THROWBACK: 5 First Sex Toys, 10 Years Later!

400 SEX TOYS! TEN YEARS! It's been a decade since I start­ed col­lect­ing sex toys — and five years since I made my blog into a busi­ness! Can you believe it?!

My sex toy col­lec­tion has grown so much since then. I've got gad­gets and giz­mos aplen­ty, and you can, too!

Lovehoney Sqweel Go, We-Vibe Tango, njoy Pure Wand, VixSkin Johnny, and Fifty Shades of Grey Pleasure Balls

This sex toy spot­light is a throw­back to the mid-​2010s, an era when:

  • Sex toy mate­r­i­al safe­ty was only start­ing to become com­mon knowledge
  • Tumblr porn reblog pages were still thriv­ing (and FOSTA/​SESTA hadn't passed yet)
  • LELO was still the dar­ling of the sex toy world (not so much any­more)
  • Bloggers of the day had just bro­ken free of a par­tic­u­lar shop's "pos­i­tive vibes only" policy
  • I was doing vagi­nal weightlift­ing dai­ly (more on that in a bit)

Some sex toy designs come and go, but — and I resist­ed jok­ing about com­ing and com­ing — some of my first phal­lic play props have stood the test of time. Take a look through some of my 2014-​era toy­box. I'll tell you about the toy and the nos­tal­gia it stirs up for my ear­ly days of col­lect­ing sex toys.

These aren't just any toys! The Pure Wand, VixSkin Johnny, and We-​Vibe Tango are among the bright­est and best Lovehoney offers.

How did my sex toy col­lec­tion start, and what does each toy mean to me?

We-Vibe Tango, njoy Pure Wand, and Fifty Shades of Grey Pleasure Balls

njoy Pure Wand

This G‑spot dil­do is a cult clas­sic: a mis­sile engi­neered to rock and ham­mer against the shal­low front wall, right where the G‑spot or prostate is for most people.

Indeed, I imme­di­ate­ly bought an njoy Pure Wand once I dis­cov­ered my G‑spot. A part­ner fin­gered me just right, and I real­ized how wrong the usu­al advice to go 3–4 inch­es inside was for me. My G‑spot is about 1.5" inside — and the Pure Wand popped right in there.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, I prac­ti­cal­ly insta-​came like that. The Pure Wand per­fect­ly does what it was designed to do to a vagi­na: deliv­er pres­sure just slight­ly past the pubic bone.

njoy Pure Wand stainless steel dildo curvature

But it was foun­da­tion­al to my sex­plo­ration for anoth­er rea­son on top of that. Yeah, I used to do vagi­nal weightlift­ing every sin­gle day as part of my orgas­mic med­i­ta­tion prac­tice. This steel dil­do is hefty 24 ounces and has two ends: one 1.5" and one 1.0" diam­e­ter. And I used to hold the small end up through­out my time show­er­ing, doing hair and make­up, etc., in the morning.

I for­ti­fied my pelvic floor and breath con­trol to the point where I could cum by breath­ing and clench­ing — and I still can nowa­days! So no, I nev­er wor­ry that a huge dil­do will "ruin" sex for me or a part­ner. I savor all sizes of cocks, big, small, and every­thing in between.

Vixen Creations VixSkin Johnny

Speaking of huge dil­dos, the VixSkin Johnny was my first-​ever dual-​density dil­do, featuring:

  • A firm and curved inner core for structure
  • Fleshy, soft sil­i­cone "skin" that yields to my touch
  • 1.75" diam­e­ter cross the pro­nounced head
Vixen Creations VixSkin Johnny curved dual-density dildo

Of course, I had slim­mer, smoother dil­dos before that, but Vixen Creations' VixSkin for­mu­la was a lux­u­ri­ous level-​up. I've cum so many times on the Vixen Creations VixSkin Johnny — one orgasm was quick and often pro­ceed­ed to turn into ten. My cervix adored Johnny's girthy mem­ber fill­ing me up and bot­tom­ing me out.

Johnny is thi­i­i­i­i­i­i­ick — a lit­tle broad­er than my wrist — and set my stan­dard for dual-​density sil­i­cone dil­dos. It also warmed me up to the VixSkin Outlaw (which is more gen­tle than it looks, I promise), Tantus Cush O2, and beyond. I had such alle­giance to Vixen Creations that, in addi­tion to Johnny and Outlaw, I've tried the single-​density soda-​can-​sized Randy, dual-​density Gambler, and soft Colossus sheath.

Vixen Creations ruled the dual-​density dil­do realm in the 2010s — there wasn't much quite like it at the time. Nowadays, such for­mu­las are more com­mon­place, but the VixSkin Johnny is still ven­er­at­ed and enshrined in my world.

We-Vibe Tango X Blue

We-Vibe Tango X

The We-​Vibe Tango X is the new­er ver­sion of the Tango, the gold stan­dard of rumbly, standard-​size bul­let vibra­tors. Some mini-​vibes buzz. This one purrs and has seri­ous "jump," hel­la splash­ing when dipped in water. The tap­ping of its hard shell against my desk sounds like firecrackers.

Slot it into a dildo's bul­let cav­i­ty to make it quiver inside you. Or enjoy the lip­stick slant's ver­sa­til­i­ty; it allows for both pin­point focus at the tip and more dif­fuse sen­sa­tion at the sides, all in a com­pact package.

My favorite fea­ture of the Tango X — after the leg­endary motor — is the three-​button con­trol pan­el that allows you to turn the speed up and down. Slightly sen­si­tive after orgasm but want to keep going? No problem!

My second-​gen We-​Vibe Tango back in the day only had one but­ton. But I cher­ished it since it was bequeathed to me by a more estab­lished sex blog­ger. She thought it was slow­ly dying and only had a few min­utes of bat­tery life at a time, and she offered it as a tester to feel the vibra­tion qual­i­ty. Lucky for me, the unit hap­pened to hold a charge after I accept­ed it!

"A deal is a deal," she said, send­ing it my way.

FSOG Inner Goddess Silver Pleasure Balls

Once upon a time, when peo­ple Googled vari­a­tions of "fifty shades of grey sil­ver plea­sure balls," they'd end up on my blog.

Fifty Shades of Grey Inner Goddess stainless steel weighted Kegel balls

I reviewed the Inner Goddess Silver Pleasure Balls, which weighed 7.8 ounces and mea­sured only 1.25" across. Their weight and small size made the sen­sa­tion oh-​so-​delicious to wear, ever-​present through­out my day. They're on the moderate-​to-​advanced size of the vagi­nal weightlift­ing spec­trum, and I loved it.

The prod­uct itself is deli­cious, but I wasn't a fan of the fran­chise, and I almost wish I hadn't delet­ed my orig­i­nal Fifty Shades of Grey Inner Goddess Silver Pleasure Ball review.

That was 2015-​ish, the peak of Web 2.0 social jus­tice war­rior cul­ture. And while I'm still not a fan of Fifty Shades of Grey, I've grown as a con­tent cre­ator and con­sumer since.

Fifty Shades of Grey Inner Goddess stainless steel weighted Kegel balls in hand

All of the fol­low­ing can be true at the same time:

  1. Many peo­ple were "ini­ti­at­ed" into the kink world by Fifty Shades of Grey.
  2. If Christian Grey weren't wealthy, the sto­ry would be right at home on an episode of Criminal Minds.
  3. We can let fan­tasies be fan­tasies. E.L. James and read­ers of dark romance can enjoy what­ev­er the fuck they want — even if that includes hav­ing the hots for an imag­i­nary, sexy stalker.
  4. Experienced kinksters could have been nicer about show­ing the Shaders more com­plete resources, includ­ing about Risk-​Aware Consensual Kink and dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion from abuse.
  5. I'm going to write a smut­ty romance nov­el one day, too. It's prob­a­bly going to be garbage, but it doesn't have to be per­fect to be enjoyed, to help peo­ple dis­cov­er them­selves, and so on.

Dark romance with manip­u­la­tion and pos­ses­sion is super trig­ger­ing for me, but if some­one likes the Fifty Shades of Grey fran­chise, "You do you, boo."

Get the Fifty Shades of Grey Inner Goddess Silver Pleasure Balls

Tango X, Inner Goddess Silver Pleasure Balls, Glass Dildo from Lovehoney

A Lovehoney Glass Dildo

Glass dil­dos are so, so severe­ly under­rat­ed as first-​time sex toys. They're slick (min­i­mal lube need­ed), pret­ty, easy to clean, and often quite afford­able while body-safe!

My first-​ever (ever… like, when I was still in high school and didn't dri­ve yet) sex toys were glass dildos:

They were noth­ing too wild, hence gener­ic names like "Lovehoney Slimline G‑Spot Sensual Glass Dildo," but they were impact­ful. The bul­bous head on the longer one led to my dis­cov­ery of cer­vi­cal orgasms.

Lovehoney Slimline G-Spot Sensual Glass Dildo

I fuck­ing love deep pen­e­tra­tion. I crave the depth, bold­ness, and full-​body radi­ance of a cer­vi­cal orgasm, and I cred­it long glass dil­dos for mak­ing that alter­nate path­way to plea­sure pos­si­ble for me.

Also, glass dil­dos were lighter, easier-​to-​grab weights than the njoy Pure Wand, great for vagi­nal weightlift­ing. Just make sure you lay out a plush tow­el under you in case you drop it.

What's your favorite glass dil­do shape? Mine is gen­tly curved with a swelling tip and for­ward tilt.

Lovehoney Sqweel 2 oral sex simulator with spinning wheel of flapping tongues

Lovehoney Sqweel 2

Last but not least, Lovehoney's Sqweels fea­ture flap­ping tongues to sim­u­late oral sex. The com­pact and recharge­able Sqweel Go was my first-​ever motor­ized sex toy, lap­ping light­ly over my cli­toral hood. While it has since been dis­con­tin­ued, its pre­de­ces­sor, the Sqweel 2, remains.

This rel­ic of 2010-​ish is so old-​school that it takes 3 AAA bat­ter­ies rather than con­tain­ing a lithium-​ion recharge­able. Ahh, yes. The orig­i­nal trav­el lock: trans­port­ing a vibra­tor with bat­ter­ies tak­en out so it doesn't go off in your bag.

Lovehoney Sqweel 2 oral sex simulator with spinning wheel of flapping tongues

While I don't love the Sqweel 2 — it stalls way too eas­i­ly with pres­sure — it's a nos­tal­gic nov­el­ty. Its successor's pret­ty pink tongues matched my Tantus Silk Large and bent glass dil­do. I stowed all of them inside a faux-​fur light-​up star pil­low with a zip­per clo­sure, where my col­lege dorm room­mate wouldn't find them.

Yeah, 2013 was a very dif­fer­ent time for me.

A big thank-you!

Thank you to Lovehoney​.com for col­lab­o­rat­ing with me! And yes, they were among the first retail­ers I bought sex toys from.

Subscribe to new posts via email below. You'll get a noti­fi­ca­tion every time I post some­thing — or set the fre­quen­cy to once a week, if you'd pre­fer. <3

Lovehoney Sqweel 2, We-Vibe Tango X, glass dildo, and Inner Goddess Silver Pleasure Balls

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25 Responses

  1. Alexandra says:

    Can you write an arti­cle about your orgas­mic med­i­ta­tion prac­tice you men­tioned above?
    That sounds so interesting!
    You are such an inspi­ra­tion for me, thank you for that!
    Your blog is amazing!

  2. Brandie Harwood says:


  3. B R says:

    Thanks for anoth­er great contest!

  4. reggie_rocks says:

    Good luck everybody!

  5. Jamie Martin says:

    Can't wait to use these with my GF

  6. Jamie Martin says:

    🎉Congratulations on a decade! 🎊

  7. Ali M says:

    Whoops, just realised that it's USA only, are my entries able to be removed so it doesn't take away chances for those who are eligible?

    • No wor­ries! I can repick a win­ner if the num­ber gen­er­a­tor lands on you. Hopefully I'll have an inter­na­tion­al gift card give­away soon. <3 Thank you for your support.

  8. Ali M says:

    Huge con­grats to 10yrs <3 I'm an almost dai­ly brows­er here and over on your ins­ta pages 🙂 Good luck to every­one who has entered

  9. Alex says:

    Congratulations! 10 years is quite an accom­plish­ment. I real­ly appre­ci­ate all the hard work you put into this blog. Your writ­ing is always thought­ful, infor­ma­tive, and enter­tain­ing. Your pho­tos are so cre­ative and beau­ti­ful, they real­ly add a unique sense of style to your work.

  10. Julie Bickham says:

    Would love to try all these out!

  11. John Patterson says:

    Thank you and congratulations

  12. Phal says:

    Oh my gosh, con­grats on 10 years!!! Your info has been real­ly help­ful for me in decid­ing what toys to buy, dis­cov­er­ing the lan­guage to describe what I like (anoth­er lover of deep pen­e­tra­tion here), and learn­ing more about the actu­al vari­eties in anato­my and I val­ue it so much@!

  13. Evan says:

    How excit­ing!!

  14. Lemon says:

    Congrats on 10 years! I appre­ci­ate you and this blog so much!!

  15. Trix says:

    The post pho­to styling is so pret­ty! I’d total­ly for­got­ten about the Sqweel, too (would it be painful on promi­nent inter­nal labia?)…

  16. Jeff says:

    We could real­ly use an update to our toy arse­nal! Thanks.

  17. Wesley Cannon says:

    Fingers crossed!! My wife it try­ing to catch up to you, so these would help the mission! 😛

  18. Jamie Martin says:

    You know I need the Sqweel!

  19. Sasha says:

    So excit­ed for this! I've had my eye on the Pure Wand, Johnny and the Tango for a while, would be amaz­ing to win this bundle.

  20. Dave says:

    I enjoyed your trip down mem­o­ry lane. Thanks for putting this together.

  21. Shawn Stover says:

    Wow, thank you for the amaz­ing prizes!

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