Category: Dildos

Review: Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit & G-Spot Stroker 3

Review: Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit & G-Spot Stroker

There's a self-​​thrusting rab­bit vibra­tor that sat­is­fies my inter­nal and exter­nal cli­toris simul­ta­ne­ous­ly — hands-​​free. I didn't imag­ine this day (nor myself) com­ing so soon with the Lovehoney Happy Rabbit…

Review: Fun Factory Bouncer, B-Balls, and LuzArte Bubbles 5

Review: Fun Factory Bouncer, B-Balls, and LuzArte Bubbles

Run up the stairs. Hula-​​hoop. Belly dance. Hop in place. We're explor­ing toys with bumps and beads and inter­nal balls that move with your body for hands-​​free, battery-​​free sen­sa­tion. First…

BMS Addiction David Affordable Pack & Play Dildo Review 18

BMS Addiction David Affordable Pack & Play Dildo Review

Affordable dual-​​density dil­dos are always excit­ing, but there are so many oth­er rea­sons why I'm over the moon for this har­ness­able pack and play. The BMS Addiction David's pos­able core…

Fun Factory Limba Flex Review: Posable Silicone Dildo 30

Fun Factory Limba Flex Review: Posable Silicone Dildo

This ver­sa­tile dil­do can hit the G‑spot, A‑spot, deep spot, *AND* per­ineal sponge! It's easy to take for grant­ed all the pen­e­tra­tion sen­sa­tions avail­able to me. I need­ed a range…