Category: Reviews

The Chrystalino Gallant dildo's glass is a cobalt blue that refracts the sunlight. It's resting on a white table against tree bark.

Shots Chrystalino Gallant Review: Cobalt Blue Glass A-Spot Dildo

Thanks to rad sex toys like the Chrystalino Gallant, I'm still find­ing new ways to awak­en my sex­u­al­i­ty, even 4 years into col­lect­ing them. This glass dil­do fea­tures two swelling bulbs, about 1.4" at the widest diam­e­ter, and a tapered…

VeDO Bam Mini Bullet Vibrator Review 1

VeDO Bam Mini Bullet Vibrator Review

VeDO was def­i­nite­ly on my radar when Peepshow Toys offered me a VeDO Bam Mini for review. I read so many rave reviews about the chunki­er VeDO BAM bul­let and had high hopes for the Bam Mini… per­haps too high. VeDO…

Tantus Ringo review: huge butt plug used vaginally 4

Tantus Ringo review: huge butt plug used vaginally

I'm a 5'0 tall, 110-​​pound femme who has used dil­dos with the cir­cum­fer­ence of a soda can. My enjoy­ment of huge sex toys is so much more than a Napoleonic "Fuck you. I'll show you" Fisting and girthy sex toys make me…

Blush Novelties Gaia Eco review: cheap slimline vibrator 9

Blush Novelties Gaia Eco review: cheap slimline vibrator

I'm so infat­u­at­ed with this vibra­tor. The Blush Novelties Gaia Eco has the best vibra­tions you could get for this cheap. Just buy it if you want some­thing pow­er­ful and dis­creet to explore with. I could end my review…

Chrystalino Champ Side View

Shots Chrystalino Champ Review: Cobalt Blue Glass G-Spot Dildo

The Chrystalino Champ is the Jack-​​of-​​All-​​Trades sex toy I wish I had when I was younger. Especially now that I love pen­e­tra­tion, I can tru­ly appre­ci­ate this sex toy's abil­i­ty to hit so many inter­nal hot spots. This glass…