Category: Reviews

We-Vibe Tango review: most powerful bullet vibrator 1

We-Vibe Tango review: most powerful bullet vibrator

The We-​​Vibe Tango is near­ly uni­ver­sal­ly laud­ed among sex blog­gers as the most pow­er­ful cli­toral vibra­tor of its size class. The pow­er of even the low­est set­ting baf­fles my friends. It sounds like fire­crack­ers when I put it in a…

Tantus Magma & Splash review: dildo with drip textures 2

Tantus Magma & Splash review: dildo with drip textures

The drips are in a league all their own. I'm the umpteenth per­son to say that there is noth­ing like the Tantus Splash. The orig­i­nal dil­do has been dis­con­tin­ued but rein­car­nat­ed in red and black as the Tantus Magma. What…