Category: Reviews

SVAKOM Coco slim beginner G-spot vibrator review 1

SVAKOM Coco slim beginner G-spot vibrator review

Even though I review a lot of BIG toys here, I can still appre­ci­ate going back to basics. A petite and budget-​​friendly G‑spot vibra­tor has mass appeal, espe­cial­ly for those who feel over­whelmed by the sheer num­ber of products…

Review: Blush Lush Gia wand & Juna pinpoint mini-vibe 2

Review: Blush Lush Gia wand & Juna pinpoint mini-vibe

Do you ever imag­ine a bet­ter ver­sion of a toy and — POP! — the uni­verse grants your wish? That's how I feel about the Lush Gia rechargeable/​​cordless wand by Blush Novelties. It's not per­fect, but it's a steal for…

Luzarte Thrust Clear Polka Dot Vibrating Dildo Review 3

Luzarte Thrust Clear Polka Dot Vibrating Dildo Review

The LuzArte Thrust is a show­stop­ping art piece! It derives traits from the Luna butt plug, Jollet dil­do, and the Jollie vagi­nal plug. Most laypeo­ple wouldn't rec­og­nize it as a dil­do, but as the Thrust 's name sug­gests, it…

BMS Addiction David Affordable Pack & Play Dildo Review 4

BMS Addiction David Affordable Pack & Play Dildo Review

Affordable dual-​​density dil­dos are always excit­ing, but there are so many oth­er rea­sons why I'm over the moon for this har­ness­able pack and play. The BMS Addiction David's pos­able core is what makes it such a potent all-​arounder. No…

Naughty Bits Ombré Hombre galactic vibrating dildo review! 5

Naughty Bits Ombré Hombre galactic vibrating dildo review!

An old friend told me that he used to think, when women talked about hav­ing ombré (gra­di­ent) hair col­or done, they meant "hom­bre." And he won­dered why they spoke so fla­grant­ly about get­ting Spanish men. Fast-​​forward a mere few…

Biird Obii review: clitoral air pulse toy 11

Biird Obii review: clitoral air pulse toy

Sex toy or [over­priced] lamp? You decide. Obii by Biird is a cli­toral suc­tion vibra­tor that's both ADORABLE AF and award-​​winning! I can see why design geeks would love Obii's exte­ri­or: Its sil­i­cone is soft like a marsh­mal­low. Feminine…

Hankey's Toys Dragon XS Review: Intensely Textured Silicone Dildo! 13

Hankey's Toys Dragon XS Review: Intensely Textured Silicone Dildo!

The unini­ti­at­ed may raise an eye­brow at the osten­si­bly "Xtra-​​Small" Hankey's Toys Dragon dil­do. It's above aver­age com­pared to a human penis, but keep in mind: the brand is [in]famous for HUGE dil­dos and fist­ing lovers' porn. For further…

Fun Factory Limba Flex Review: Posable Silicone Dildo 19

Fun Factory Limba Flex Review: Posable Silicone Dildo

This ver­sa­tile dil­do can hit the G‑spot, A‑spot, deep spot, *AND* per­ineal sponge! It's easy to take for grant­ed all the pen­e­tra­tion sen­sa­tions avail­able to me. I need­ed a range of tools to explore and find my inter­nal erogenous…

BestVibe Triple-Motor G-Spot Rabbit Vibrator Review 21

BestVibe Triple-Motor G-Spot Rabbit Vibrator Review

"It looks like Squidward, with an erec­tion, beck­on­ing you to fight him," said a friend upon his first impres­sion of this toy. Later on, he com­pared it to a bunched-​​up ren­di­tion of Squidward's "mas­ter­piece" self-​portrait. It's not quite a…

What Makes a Bullet Vibrator Rumbly — A Look at 6 Motors! 26

What Makes a Bullet Vibrator Rumbly — A Look at 6 Motors!

Buzzy is skin-​​deep. Rumbly is to the bone (some­times). "Rumbly" and "buzzy" are two descrip­tors that sex blog­gers use to describe vibra­tion qual­i­ty. The for­mer is deep and often low-​​pitched, while the lat­ter is surface-​​level or irri­tat­ing­ly high-​pitched. What…

Womanizer Classic vs. Premium vs. We-Vibe Melt Comparison & Review 27

Womanizer Classic vs. Premium vs. We-Vibe Melt Comparison & Review

If you're over­whelmed by the air pulse/​​clitoral suc­tion toy options on the mar­ket, I don't blame you! Womanizer is the pio­neer and most well-​​known, but many oth­er com­pa­nies have hopped on the band­wag­on. The options are end­less! Today, we're…