LELO Mona 2 luxury G-spot vibrator review (plus comparison to an affordable alternative)

LELO Mona 2 purple review featured image

You prob­a­bly don't need an intro­duc­tion to LELO. They were once revered as the lux­u­ry "it" brand, and I under­stand why. LELO offered sleek, body-​safe, and woman-​oriented Pleasure Objects that were ahead of their time. Despite the price hikes, the gim­micks, and the PR night­mares of recent years, the aver­age per­son thinks of LELO as upscale and fan­cy. And because of that brand recog­ni­tion, you don't turn down review­ing a LELO Mona 2 if you're an up-​and-​coming sex blogger.

The LELO Mona 2 is a sta­ple in many sex blog­gers' col­lec­tions, and for a good rea­son: it's hard to top its ver­sa­til­i­ty. This G‑spot vibra­tor has a fill­ing 1.45" wide swell, an angled neck, and ten speed set­tings with grad­ual incre­ments. And the high­est speed is pow­er­ful for the LELO Mona's size class.

LELO Mona 2 purple on blue satin

Whether I use it inter­nal­ly or exter­nal­ly, the result is long, shak­ing, over­whelm­ing orgasms. I come quick­ly but spend ample time hav­ing anoth­er one and anoth­er one and anoth­er one. What's not to love?

Well, the LELO Mona costs over $150 at full price.

Let that sink in for a minute.

The brand can't swin­dle me with silk and suave alone. Sure, I might drool over a lux­u­ry met­al vibra­tor's looks, and when an expen­sive oscil­la­tor pro­vides some­thing gen­uine­ly unique, I pub­licly declare my love for it.

But the LELO Mona isn't that. Even though it's a fan­tas­tic G‑spot vibra­tor, I'd rather save mon­ey if some­thing comes close enough.

LELO Mona 2 dupe: Pillow Talk Sassy

LELO Mona 2 review and head shape comparison with BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy

My once-​holy grail recharge­able vibra­tor, the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy, is about $100 less (with code SUPERSMASHCACHE at Peepshow Toys) and very sim­i­lar to the Mona 2. There are some dif­fer­ences where the Mona out­per­forms the Sassy, but the Sassy has two impor­tant fac­tors going for it: price and rumble.

This review dis­sects all of the dif­fer­ences so that you can decide for your­self whether the Mona 2's price is worth it. If the Sassy isn't the vibra­tor for you, I've includ­ed two oth­er Mona 2 alter­na­tives to check out.

LELO Mona 2 purple and BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy pink side-by-side

Also? Check out the Je Joue G‑Kii for the ulti­mate G‑spot vibra­tor — it has an even steep­er curve.

Overall shape and build

From the side view, these two vibra­tors have sim­i­lar G‑spot curves, though the Mona's is more tapered and pointy at the tip. The insertable length is the same, at 4.5", and the width is almost the same— the Sassy's head is a lit­tle fuller. BMS Factory's Pillow Talk sil­i­cone is only the slight­est bit more draggy.

The dif­fer­ences are more pro­nounced as you move down the shaft and han­dle. The LELO Mona 2 has a rigid, silicone-​coated ABS plas­tic body, while the Pillow Talk Sassy has a flex­i­ble neck and hard head. You can thrust more aggres­sive­ly with the Mona because of its firm­ness. However, with the vibra­tions turned on, the Sassy is plen­ty intense too.

The Mona also has a more con­toured han­dle and com­plete con­trol inter­face, while the Sassy has one Swarovski crys­tal but­ton at the base. More on that later.

Power and rumble

When I halfway sub­merge the heads in water, both splash a lit­tle. However, the Sassy's splash and water dis­place­ment are way more notice­able. Though their high­est speeds are com­pa­ra­ble in pow­er, the Sassy's is lower-​pitched with a slight­ly big­ger range of motion. This afford­able alter­na­tive notably has deep­er, rum­bli­er vibra­tion qual­i­ty than the LELO Mona 2.

Click to zoom in on the images below or watch the video on my Instagram.

LELO Mona 2 luxury G-spot vibrator review (plus comparison to an affordable alternative) 1
LELO Mona 2 luxury G-spot vibrator review (plus comparison to an affordable alternative) 2

But my cli­toris is a far more crit­i­cal judge than my ears, palms, or a bowl of water. It rec­og­nizes how much dif­fer­ence a vibrator's shape makes. It's slight­ly eas­i­er to get off with the LELO Mona's pointy tip than the Pillow Talk Sassy's egg-​shaped head. Both vibra­tors result in the gasp­ing and shak­ing that would make my boyfriend jeal­ous, though.

But once the plateau dips down, the Sassy more read­i­ly rock­ets my arousal meter back up to the cli­max zone. Even at the high­est speed, I can keep going and going with the Sassy, thanks to its rumble.

LELO Mona 2 review and comparison to BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy

Speed range

On the low end of the spec­trum, the Mona 2 has a broad­er range of speeds. Its first set­ting is so mild that I can bare­ly dis­cern that it's mov­ing at all. Meanwhile, the Pillow Talk Sassy's first set­ting is a basslike purr that can still get me off with enough pres­sure. That's enough vari­a­tion for me. Even though I'm sen­si­tive to vibra­tions and can appre­ci­ate a gen­tle vibra­tor, I'd prob­a­bly nev­er use the LELO Mona 2's bot­tom three speeds.

Thank good­ness that, like with the Pillow Talk Sassy, I can hold down the Mona's "increase" but­ton to quick­ly increase the speed. The Mona has so many speed set­tings that, for prac­ti­cal pur­pos­es, the change is grad­ual. Turning up the Mona 2's speed is stop-​motion, while turn­ing up the Sassy is only slight­ly smoother, like a reg­u­lar video. And that's where the sim­i­lar­i­ty between the two vibra­tors' con­trols ends.

Control interfaces

BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy and LELO Mona 2 button and control panel comparison

The Pillow Talk Sassy has one but­ton. Press to turn on or off. Hold the but­ton up the speed. That's it. That annoys some peo­ple because most vibra­tors turn on when you hold the but­ton and jump to the next speed when you press it. On the flip side, you can instant­ly turn the Sassy off if, say, you for­got to lock the door, and some­one walks in. You can't do that with the Mona.

However, the Mona 2 has a full, 4‑button con­trol pan­el, as lux­u­ry sex toys should. Two of the but­tons change speed, while the oth­ers change the pat­tern set­ting. You can com­bine speed set­tings with five pat­terns: two puls­ing rhythms, two with wavy esca­la­tions, and one ran­dom­ized. Of those, the only one con­sis­tent enough to do any­thing for me is the fast puls­ing. The oth­ers can be fun for edg­ing, though.

The true price of a LELO product

If you must have a LELO Mona 2, buy it from the love­ly and inclu­sive peo­ple at Spectrum Boutique so that it bal­ances out a lit­tle. The mon­e­tary prices are far from the only things I dis­like about LELO.

For one, LELO's (and its sis­ter com­pa­ny, Picobong's) once-​basic line-​up is now full of gim­micks galore. The Soraya Wave is an over­priced imposter that sways back and forth against your G‑spot— but does it so incred­i­bly slow­ly and with such shit­ty vibra­tions. A dry-​clean only dick tux. A smart­phone remote con­trol app that doesn't allow you to access all of the set­tings right away.

A company that makes unsafe condoms

But those shit­ty prod­ucts are noth­ing com­pared to when LELO released the Hex con­dom. It's a tex­tured con­dom with a graphene-​inspired design for strength— far from their claim of being the only con­dom inno­va­tion in the past 70 years. Haughty and pre­ten­tious mar­ket­ing aside, the con­dom itself seems benign enough, right?

Except you can con­tin­ue to use the con­dom when it has a hole or a tear in it, and that's not a good thing. You could even poke holes in Hex con­dom, fill it with water, and use it to water your plants.

LELO has not only cre­at­ed such a mon­stros­i­ty but is also proud of this design flaw. They call it a fea­ture. I find this fact any­thing but benign.

needle poking hole in LELO Hex condom

I don't know about you, but if my con­dom were com­pro­mised, I'd pre­fer it rip­ping as con­spic­u­ous­ly as pos­si­ble, and I'd want to know ASAP. That way, I could prompt­ly take appro­pri­ate action. I wince when­ev­er I see peo­ple defend­ing the Hex, and I have to remind myself, "If they want to keep using a bro­ken con­dom, that's their choice."

Endorsing an abuser

LELO also had Charlie Sheen, a known abuser of women, be the spokesper­son for the LELO Hex. Marvy Darling chron­i­cles his list of offens­es and drops the mic with:

[The peo­ple at LELO] only care about women’s health when it sells sex toys. When a woman is beat­en, shot, threat­ened, or stran­gled? Well…

Oof. Lilly has com­piled oth­er sex blog­gers' posts about the shit­storm. "Our cam­paign is not an endorse­ment of the past," LELO's social media man­ag­er respond­ed. "It's about pro­mot­ing con­dom usage, pre­vent­ing STIs, and change."

But they're a multi-​million dol­lar com­pa­ny. LELO could have afford­ed so many oth­er celebri­ties, who don't have vio­lent his­to­ries, to pro­mote con­dom usage. Their choice was a pub­lic­i­ty stunt, and they don't care— any press is good press to them.

Affordable alternatives to the LELO Mona 2

These prod­ucts are friend­lier to both your con­science and wal­let while still mak­ing your junk happy.

Je Joue G‑Kii

“You sound like you’re get­ting stabbed,” a friend replied when I sent him a voice record­ing of me using the Je Joue G‑Kii.

Yeah, my orgasms with it were wild. It's not exact­ly cheap, but it's cer­tain­ly less than the Mona 2 and feels fan­tas­tic. Read my Je Joue G‑Kii review.

Je Joue G-Kii posable G-spot vibrator

BMS Factory Swan Wand Mini

BMS Factory Swan Wand thumbnail photo pink

I've seen review­ers sug­gest the BMS Factory Swan Wand as a rumbly alter­na­tive to the Mona, to which I want to shout, "Aw hell, no!"

To its cred­it, it is rum­bli­er — and old fuck-​buddy com­pared it to an earth­quake. But its three speed set­tings are like jump­ing from 35 to 70 to 110 miles per hour. Its pow­er is Hitachi-​level. And while both the Magic Wand and Mona 2 are good toys, com­par­ing them is like com­par­ing a bull­doz­er to a Lamborghini.

Maybe you are will­ing to sac­ri­fice pre­cise speed con­trol for more pow­er and rum­ble. Then, by all means, get a Swan Wand Classic. You can find a video of the clas­sic vibrat­ing in a bowl of water on my Instagram. It's a qual­i­ty toy, rum­bli­er than the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy, Swan Wand Mini, and Mona 2 alike, but I don't think it's near­ly as versatile.

Personally, if I didn't want to insert the fat end of the Swan Wand, I prob­a­bly wouldn't feel jus­ti­fied buy­ing it for only three steady speeds. A Swan Wand Mini might be a good fit for you if you want a petite G‑spot vibe short­er and thin­ner than the Sassy, but it's not as rumbly.

Pillow Talk Sassy teal side view thumbnail

BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy

I think the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy is an absolute steal for the price. Hardly any­one knew about it when I first tried it, and I sought to rec­ti­fy this trav­es­ty. I think every­one who is look­ing for a G‑spot vibra­tor on a bud­get should con­sid­er it.

Read my Pillow Talk Sassy G‑spot vibra­tor review here.

Take 10% off a Mona 2 or any other sex toy at Spectrum Boutique

You can use the coupon code SUPERSMASH10 at Spectrum Boutique to take 10% off a LELO Mona 2, Swan Wand, Swan Wand Mini, or any­thing else you want!

LELO Mona, BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy, and BMS Factory Swan Wand original-- all very rumbly G-spot vibrators


Spectrum Boutique sent me the LELO Mona 2 in exchange for my hon­est and freely-​given opin­ion. I also use affil­i­ate links through­out this post. Clear your cook­ies before click­ing and buy­ing, and the links will bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you.

The com­mis­sion doesn't change how I feel about LELO. I still think they're a sub-​par com­pa­ny. But I under­stand that you might still want to buy a Mona 2 or Smart Wand 2 Large.

Those are two of the few prod­ucts I'd reluc­tant­ly rec­om­mend from LELO because they are bet­ter than the com­pe­ti­tion. Don't get the Hex. Or Mona Wave or Ina Wave or Soraya Wave. Those suck.

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9 Responses

  1. Rhazya says:

    This is prob­a­bly a com­ment you wouldn’t expect: where did you get the pea­cock feath­er fab­ric? It’s absolute­ly gorgeous.

  2. Oreon says:

    Thanks for the review and for the alter­na­tives. Might have to get the Sassy.

  3. DizzyD says:

    I remem­ber the first time I heard of LELO. My friend had a toy from LELO and I couldn’t believe how chique it looked. That year, my part­ner gave me a LELO Iris for Christmas. It was my first expe­ri­ence with a lux­u­ry toy. That’s about 10 years ago and it still works!
    It’s a shame to see this com­pa­ny go back­wards, not for­ward. They could have done so much more with this brand, could real­ly have made a pos­i­tive impact.

  4. Jay says:

    Thank you for tak­ing the time to write at length about Lelo and their ethics. Many blog­gers I fol­low have dif­fer­ent opin­ions con­cern­ing Lelo, but nev­er explain their rea­son­ing or pro­vide as many alter­na­tives as you have here.

  5. B R says:

    Thanks got a great review and for sav­ing us a bunch of cash! I think the Sassy may be our next purchase.

  1. July 10, 2019

    […] Talk Sassy ruined prac­ti­cal­ly all oth­er G‑spot vibra­tors for me— even out­per­form­ing the renowned LELO Mona 2. It’s per­haps the most under­rat­ed vibra­tor in exis­tence, and a steal for only $43. I didn’t do […]

  2. November 18, 2019

    […] spe­cif­ic task, the nar­row­er its range of abil­i­ties is going to be, and vice ver­sa. For exam­ple, the LELO Mona 2, BMS Pillow Talk Sassy, and Desirables Dalia are great toys for explo­ration if you’re unsure of what you want. But […]

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