Uberrime Astra Large review: tapered 7" A-spot dildo

The Uberrime Astra dildo is literally named after the stars — cue pun about space pants and seeing stars.
Uberrime Astra Large review: tapered 7" A-spot dildo 1

I bought mine for its one-​of-​a-​kind neb­u­la­ic col­or swirls, which embody the word "extra." The pala­tial pig­ment mix­ing catch­es one's eye on Astra's min­i­mal­ist silhouette.

No for­mal frills nor major bumps. Uberrime's Astra keeps it sim­ple with a gen­tle curve, tapered flat tip, and tiny ori­en­ta­tion node atop the flared, har­ness­able base.

Who might enjoy the Uberrime Astra's sleek design?

There are two main groups of peo­ple to whom I'd rec­om­mend the Uberrime Astra in a heartbeat:

  1. Those who strug­gle with ten­sion and need a gen­tly slop­ing tip for com­fort­able penetration.
  2. Those look­ing for a toy to begin explor­ing their deep­er eroge­nous zones.
Uberrime Astra Large review: tapered 7" A-spot dildo 2

My blog has quite a few posts prais­ing deep pen­e­tra­tion and A‑spot (ante­ri­or fornix eroge­nous zone) stim­u­la­tion. However, I've his­tor­i­cal­ly hes­i­tat­ed to direct my read­ers toward any sin­gle toy for these hot spots since bod­ies vary wildly.

Even on my list of best A‑spot dil­dos, there's a huge vari­ety of toys, from the dain­ty to the bulky and bludgeon-​like. Some users need some­thing firm and slen­der for pre­cise aim­ing in front of or behind the cervix. Others, like myself, are read­i­ly com­fort­able with depth play and wel­come big­ger bulbs inside. (Think of the Uberrime Night King or A‑Spot Avenger.)

For those who don't even know where to start nav­i­gat­ing the cer­vi­cal for­nices, I high­ly rec­om­mend the Uberrime Astra.

Why the Uberrime Astra is ideal for cervix & A-spot stimulation

1. Size

Perhaps the most obvi­ous facet of Astra's appeal is its length. After all, an A‑spot spe­lunk­er has to be able to reach the sen­si­tive areas around the cervix.

The Uberrime Astra comes in three sizes:
  • Small — 5.75" insertable length /​ 1.35" head diam­e­ter /​ 1.2" shaft diameter
  • Medium — 6.5" insertable length /​ 1.51" head diam­e­ter /​ 1.31" shaft diameter
  • Large — 7" insertable length /​ 1.63" head diam­e­ter /​ 1.43" shaft diameter
Uberrime Astra Large review: tapered 7" A-spot dildo 3

Hypothetically, any of these sizes could mas­sage my deep spots when aimed prop­er­ly, but I picked the Astra Large. A longer dil­do is often an easier-​to-​direct dil­do since you have more of a "han­dle" to adjust the angling.

That being said, I appre­ci­ate that there's a range of diam­e­ters to choose from. The small size option can be stim­u­lat­ing but still com­fort­able for those with, say, vaginismus.

2. Curvature

A slow, shal­low curve is ide­al in a begin­ner A‑spot dil­do. If it's too steep and unyield­ing, it's hard­er to insert to the opti­mal depth and like­ly bet­ter for G‑spotting. (I once saw some­one on a forum sug­gest­ing the njoy Pure Wand for cervix stim­u­la­tion. AW HAAAAYULLLLL NO!!!!!)

If a dil­do is too straight and firm, you may have to put in a lit­tle extra effort to evade the cervix's cen­ter. If it's straight and bendy… lol, good luck with aim­ing that.

3. Head shape

The Uberrime Astra's head starts super slim and grad­u­al­ly ramps up, while the flat­tened side pro­vides a broad sur­face to knead your cervix or front wall. If you don't know how roomy your cer­vi­cal for­nices are, it's bet­ter to start with a thin-​tipped dil­do. That way, you avoid ram­ming straight into the sensitive-​in-​a-​bad-​way spots.

Uberrime Astra Large review: tapered 7" A-spot dildo 4

How does the Uberrime Astra feel in use?

Let me summarize in a sound: HNNNGGGGGG.

Orgasms with the Uberrime Astra Large are effort­less for me — both from A‑spot stim­u­la­tion and from caress­ing the cervix itself. Thrust, thrust, thrust, thrust, come. Clench, come.

It's a long-​and-​lean dream, only fur­ther enhanced by the firm Shore 16 sil­i­cone. In oth­er words, the Uberrime Astra is sim­ple, per­fect, and only a lit­tle yield­ing. What it lacks in bells-​and-​whistles, it makes up with a tar­get­ed focus on the deep­est recess­es of my vagina.

Remember when I said that NS Novelties' glass G‑spot wand was among the most intense A‑spot dil­dos I had ever tried? Yeah, I still stand by that statement.


Uberrime Astra Large review: tapered 7" A-spot dildo 5

Uberrime Astra Large review: tapered 7" A-spot dildo 6

The Uberrime Astra can go in deep­er for me, and from there, its slightly-​rounded edges take the slight­est swiv­el to push me over the edge.

What's more, I find that the tapered tip and slight­ly flex­i­ble shaft are far more beginner-​friendly than going in with a round­ed glass dildo.

The only down­side is that I find G‑spotting with the Astra sub­tle for my tastes. For shal­low stim­u­la­tion, it's more of a clenching-​and-​twisting dil­do than a thrust­ing one. For a sim­ple, sleek dil­do that's more of a gen­er­al­ist for G‑spotting and A‑spotting, con­sid­er the BS Atelier Max.

However, I wouldn't change a thing about the Uberrime Astra; its spe­cial­ty is clear­ly div­ing deep.

Uberrime Astra Large review: tapered 7" A-spot dildo 7

Closing thoughts on the Uberrime Astra A-spot dildo

For those who care more about dil­do length than girth, I HEAR YOU. Uberrime's sig­na­ture mar­bling style makes stun­ning art pieces, but it's the Astra's shape that makes it a bril­liant tool for explor­ing the cervix and its fornices.

Overwhelmed by all the possibilities for A‑spot and cervical orgasms? Don't be — the Uberrime Astra is the place to start.

Get the Uberrime Astra at SheVibe

The Astras in stock have sim­pler col­or schemes than the one I have but are still a feast for your eyes. And your cervix will still thank ya.

Uberrime Astra Large review: tapered 7" A-spot dildo 8

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9 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    This toy works bet­ter as a g‑spot than an a‑spot toy for me but it was inter­est­ing to read anoth­er per­spec­tive, bod­ies real­ly do very widely.

  2. J says:

    Picked up one of these in size medi­um a few months back (I’m very much a size peas­ant). I still haven’t fig­ured out cer­vi­cal and a spot stim­u­la­tion but luck­i­ly for me the astra does work for my anato­my as a decent g spot dildo.

  3. Erika says:

    It’s impos­si­ble to get the Astra in these col­ors, right? I was so amazed by these spe­cif­ic col­ors and want­ed a very mag­i­cal toy like this.

  4. Trix says:

    As some­one who had to work up to a medi­um Splendid, I appre­ci­ate the taper and range of sizes!

  5. Bitt says:

    I'm kin­da debat­ing between this and the night king.

  6. Anne says:

    I only find 'uber­rime Astra G‑spot dil­do' on the site of Shevibe? Is this the same as the 'A‑spot' in your review?

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