone body-safe squirting dildo vs. Strap-On-Me light skin tone

POP by Tantus vs. Strap-On-Me silicone ejaculating dildos

For many shop­pers look­ing for a cum play dil­do, I’d rec­om­mend the Strap-​On-​Me Large. Its shape and size fit my per­son­al pref­er­ences more. That said, what POP offers opens up a mean­ing­ful dis­cus­sion about semi-​realistic dil­dos; there are real rea­sons to choose them over the Strap-​On-​Me ones.

Shape and size comparison at a glance

The POP by Tantus ejac­u­lat­ing dil­dos are straight and slen­der com­pared to the Fun Factory and Strap-​On-​Me ver­sions. There’s a tapered, egg-​like tip atop a flex­i­ble shaft and slight ridges near the base.

Overall, the cur­rent POP line is on the slen­der side, with size options mea­sur­ing 1”, 1.25” (pack-​and-​play ver­sion), and 1.4”

POP by Tantus vs. Strap-On-Me silicone ejaculating dildo size and shape comparison

In con­trast, the Strap-​On-​Me mod­el I have mea­sures 1.5” max­i­mum diam­e­ter. Its thick­ness allows more shaft sta­bil­i­ty, so its head is eas­i­er to aim against my G‑spot. And the dip under the head is more dra­mat­ic, giv­ing me more con­trast to clench around dur­ing tip drilling. Further, the 7.2 inch­es of insertable length and gen­tle curve hit all my deep­er hot spots just right.

POP’s dil­dos also come in a broad­er range of col­ors, with three skin tones and some non-​representational swatch­es. My first impres­sion of the POP by Tantus’s espres­so col­or was, “It looks like choco­late. I want to bite into it.”

The tub­ing for the POP by Tantus and Strap-​On-​Me is the same thick­ness, though the latter’s is way longer. It’s not a huge deal since you can eas­i­ly trim it with scis­sors or cor­ral it with a zip tie.

POP by Tantus vs. Strap-On-Me ejaculating dildo syringe size comparison

Finally, POP’s ejac­u­lat­ing dil­dos come with a small­er cum syringe and a nar­row­er open­ing at the tip. It holds 5 mL, while the Strap-​On-​Me ver­sion has a 30 mL bar­rel by default. You’ll want the lat­ter if you seek an exag­ger­at­ed sploosh splash for cum play.

Alternatively, get a high­er capac­i­ty (24 mL) squeeze bulb for the POP by Tantus. Fill it up with a hybrid lube (most­ly water with a small amount of emul­si­fied silicone).

POP by Tantus vs. Strap-​On-​Me measurements

POP by TantusStrap-On-Me
Total length7"7.7"
Insertable length6.4"7.2"
Base thickness0.7"0.5"
Shaft diameter1.3"1.3"
Head diameter1.4"1.5"
Syringe capacity5cc30cc
Tubing length12"35"
POP by Tantus vs. Strap-On-Me ejaculating dildo harnessable base shape

Which ejaculating dildo should you get?

While the POP by Tantus and Strap-​On-​Me dil­dos are all made of high-​quality mate­ri­als, choos­ing the best squirt­ing dil­dos for you depends on the following:

  • How much girth do you like?
  • Do you care about the ejac­u­la­tion volume?
  • Do you want an A‑spotty curve for deep penetration?
  • Are you par­tic­u­lar about col­or choices?

If you want a firmer and more defined squirt­ing dil­do for G‑spot and A‑spot stim­u­la­tion, get the Strap-​On-​Me ejac­u­lat­ing dil­do. If you want some­thing thin­ner and more flex­i­ble or in a dark­er skin tone, get the POP by Tantus.

POP by Tantus silicone ejaculating dildo flexibility

The POP Semenette by Fun Factory came in two flesh col­ors: tof­fee and cocoa. When Strap-​On-​Me swooped in, they made vanil­la and black. That’s it.

Meanwhile, POP by Tantus car­ries the fol­low­ing colors:

  • Stan­dard - Cream, Honey, Espresso, Lagoon (blue)
  • Slim - Midnight (black), Watermelon (pink), Indiglow (pur­ple)
  • Pop ‘N’ Play — Cream, Honey, Espresso

And I deeply respect the inclu­siv­i­ty. Yeah, peo­ple with a vari­ety of skin tones want an ejac­u­lat­ing strap-​on dil­do that match­es them.

Skin tone inclusivity in the sex toy industry

It’s too com­mon for dil­dos to be made in just a light skin tone or “vanil­la” and “caramel.” That doesn’t jive with everyone.

POP by Tantus ejaculating dildo color swatches

Makers like Tantus, New York Toy Collective, Uberrime, and Vixen Creations know that. They each car­ry at least three rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al col­or swatches.

Notably, New York Toy Collective has four skin tones. Further, Uberrime used to have five with­out food-​based names, just num­bers, with the dark­est as 1 and the light­est as 5. Nowadays, he usu­al­ly stocks the 2, 3, and 4.

(And yes, he has had peo­ple order shade 1, think­ing it would be the light­est. It’s fun­ny, but it’s not; white peo­ple are used to being the default and going first.) 

Closing thoughts and summary

If you want big showy spurts for cum fetish play, you may want to get the Strap-​On-​Me ejac­u­lat­ing dil­do or buy an over­sized syringe bar­rel sep­a­rate­ly. Meanwhile, the POP by Tantus dil­do feels mild in com­par­i­son. Again, that’s just my per­son­al pref­er­ence talking.

POP by Tantus vs. Strap-On-Me ejaculating dildo covered in white hybrid cum lube

I’m pret­ty hard­core with my inserta­bles. The Strap-​On-​Me model’s shape (i.e., Fun Factory’s Boss) and POP by Tantus both get the job done, but I wish they were avail­able in an even firmer option.

Your mileage may vary. I appre­ci­ate Tantus’s inclu­siv­i­ty, plus options for real­is­tic pack­ers not-​so-​fleshlike col­ors. Some peo­ple want strap-​ons to feel like part of them, and some don’t.

Which camp do you fall under? Do you want to keep it real­is­tic, or do you want to splash end­less cum lube all over you?

I know where I stand.

Take 10% off at Betty's Toy Box

Use dis­count code SUPER when you buy squirt­ing dil­dos or on any­thing else sitewide.

Further reading

Sultry Body Care: My Favorite Lube, CBD, Pheromones, Condoms, Massage & More! Find more love­ly lotions and potions for my gad­gets and giz­mos and beyond. <3

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2 Responses

  1. Trix says:

    I always won­dered if the tub­ing would scrape…

  2. Cam says:

    I’d like to see more col­or options in the future

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