Review: Svakom Nymph, Ella, and Tyler Vibrators

"Svakom is what happens when you batter, over-​salt, and deep-​fry something that's supposed to be fancy."
Review: Svakom Nymph, Ella, and Tyler Vibrators 1

Left to right: Svakom Tyler cock ring, Ella vibrat­ing remote con­trol egg, and Nymph soft finger-​like massager

"Really?" I respond­ed to my review­er friend. "I thought of it as the reverse: cheap vibra­tors in nice pack­ag­ing. That's a recur­ring prob­lem European com­pa­nies have when expand­ing to the United States. Americans don't trust the fan­cy exte­ri­or. They want cheap toys to come in the plas­tic clamshell packs."

"When something's cheap but has a nice pack­age, it makes me won­der what's wrong with it. I'd rather pay a bit extra for some­thing I know is going to last me longer."

I have given the Svakom Coco a positive review in the past, but that's because it was good for the price.

When a $30 recharge­able sil­i­cone G‑spot vibra­tor has respectably zingy vibra­tions, there's no room to com­plain. When you move into Svakom's $80+ ter­ri­to­ry, the cost-​to-​quality ratio dwindles.

That's just the begin­ning of the prob­lems with the Svakom Nymph mas­sager and Ella remote con­trol bul­let. The Svakom Tyler cock ring, though? It's fair for what you get. Let's start with the good news.

Svakom Tyler vibrating cock ring on Fun Factory Bouncer

Svakom Tyler angled vibrat­ing cock ring on Fun Factory Bouncer dildo

Svakom Tyler Vibrating Silicone Cock Ring Review

I appreciate three main features of the Svakom Tyler:
  • How it's angled
  • Its power-​to-​size ratio
  • Its power-​to-​price ratio

Putting this cock ring on a dil­do makes for a decent rab­bit vibra­tor with flex­i­bil­i­ty on the out­er arm. It won't clamp against the cli­toris, but your palm can eas­i­ly apply pres­sure when thrust­ing with lit­tle extra effort.

When worn dur­ing ventro-​ventro inter­course, it eas­i­ly press­es against the receiv­ing part­ner with­out being as intense for the wear­er, which some cou­ples may prefer.

Svakom Tyler Vibrating Cock Ring Review

Svakom Tyler vibrat­ing cock ring tex­tured side face up

Svakom Tyler vibrating cock ring texture

The Svakom Tyler's tex­ture is more of a visu­al nui­sance than any­thing else, like pop­corn ceil­ings, but it doesn't impede any­thing for me. I usu­al­ly grind my clit against vibra­tors with­out retract­ing the hood, so I don't feel much from the brist­li­ness I'd oth­er­wise find irri­tat­ing. If you pre­fer direct cli­toral fric­tion, your mileage will vary.

There's nothing I hate about the Svakom Tyler otherwise

The Svakom Tyler vibrat­ing cock ring's slim motor means that there's no bulk reduc­ing pen­e­tra­tion depth. Cervical orgasms are a big deal to me, so it's essen­tial that cock rings allow my part­ner to go way in. Yet, the Svakom Tyler still deliv­ers mod­er­ate­ly strong cli­toral vibra­tions for its size. I can't ask much more of the budget-​friendly ring vibrator.

Its ring super stretchy, its vibra­tor por­tion is flat with an edge for me to focus the sen­sa­tion, and it's a fun addi­tion to dil­dos for single-​handed dual stim­u­la­tion. You can get it at Spectrum Boutique; take 10% off with my coupon code, SUPERSMASH10

Svakom Nymph Soft Finger-Like Moving Vibrator

The Svakom Nymph double-​ended mas­sager looks like an alien or sea crea­ture with three ten­ta­cles. They squirm in cir­cles, while the oth­er (inde­pen­dent­ly con­trolled) motor vibrates. This vibra­tor belongs more in a jar for Halloween than any­where near my vagina.

Review: Svakom Nymph, Ella, and Tyler Vibrators 2

Its movements are very okay.

Unfortunately, that doesn't fly for my cli­toris, giv­en how broad the Svakom Nymph's round­ed vibra­tor head is. At least with the Svakom Tyler, the vibra­tions are more targeted.

With the Svakom Nymph, I can't deliv­er enough pres­sure in the right spot to sat­is­fy myself. I huff, and I puff, and I lose my orgasm. It's also too flex­i­ble to do any­thing for me internally.

Look: my clit is super sen­si­tive, as far as sex toy review­ers on anti­de­pres­sants go. Even watch bat­tery bul­lets can do it for me, so it's a bad sign when an $89 vibra­tor strug­gles to get me off with its vibra­tions.

The fin­ger motions, mean­while, are a lit­tle eas­i­er to work with. One prong goes under the hood with lube, two prongs over. My clit likes to have all three of the Svakom Nymph's soft "fin­gers" cir­cle it.

"It's decent," I told my boyfriend. "It doesn't feel like much more than my fin­gers, but it's auto­mat­ed and means less work for my wrist."

"How much does it cost if it's only decent?"

Given the qual­i­ty of the motors, I hon­est­ly thought $45 was a rea­son­able guess for the Svakom Nymph's price. Looking it up online was a rude awakening.

This fuck­ing thing is how much? Oh, no, hon­ey. At that point, use your fin­gers for free. Or get a reli­able bul­let, like the We-​Vibe Tango X, BMS Swan Maximum, or Je Joue Duet.

Svakom Nymph finger-like massager and Ella remote control vibrating bullet review

Svakom Ella Remote Control and Smartphone App-Compatible Vibrator

The Svakom Ella has one steady speed acces­si­ble via the cord­ed con­trol pan­el. And that one setting's vibra­tions are about the same as the Svakom Elva, their non-​app remote vibrat­ing egg.

Somehow, it's a severe downgrade from the $30 Svakom Coco.

Let that sink in.

You have access to a wide range of speeds and pat­terns via the smart­phone app, includ­ing a music-​sensing func­tion. On paper, that sounds like a good time, but in prac­tice, you can't go high­er than that one speed, no mat­ter how loud you turn up the death metal.

My cli­toris took the same issue with the Svakom Ella as with the Svakom Nymph's vibra­tions: too weak and not focused enough. Why bother?

Recommendations for Better Panty Vibrators

You could get a waaaayyyy more rumbly and pow­er­ful Lovense Lush 3.

Or see my guide to the best panty vibra­tors, ranked.

You won't get bet­ter qual­i­ty vibra­tions from Svakom, even if you splurge on their fanci­er prod­ucts. Oh, and they spon­sored this post, but that doesn't change what I think of their products.

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1 Response

  1. G says:

    i very much appre­ci­ate your bru­tal honesty.

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