njoy Eleven 2.75 lb stainless steel dildo review

My reunion with my toy suit­case wouldn't have been com­plete with­out kiss­ing my njoy Eleven and sob­bing. "I'll nev­er leave you again. Be with me. I want to be buried with you when I die." (To my future chil­dren who have to arrange my funer­al: I'm only a lit­tle sorry.)

Holding the njoy Eleven stainless steel dildo in my hand for a size comparison to my wrist.

If a fire burned my house down, I'd return to the rub­ble to retrieve my njoy Eleven after­ward. Maybe some oth­er dil­dos, but the Eleven would be the top pri­or­i­ty. Its stain­less steel body is sub­jec­tive­ly irre­sistible and objec­tive­ly, near­ly indestructible.

At 2.75 pounds, the njoy Eleven is 3.67% of my toy collection's esti­mat­ed weight. (Nothing scares off the weak like over 75 pounds of insertable per­verta­bles.) I could kill some­one with this blud­geon steel dil­do if I want­ed to. Wielding the njoy Eleven is what it means to be alive. I feel invincible.

the njoy eleven is thicker than my wrist

When you've tried over 350 sex toys as I have, jack-​off ses­sions and toy test­ing often become a chore. Looking at my review queue feels like get­ting lost in an end­less sea. Many toys are a feast for the eyes and scream-​inducing and suit spe­cif­ic moods, but most dis­ap­pear into the back­ground. Not the njoy Eleven.

[Image: after I got my sex toy suitcase back, I could use ALL of my favorites, from the Zumio to the Night King to the Eleven to the Velvet Thruster to the Hitachi

For me, the njoy Eleven is an exam­ple of the Pareto prin­ci­ple (a.k.a. the 80/​20 rule): 20% of my toys get 80% of my usage. When I have my full col­lec­tion, the Eleven is the dil­do I use most often. And I'd be con­tent with it being the only sex toy I use for the rest of my life.

Pause for emphasis.

Is the njoy Eleven worth it? To me, fuck yeah!

The rea­sons, of course, go far beyond its pre­ten­tious pre­sen­ta­tion in a black leather purse. It's price is lav­ish but worth every pen­ny to me. (Reduce the dent in your wal­let with my coupon code SUPERSMASHCACHE at Peepshow Toys.)

UPDATE: Le Wand released a cheap­er njoy Eleven knock­off. If you're decid­ing between the two, read my njoy Eleven vs. Le Wand Contour stain­less steel dil­do com­par­i­son.

njoy Eleven vs. Le Wand Contour stainless steel dildo head shape

First and fore­most, the njoy Eleven fits my pen­chant for pen­e­tra­tion with big toys, both in terms of length and girth. There's nowhere for the big­ger, 2" thick, end to go but tes­sel­late into my G‑spot in all of its stain­less steel glo­ry. All pres­sure and bare­ly any fric­tion. As with the wood Lumberjill Grace, all it takes is a few taps with the bul­bous head to make me insta-​come. And hold­ing the unyield­ing firm­ly in place keeps me com­ing over and over again.

In my VixSkin Gambler review, I wrote:

The aver­age American spends 6 months of their life wait­ing at red traf­fic lights. I’ll prob­a­bly spend more time than that com­ing on the Gambler.

They’re the kind of orgasms where a mere sliv­er of my sub­con­scious fires, “Oh fuck, I’m going to be stuck like this for­ev­er. If this is how I die, then so be it.” My con­scious mind, mean­while, is bare­ly active. The only words in its vocab­u­lary are “fuck” and “God.”

And I almost regret pub­lish­ing that quote about the Gambler, because I kind of wish I had saved that line for this njoy Eleven review instead.

For me, the Eleven's poten­cy comes close to the Gambler's. It doesn't pro­vide as intense of a stretch, but the stim­u­la­tion is far more tar­get­ed against my G‑spot and A‑spot. What's more, the steel's smooth­ness and sleek­ness make it far more prac­ti­cal for every­day use.

njoy eleven and njoy pure plug large
Shown here: njoy Eleven and njoy Pure Plug large

Front wall stimulation with the njoy Eleven

With the njoy Eleven, my G‑spot and ante­ri­or fornix eroge­nous zone are no longer dis­tinct enti­ties. Their bound­aries dis­solve until my entire front wall is one expanse of "FUCK!" and a but­ton for induc­ing what looks like demon­ic pos­ses­sion of my body, like love and death at the same time.

However, unlike the njoy Pure Wand, the Eleven doesn't bash direct­ly into the G‑spot. It serves a broad­er, more gen­er­al rub­bing along the front wall and the pubic bone's dip. Everybody is dif­fer­ent. Some pre­fer small rock­ing motions with the Pure Wand's steep C‑curve and aggres­sive, missile-​like G‑spot tar­get­ing, but I find it too local­ized. My vagi­na craves more. As such, I enjoy longer thrusts with the Eleven's bul­bous head and straight shaft.

The gen­tle S‑curve of the njoy Eleven allows for deep­er pen­e­tra­tion, which is my pro­cliv­i­ty— espe­cial­ly with the "small­er" end. At 1.75" girth, it's still chunky. Using the njoy Eleven to bot­tom out is not for the faint of the cervix. For my cer­vi­cal for­nices, though, it's the clos­est that a dil­do can get to perfection.

njoy eleven in storage pouch / leather carrying purse

Perfect for my posterior fornix (PFE zone)

Yes, the Eleven comes even clos­er to that ide­al than the Uberrime Night King.

I wrote in my Night King review:

The cer­vi­cal orgasms from this toy are] deep, full-​bodied, expan­sive­ly build­able, and full of spell­bind­ing heart-​eyes-​emoji voodoo.

Both dil­dos are amaz­ing. The Night King is still the fuck­ing truth, espe­cial­ly if you want a flex­i­ble dil­do. But the njoy Eleven has a sim­i­lar cur­va­ture and cir­cum­fer­ence (on the small­er end) and is more intu­itive for me to con­trol due to its firm­ness. That bulb is just the right shape and size to push in front of or behind my cervix— my per­son­al "eject oxy­tocin" switch.

I clenched. I came. I cried. I repeat­ed until I col­lapsed into my tears.

And that applies to the Eleven, too.

njoy eleven head shape

But should you get an njoy Eleven?

Despite eulo­giz­ing the njoy Eleven, how­ev­er, I'm cau­tious about rec­om­mend­ing it. Its price tag is not an invest­ment to take light­ly. For the same price, you could buy a round-​trip plane tick­et, depend­ing on where you're going. But I feel like if the njoy Eleven isn't for you, you already know. Maybe it's too heavy for you to thrust com­fort­ably, or you haven't tried many hard dil­dos, or you're unsure if you can han­dle the girth.

If you're in doubt and on a bud­get, I'd say stick to glass dil­dos like the Pipedream Icicles No. 70 or some of the Shots Chrystalino line. For a girthy glass dil­do, con­sid­er the Glas Pure Indulgence Slider. It has the same max­i­mum diam­e­ter across its egg-​shaped head, so con­sid­er it more afford­able test run!

Another option is the Contour stain­less steel dil­do by Le Wand. Its heav­ier, and its head shape is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent from the njoy Eleven, but for over $100 less, it's hel­la worth it.

njoy eleven vs. le wand contour

Final thoughts on the njoy Eleven

njoy eleven side view

The njoy Eleven is an amal­gam of my favorites:

My njoy Eleven and I have been through a lot over the years, and I'm still unsure if I have the words to do jus­tice to it. But if I were to mar­ry a sex toy com­pa­ny, there's no ques­tion: it would be njoy.

FURTHER READING: a rank­ing of top stain­less steel dil­dos from njoy, L'Acier, and Le Wand.

Where to get an njoy Eleven at a discount

Take 10% off the njoy Eleven (or any­thing else— maybe a Pure Wand?) at Peepshow Toys with coupon code SUPERSMASHCACHE

[Image: njoy Eleven, Pure Plug, and Pure Wand on granite. All three stainless steel sex toys are amazing.]

Hey! This post con­tains affil­i­ate links. Consider sup­port­ing Super Smash Cache by clear­ing your cook­ies and buy­ing via my links next time you shop for sex toys.

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11 Responses

  1. Erika says:

    I total­ly agree with EVERYTHING about this. You made me have the guts to final­ly save up mon­ey and invest in this per­fect object. I had been look­ing at it for a few years but didn’t dare to spend so much mon­ey, but then I real­ized what an invest­ment it real­ly is? And it will sure­ly last a life­time. I dropped it once, and the Njoy Eleven total­ly crashed my garbage bin but the Njoy didn’t even get a scratch in it.
    Also gen­er­al advice for some­one who might con­sid­er buy­ing it but being threat­ened by the price tag — I start­ed with buy­ing Marc Dorcel’s So Dildo, which is in a sim­i­lar shape but in sil­i­cone and much cheap­er. (And I also had the Njoy pure wand before so I knew I liked the unique feel­ing of metal). 

    I also real­ly like your advice of lend­ing it out if a friend is curi­ous to try it but doesn’t want to spend all the mon­ey on it before know­ing if they’d like it. I lent it out to a friend who squirt­ed for the first time while try­ing it out! It’s so much more envi­ron­men­tal friend­ly to lend out toys that are pos­si­ble to ster­il­ize in-​between uses, so thanks for nor­mal­iz­ing that as well✨

  2. DAM says:

    Our favorite toy has been the Njoy Pure Wand. We lit­er­al­ly use it every time we have sex. After read­ing this review, I was real­ly curi­ous about the Eleven, but hes­i­tant because the price and the Pure Wand has been so good, I couldn't imag­ine the Eleven being bet­ter. And if it's not bet­ter, then would it be worth it? That com­bined with the face that I found the Le Wand Countout for sig­nif­i­cant­ly less.

    Well we bit the bul­let and bought the Eleven and it did not dis­ap­point! We used both ends on the first try and both ends were dif­fer­ent, but amaz­ing. The Pure Wand is very direct with it's g‑spot stim­u­la­tion while the Eleven is a bit more dis­trib­uted, but because if the size, still very force­ful. Starting with the small end, my wife was squirt­ing with­in about 20 sec­onds. The com­bi­na­tion of the ridges and the small­er ball had her shoot­ing squirt after squirt for a good 30 sec­onds or more.

    When we flipped it over to the big end, your com­ment about stim­u­lat­ing the g‑spot and a‑spot at once made sense. The big bulb is so big, it touch­es both areas at the same time, and even the slight­est in and out motion stim­u­lates both.

    Anyway, we've only used it once so far, and we are thor­ough­ly impressed. This review was prob­a­bly the biggest influ­ence in our deci­sion to get the Eleven. Thank you.

  3. G says:

    One of my favorite reviews of yours.

  4. GIRTHY LADY. The weight and tem­per­a­ture play pos­si­bil­i­ties give me goosebumps

  5. Jeff says:

    We need an Eleven for our arse­nal. It's both intrigu­ing and ter­ri­fy­ing, in a good way. It's one of those toys that after you use it once, just the mere men­tion of it might push you over the edge.

  6. Oreon says:

    Gotta love a Dildo that can also serve as a weapon for the zom­bie apoc­a­lypse! Metal is a nice, pret­ty mate­r­i­al too.

  7. Madelyn says:

    I want to win this ???

  8. Jae Thudium says:

    I am s shame­less size queen. I love girth. I love didos that could seve as weapons. F*ck, I need to get one of these.

  9. E. L. Byrne says:

    OMG I kind of love your reviews. My nJoy wand is always in my bag even though every­thing I own has to fit into one suit­case of 20kg! I am so lust­ing after this one! Thanks for noth­ing as I add this to my “save for” list. Just bare­ly behind “knee replacement”! ?

  1. October 31, 2019

    […] the njoy prod­ucts, my favorite is the bludgeon-​like njoy Eleven dil­do. The “small” 1.75” wide end is per­fect for bash­ing my A‑spot, and the big­ger, 2” bulb on […]

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