Review: Bombex Butterfly and Desire air pulse vibrators

I got excit­ed when I first heard of the Bombex Butterfly vibra­tor. “Is it named after the silk­moth genus Bombyx?!”

Unfortunately, Bombex’s affil­i­ate rep­re­sen­ta­tive didn’t com­ment on that part of my cor­re­spon­dence, but my biol­o­gy degree was excit­ed to be dust­ed off for a few seconds.

Bombex Desire and Bombex Butterfly silicone clitoral suction vibrators

Bombex is a woman-​owned spicy toy shop fea­tur­ing bold and bright art­work. Upon first impres­sion, their website’s aes­thet­ics live up to the name of being THE BOMB.

But what about the toys? Bombex spon­sored this post and sent me their Butterfly dual stim­u­la­tor and Desire air pulse mas­sager. The results were about what I expect­ed — no more and no less.

Bombex Butterfly remote control vibrator and air pulse stimulator

The Bombex Butterfly fea­tures bells and whis­tles galore at a rea­son­able price. As of the last time I checked Bombex, $59.99 can get you:

  • Clitoral air pulses
  • Decent strength inter­nal vibrations
  • Ten set­tings (3 steady, 7 pat­terns) con­trolled by 1 button
  • Remote con­trol play option
  • Magnetic USB charging
  • A water­proof sil­i­cone body

In oth­er words, it’s a dual stim­u­la­tor, simul­ta­ne­ous­ly serv­ing the exter­nal cli­toris with pres­sure waves and the inter­nal bits via penetration.

Bombex Butterfly silicone clitoral suction and G-spot dual stimulation vibrator

Here are the mea­sure­ments on the Bombex Butterfly:

  • 3.7” insertable length
  • 1” between cli­toral air pulse noz­zle and insertable portion
  • 1.2” max­i­mum insertable diameter
  • Flexible 0.8” wide neck
  • 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.2 cm opening

The con­trast between the Bombex Butterfly’s head and neck makes it decent­ly G‑spotty when thrust as a stand­alone insertable. Purely shape-​wise, though, it’s def­i­nite­ly on the petite and mild end.

How does the Bombex Butterfly feel in use?

When you turn on the Bombex Butterfly, its air puls­es feel like a fairy raspberry-​ing against your clit. I’d give the top speed on the exter­nal motor a 6 out of 14. (Why 14? Because the Womanizer Premium 2, my gold stan­dard of pres­sure wave mas­sagers, has 14 settings.)

Bombex Butterfly clitoral suction and air pulse pressure wave stimulator opening

The inter­nal vibra­tions are what I’d call “zingy” — not quite rumbly in qual­i­ty, but pow­er­ful enough that I have no com­plaints about the price. So far, so good; each com­po­nent of the Bombex Butterfly works fine for me.

Its noz­zle won’t fit every­one, though. At 1.2 cm wide by 1.2 cm deep, users with big­ger clits will want a suc­tion mas­sager with a roomi­er open­ing.

Dual stimulators won’t fit every body

That segues nice­ly into my next point: anatom­i­cal align­ment with rab­bit vibra­tors is finicky AF. Bodies vary wide­ly, so some­thing that fits mine beau­ti­ful­ly might not match yours, and vice ver­sa. Certain fea­tures make rab­bit vibe more suit­able for a broad­er range of users:

  • A wide range of settings
  • A flex­i­ble neck or shaft
  • The option to use the inter­nal sec­tion separately

And the Bombex Butterfly does okay in the regards men­tioned above.

Bombex Butterfly dual stimulation vibrator for couples

It also fits my 1” long clit-​vag gap nice­ly. However, the insertable portion’s bulb place­ment does noth­ing for me. My G‑spot is far shal­low­er, and my A‑spot is far deep­er; the Bombex Butterfly’s inner motor vibrates against No Man’s Land for me.

Final thoughts on the Bombex Butterfly vibrator

Again, it’s okay as a thrustable, and the motors get the job done. But there’s no way that the Bombex Butterfly would do much for me inter­nal­ly and exter­nal­ly at the same time. And that risk is inher­ent in any insertable vibra­tor. (Yes, even the Snail Vibe and We-​Vibe Nova 2.)

Due to the Bombex Butterfly’s 3.75” insertable length, you might enjoy it more than me if:

  • Your cervix or A‑spot is on the shal­low­er side 
    • Or, alter­na­tive­ly, you'd rather avoid those zones entirely
  • Your G‑spot is rel­a­tive­ly deep 
  • You want slen­der insertable vibes

But that’s not me. Thank you, next.

Bombex Butterfly review and Desire bestselling silicone massagers

Bombex Desire air pulse clitoral massager

I’m pri­mar­i­ly a fan of keep­ing clit toys and inserta­bles sep­a­rate. That way, anatom­i­cal align­ment isn’t as much of an issue. So how does the Bombex Desire mea­sure up as an exter­nal massager?

The Bombex Desire has three main things going for it:

  • The cur­va­ture nes­tles nice­ly into my palm
  • It’s a bit rum­bli­er than the Butterfly’s exter­nal motor 
    • I give the top speed a 7.5 out of 14
  • “Up” and “down” but­tons to cycle through the settings!

That last point is a bii­i­ig deal, con­sid­er­ing air pulse stim­u­la­tion can seem quite all-​or-​nothing. With a con­ven­tion­al vibra­tor, you can decrease pres­sure. With a pres­sure wave mas­sager, break­ing the seal means ceas­ing stim­u­la­tion entirely.

Bombex Desire clitoral suction air pulse massager and pressure wave stimulation vibrator

A “decrease” but­ton is waaaay more effi­cient at turn­ing the speed back down  — in a peak-​friendly way. And the Bombex Desire is pow­er­ful enough that you like­ly will make use of that function.

Overall, I have noth­ing neg­a­tive to say about the Bombex Desire. Its con­trols are great, and its set­tings are par for the price. You prob­a­bly had a glow­ing first impres­sion of cli­toral suc­tion toys if the Bombex Desire was your first.

Where to next?

Bombex Butterfly review and Desire bestselling silicone massagers

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2 Responses

  1. Cam says:

    The col­ors are so vibrant. The bombex
    seems the best overall.

  2. C says:

    These seem inter­est­ing. The only toy like this that I have is the Womanizer Pro40, and I’ve won­dered if it’s a bit defec­tive because some­times the set­tings all get real­ly low. So every now and then I think of buy­ing one of the new­er toys of this type that have hit the mar­ket since then, and there’s a lot more options now. Maybe one day!

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