Review: Nomi Tang Pocket Wand mini-vibe with attachments

Why do peo­ple reel upon hear­ing, “hot dog wrapped in a cin­na­mon bun” but drool at “cin­na­mon sug­ar corn dog”?

Nomi Tang Pocket Wand massager in hand and mini attachments

Words mat­ter; I appre­ci­ate a round of sil­ly (but not pedan­tic) seman­tics. That brings me to why I hes­i­tate to call the Nomi Tang Pocket Wand a wand.

At 3.7” long and 1.1” wide, it’s (to me) a bul­let with a thin neck. Its size puts it among the likes of the FemmeFunn Ultra Bullet and VeDO BAM. You can’t put the Nomi Tang Pocket Wand in a bul­let cav­i­ty, but its size is decid­ed­ly for focused stimulation.

As such, I don’t find “micro-​wand” to be a use­ful cat­e­go­ry. A tiny wand mas­sager sure is a cute nov­el­ty, though.

Nomi Tang Pocket Wand features

The Nomi Tang Pocket Wand fea­tures one but­ton, a flex­i­ble neck, and a stout han­dle. It’s encap­su­lat­ed in silky sil­i­cone, with just the dain­ti­est metal­lic accent ring.

Nomi Tang Pocket Wand tiny massager with flexible neck in hand

Take the Pocket Wand with you in the show­er for dis­creet play, if you wish; this tiny "wand" mas­sager is splashproof.

Long-​pressing the con­trol turns the vibra­tions on and off, while quick press­es cycle through the 7 set­tings. There are 3 steady speeds and 4 pat­terns. Of the rhythms, I find that only 2 of them stay at a high enough pow­er for long enough to be useful.

What the Nomi Tang Pocket Wand comes with

The Nomi Tang Pocket Wand rests in a stur­dy, dis­creet box, with a logo read­ing “NT.” Aside from the wand mini-​vibrator itself, you also get:

  • Two sil­i­cone attachments
  • Pin-​style USB charg­ing cord (yes, you will have to stab the toy)
  • Storage pouch
  • The instruc­tion manual
Nomi Tang Pocket Wand flutter attachment

One of the wand caps fea­tures two flut­tery “ears,” while the oth­er is a dain­ty insertable. It mea­sures about 2.5” long by 1.1” wide. Have some lube pre­pared to pop the tops onto the tiny "wand" massager's head — it’s a tight fit.

My experience with the Nomi Tang Pocket Wand

This mini-​wand glo­ri­fied bul­let is respectably rumbly for the size. It makes a splash when dipped in water and spins while turned on in my hand. 

While it’s no wand — and I don’t expect it to be one — the Nomi Tang Pocket Wand mea­sures up to plen­ty of vibra­tors in the insertable G‑spotter size class.

It’s also strong enough that the flut­ter­ing attach­ment can make me come. Then again, your thresh­old may vary. At the least, it feels deli­cious­ly zingy on one’s nipples.

I find the insertable attach­ment use­less since there’s not much of a defined head to push against my G‑spot. You do you, though. If you like small dil­dos and dila­tors, you might like this tiny "wand" massager.

Nomi Tang Pocket Wand insertable attachment

My verdict on the Nomi Tang Pocket Wand

Setting aside the Nomi Tang Pocket Wand’s shape, it (to me) is a bit­ty bul­let that packs a punch. And I appre­ci­ate the addi­tion of the dual-​pronged attach­ment. Between that and the splash­ing vibra­tions for $39.90, it’s hard to find much to com­plain about.

Get the Nomi Tang Pocket Wand. Discreetly take this tiny "wand" mas­sager with you when trav­el­ing — or place it in plain sight in a doll’s hands and call it a karaoke mic.

Doll holding Uberrime Dildo and tiny Nomi Tang Pocket Wand massager

This post was spon­sored. Opinions expressed are my own.

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10 Responses

  1. Cam says:

    Pocket wand is too cute

  2. Cam says:

    It’s so small. I’m amazed it had 7 settings

  3. mickey says:

    wow, all they had to do was make it look like a tee­ny mag­ic wand to make me think it's adorable. it's like sex toys that look like ran­dom objects, only those objects are big­ger, dif­fer­ent sex toys. Now I want a bul­let vibra­tor that looks like a tiny dildo.

  4. Alex says:

    I've now seen a cou­ple of these super tiny wands, I think this might be a new trend in toys. It's a nice bonus that this one comes with attachments.

  5. Maria says:

    I for one do not want a cinnamon-​sugar hot dog…

  6. D. Dyer says:

    All right, have to admit that I want this large­ly because it is adorable. Another pow­er­ful bul­let option is great but it’s also just cute.

  7. Trix says:

    So cool that it packs a good punch for its size! How’s the noise level?

  8. Yam says:

    Omg it's so cute! I didn't think it was THAT small until I saw it com­pared to the uber­rime mini dil

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