Category: Reviews

FemmeFunn Dioni Vibrating Finger Extender Review 1

FemmeFunn Dioni Vibrating Finger Extender Review

The FemmeFunn Dioni is a rumbly vibra­tor that entire­ly envelops your fin­ger — a hybrid between a fin­ger bul­let, dil­do, and exten­sion sleeve. This fin­ger vibra­tor blends seam­less­ly into part­ner play, incor­po­rat­ing the pow­er­ful, zingy vibra­tions that FemmeFunn is…

20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared! 2

20+ Best Clit-Sucking, Air Pulse, Pressure Wave Vibrators, Compared!

“It is effi­cient at extract­ing orgasms, yes.” “That sounds about right for a German-​​made sex toy.” It’s hard to overem­pha­size Womanizer’s influ­ence in the sex toy indus­try. Their epony­mous cli­toral air pulse mas­sager was the first of its kind. Rather…

CHRISTMAS 2021 THROWBACK: flavored lube, penis strokers & plugs 3

CHRISTMAS 2021 THROWBACK: flavored lube, penis strokers & plugs

Among the perks of the sex blog­ger life: gift box­es from busi­ness part­ners! <3 This hol­i­day sea­son, XOXTOYS​.ca sent me a pack­age full of sexy stock­ing stuffers — the lit­tle things that add a dash of spice to playtime.…

Review: VUSH Myth G-spot vibrator & Rose 2 bullet 4

Review: VUSH Myth G-spot vibrator & Rose 2 bullet

2016 called. It wants its Millennial Pink, rose gold, and com­mer­cial­ized well­ness girl­bossi­fi­ca­tion self-​​love back. I per­son­i­fy VUSH vibra­tors as some basic-​​bitch Millennial drink­ing cel­ery juice, sport­ing thick eye­brows gradient-​​filled and cheek­bones con­toured to obliv­ion. In oth­er words: the entire…

Review: Love Hamma thruster & BMS Pillow Talk Lively rabbit vibrator 5

Review: Love Hamma thruster & BMS Pillow Talk Lively rabbit vibrator

The Love Hamma’s mar­ket­ing missed an oppor­tu­ni­ty. Where are the “get nailed” jokes? Perhaps the copy­writ­ers knew that the hammer-​​shaped vibra­tor spoke for itself. It’s pos­si­bly the sil­li­est sex toy I have ever encoun­tered, with decent­ly strong vibra­tions in…

Review: Empowered Queen Tongue-Flicking Vibrator by Cal Exotics 7

Review: Empowered Queen Tongue-Flicking Vibrator by Cal Exotics

It’s offi­cial: pussy pumps are main­stream. Clitoral suc­tion toys have been around for a hot minute, but it’s only in recent years that they’ve gained main­stream hype — out­side the con­text of fetish. Around 2019, Pipedream’s Fantasy For Her…

Pipedream Icicles No. 39 & 87 Glass Dildo Review 8

Pipedream Icicles No. 39 & 87 Glass Dildo Review

Glass dil­dos make eye-​​catching dis­play pieces. It’s hard not to drool over the Pipedream Icicles No. 39 and 87’s light-​​reflecting, obsid­i­an undu­la­tions. These two glass dil­dos offer very dif­fer­ent pro­files and expe­ri­ences. While the Icicles 87 is great for…

Fun Factory Tiger G5 Ribbed G-Spot Vibrator Review 9

Fun Factory Tiger G5 Ribbed G-Spot Vibrator Review

Welcome to anoth­er review where I wish I could just leave it at "AAAAAA." It’s hard to top the Fun Factory Tiger G5’s sig­na­ture, basslike purr against my inter­nal cli­toris — and its gen­er­ous, cervix-​​massaging girth. I’d read­i­ly recommend…

Review: Bodywand, Ultra G-Touch Attachment, Blush Omnia 10

Review: Bodywand, Ultra G-Touch Attachment, Blush Omnia

You nev­er for­get your first! Back in 2016, wand vibra­tors were still mys­ti­cal to me. I was equal parts: So I tried the Bodywand Midnight plug-​​in mas­sager. While it was still a pow­er tool full-​​sized wand, it felt far…

Review: Inya Rose, Womanizer Eco, Pillow Talk Dreamy 11

Review: Inya Rose, Womanizer Eco, Pillow Talk Dreamy

Once you find a cli­toral air pulse mas­sager that ticks all the box­es, you lose inter­est in the oth­ers. That's why I'm giv­ing you a fast blast of three new(-ish) releas­es and com­par­ing them, instead of review­ing them individually:…

Jute Rope & Wax Play BDSM Sensation Kit Review 17

Jute Rope & Wax Play BDSM Sensation Kit Review

Yes, BDSM can be slow and sen­su­al! Sliding rope and drip­ping wax against a partner's body can make a pas­sion­ate scene on its own — or it can lead up to some­thing more explo­sive. Do you have the patience…