13+ Unique Sex Toys for the Collector Who Has Everything

I've tried over 350 sex toys, and yet, I still find won­der in Toyland. So many visu­als can be made phal­lic if you're cre­ative enough.

Unique Velvet Alley Designs dildos, Chaotic Kink blades, and Vixen Creations silicone clitoral grinder and strap-on cushion
Cute sex toy designs from Velvet Alley, Vixen Creations, Chaotic Kink, and more!

And with the evo­lu­tion of soft cli­toral grind­ing toys, the pos­si­bil­i­ties are even more expansive.

Here are 11 toys and acces­sories that take the "nov­el­ty" in "nov­el­ty toys" to a whole oth­er lev­el. Some of them are most­ly aes­thet­ic, while oth­ers bal­ance form and function.

I'll also cen­ter Velvet Alley Designs a lot because they're a rel­a­tive­ly new indie mak­er with some of the most cre­ative dil­do sculpts I've seen, and I adore the mys­tery box­es they sent me.

Pastel-colored silicone dildos and massagers by Velvet Alley, Voila, Chaotic Kink, and more
More Velvet Alley! Plus, Boutique Voila and a sil­i­cone DP dou­ble dong <3

Heartache - Dolly's Revenge by Velvet Alley Designs

A dildo featuring a knife stabbing an anatomical heart

The Heartache — Dolly's Revenge dil­do makes per­haps the ulti­mate Anti-​Valentine gift. The insertable por­tion is a styl­ized knife (think ele­phant tusk with a han­dle). And the base gets a 10/​10 for flair with its cus­tomiz­able anatom­i­cal heart.

Have fun twist­ing the sharp edges against the front wall when it's deep inside. The out­er curve also has notch­es, as if for fin­gers to hold onto, and a squared-​off tip. It's not the right shape for my G‑spot, but my cervix loves the shal­low curve and firmness.

The size that I have mea­sures 6.9" insertable length and 1.6" diam­e­ter, just a lit­tle thick­er than my first-​ever dil­do, and just as slick on the sur­face. If you love:

  • Deep spot massage
  • Defined planes and angles inside you
  • A spooky aesthetic

… it's hard to go wrong with the Velvet Alley Heartache — Dolly's Revenge dil­do. Dive deep in style.

A closer look at the Vixen Mouthing Off Pushin' Cushion and Velvet Alley anatomical heart
Left to right: Vixen Creations Mouthing Off Pushin' Cushion, the tips of the Sawback and Predator blades from Chaotic Kink, and the anatom­i­cal heart por­tion of the HEARTACHE — Dolly's Revenge dil­do. SO VASCULAR!

Get the HEARTACHE — Dolly's Revenge dil­do off-​the-​shelf from Spectrum Boutique

NOTE: The Spectrum Boutique ver­sion is squishi­er than the one I have. Also, the teeny-​tiny one I have isn't the XS size but an even small­er petite.

People always ask me if the small ones are for butt stuff. And, well, I got it just as a cute dec­o­ra­tion. But it is butt-​safe, and we're all adults here, so you do you.

"Mouthing Off" Pushin' Cushion by Vixen Creations

Everything reminds me of him…

We've seen soft vulva-​grinding toys shaped like ros­es and labia and abstract land­scapes, but there was bound to be one shaped like plush face lips. And I snatched up the Vixen Creations "Mouthing Off" Pushin' Cushion imme­di­ate­ly because I must have a sex toy where I can pre­tend I'm rid­ing a face. Just put it on a pil­low and hump.

Squishing the Vixen Creations Mouthing Off Pushin' Cushion - a lip and tongue-shaped silicone clitoral massager
My thumb squish­ing the Vixen Creations Mouthing Off Pushin' Cushion. Cue woozy face emoji.

And it's thi­i­i­i­ick and defined — the lips them­selves are cartoon-​like, seri­ous­ly like 0.6" raised off the round back­ing. The edges enhance cli­toral pres­sure with soooo lit­tle effort.  And the base lay­er is anoth­er 0.4" deep. Laterally, the disc mea­sures 3.5" in diam­e­ter, while the lips are 3.2" long by 2" wide.

The maker's intent was to stick the Pushin' Cushion to a flat-​based dil­do dur­ing strap-​on play with a part­ner, though you can most cer­tain­ly use it solo, as I do.

Vixen Creations' Pushin' Cushions are soft­er than Uberrime's and firmer than Pelle's. Here's how they mea­sure on my Shore durom­e­ter, which sens­es hardness:

(Yeah, Pelle's sil­i­cone seri­ous­ly doesn't even reg­is­ter. It's that soft.)

squishy silicone clitoral grinding and humping toys shaped like an anatomical heart, rose, and brain
Left to right: Velvet Alley anatom­i­cal heart cli­toral grinder, Uberrime Rosae, and Velvet Alley Brainzzz

I like dif­fer­ent things about each of them, though. The Uberrime Rosae's petals are bet­ter for direct but soft­ly brush­ing cli­toral con­tact, while the "Mouthin' Off" Pushin' Cushion's lips are for angling slight­ly to the side and mas­sag­ing broad­ly across my vulva.

FURTHER READING: Rose Sex Toy Guide: Air Pulses, Colors, Variants, Plugs, and More!

Legacy by Velvet Alley Designs

A super customizable unicorn skull dildo — maybe for DP?!

The angle between the cra­ni­um and horn is eas­i­ly squished — mak­ing this mod­el a prime can­di­date for fold­ing in half for dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion.

I got the Velvet Alley Legacy uni­corn dil­do as part of a mys­tery box. This one is their extra small size in super soft Shore 0050 silicone.

If I were to get anoth­er one, I'd choose the reg­u­lar (i.e. biggest) size and con­quer it. The horn (about 6.6" long and 1.75" max­i­mum diam­e­ter) would go in deep, while the rest of the skull stretch­es the mouth of my vagina.

UV Sanitizer Pouch by b-Vibe

Sanitizing silicone sex toys doesn't have to be a chore

While tex­tured dil­dos can feel fan-​fucking-​tastic, they're noto­ri­ous for their nooks and cran­nies. A soft-​bristled tooth­brush can buff away the encrust­ed vagi­nal secre­tions, but if you want a sur­er sense of clean­li­ness, some options include:

  • Boiling your dil­dos for about 5 minutes
  • A 10% dilut­ed bleach solu­tion, fol­lowed by soap, water, and thor­ough rinsing
  • Running a dishwasher's san­i­tiz­ing cycle

None of them are con­ve­nient when you're trav­el­ing or try­ing to be dis­creet, which is where UV‑C ster­il­iz­ing lights can kick in. The radi­a­tion kills germs by dam­ag­ing their genet­ic material.

b-vibe UV sanitizer pouch for disinfecting sex toys
The pouch has a draw­string enclo­sure and a but­ton to start a 5‑minute UV san­i­ta­tion cycle. When you press the "b" but­ton, it'll light up to show that there's power. 

b‑Vibe's light­weight UV san­i­tiz­er pouch enclos­es the rays inside a con­trolled cham­ber to clean your toys on the go. Its faux-​leather con­struc­tion fits toys up to 10" long and 3" wide but is also cute, com­pact, and con­ve­nient. It doesn't draw too much attention.

Sawback and Predator by Chaotic Kink 

Acrylic blades for safer and more stylish knife play fantasies

Have you ever ini­ti­at­ed sex­ting with, "If I pulled a (clear­ly fake) knife on you while we were alone, what would you do?"

No? Just me?

Acrylic fake knives for kinky kidnap knife play / roleplay and BDSM
Holding the Chaotic Kink Sawback blade in my hand next to the Predator and HEARTACHE — Dolly's Revenge!

Well, if you've want­ed to do a kid­nap­ping, pri­mal, or inter­ro­ga­tion scene, Chaotic Kink's laser-​cut acrylic blades are per­fect for you. They offer a wide range of styles and themes:

…along with cus­tom pieces. My per­son­al favorite was the Cruciform blade style in a mir­rored reflec­tive acrylic, which I fea­tured in my Midwest Murrikah give­away in 2022. The forked tip on the Predator blade is fun for stroking the clit over the hood, too. There's some­thing for every sadist's visu­al style at Chaotic Kink.

Kinky knife play blades with mirrored acrylic finish
Funkit Toys Whackoff axe dil­do next to Hunter and Cruciform reflec­tive acrylic blades

Meat Cleaver paddle by Glutton For Punishment Crafts

I'll quote the prod­uct info page: "Do you like ser­i­al killers? Are you a chef? Do you have an insane love for Sweeney Todd? If you answered yes to any of these ques­tions, this pad­dle is for you."

This pad­dle is also laser-​cut and engraved from acrylic, but xtra-​thiiiiiccccc for heft and sta­bil­i­ty dur­ing light or mod­er­ate impact play. It mea­sures about 14" long by 4" wide at the "blade," 1.4" wide at the han­dle, and almost a half-​inch deep.

Clear acrylic meat cleaver paddle for BDSM impact play
Chaotic Kink clear acrylic meat cleaver paddle

The one I got is blank, but you have some cus­tomiza­tion options for your meat cleaver paddle:

  • Blood splat­ter blade
  • Friday the 13th
  • Your choice of text up to 16 characters

Hole Punch Toys Evolver

An old-​school revolver gun dildo for kink play
Silicone revolver gun-shaped dildo by Hole Punch Toys

I've reviewed the Hole Punch Toys Evolver before, so I'll just quote my past self here:

So much for trig­ger discipline.

This revolver dildo’s design fea­tures a 5.5” long bar­rel, G‑spotty tip, and — an unex­pect­ed perk — a trig­ger that can grind up against the clit for dual stim­u­la­tion, depend­ing on your anatomy. 

I got a sil­i­cone corn dil­do to clear con­cerns of agri­cul­tur­al pathogens or pes­ti­cides in my pussy. And the fully-​silicone Hole Punch Evolver frees my mind of:

  • Whether a gun is loaded
  • Whether it’s point­ed at any­thing I’d like to destroy
  • Trigger dis­ci­pline
  • What’s behind my target

You get the idea. If you’re look­ing for a gun­play kink prop, the Hole Punch Evolver dil­do might fit the bill.


[If] there’s less than 1 inch between your vagi­nal open­ing and cli­toral glans … [y]ou’ll have an extra lay­er of appre­ci­a­tion for the Hole Punch Toys Evolver — mod­er­ate­ly deep pen­e­tra­tion and exter­nal grind­ing with one hand. It’s like hit­ting the “eject oxy­tocin” but­ton repeatedly.

Lust Arts double-sided silicone suction cups serve as an adapter. That's how to stick a flat-based dildo to the wall
Lust Arts double-​sided sil­i­cone suc­tion cups

Double-sided suction cups by Lust Arts

Adapters to turn flat-​based dildos into mountable ones

Stick these sil­i­cone double-​sided suc­tion cups to the wall or to a "Body Dock" style har­ness. There are oth­er iter­a­tions of adapters and suc­tion cups on the mar­ket, but the Lust Arts one is my favorite. I find it super stur­dy com­pared to, say, the New York Toy Collective one.

Craven by Velvet Alley Designs

A dildo shaped like exaggerated vertebrae on a pelvis base

The Velvet Alley Craven spine-​notched dil­do fea­tures tex­tures galore, both along the shaft and on the base. It mea­sures about 6" long and 1.6" wide, and I chose the "just fuck my shit up" mys­tery box col­or option.

Velvet Alley Brainzzz grinder in glow-in-the-dark purple, Craven vertebral dildo, and anatomical heart silicone clitoral massager in ghost heart and glow pink
Left to right: Velvet Alley Brainzzz grinder, Craven ver­te­bral dil­do, and anatom­i­cal heart sil­i­cone cli­toral massager 

Since the shaft is most­ly straight but forward-​tilting and sli­i­i­ight­ly flex­i­ble, I can angle behind my cervix or push the hor­i­zon­tal notch­es against my G‑spot — but not both at the same time. Nevertheless, I'm cum­ming quickly.

At first, the tiny "hip bones" were too flex­i­ble to do much for my clit, but I've found a way to make this design work for me. I looove grip­ping my labia majo­ra near the top to press along where the cli­toral cru­ra branch out. That's stim­u­lat­ing on its own, but it also pulls on my labia mino­ra a lit­tle, leav­ing my cli­toral glans eas­i­ly acces­si­ble to bump and grind on the ili­ac crest's edge.

Velvet Alley Brainzzz grinder in glow-in-the-dark purple, Craven vertebral dildo, and anatomical heart silicone clitoral massager in ghost heart and glow pink
Velvet Alley Designs Craven dil­do pelvis side view, anatom­i­cal heart, and Brainzzz

Bob the Alien by La Boutique Voila

I under­stand how peo­ple feel about the viral rose sex toy now. When I told a friend that I thought it was over­rat­ed, he object­ed, "It's cute, okay?!!"

Bob the Alien glow-in-the-dark vibrator by La Boutique Voila

Even though nei­ther the rose cli­toral suc­tion toy nor the Bob the Alien are ground-​breaking to me, it's a delight hav­ing a sex toy that's intense yet doesn't stand out as bla­tant­ly a sex toy.

Bob the Alien is firm, 2.1" thick across the head, front-​loaded, G‑spotty, deliv­ers a big stretch, cute AF, and dis­creet. It's com­pact, yet the sen­sa­tions are huge for those who looooove off-​label inser­tions and get­ting stuffed with girthquakes.

Brainzzz and anatomical heart by Velvet Alley Designs

More clitoral humpables!

The full Velvet Alley anatom­i­cal heart is life-​sized, about the size of my fist. If we're includ­ing the aor­ta, supe­ri­or vena cava, and pul­monary trunk, this fuck­able mea­sures about 3" wide by 6" long. There's 2" of depth to low­er your weight on, mak­ing it essen­tial­ly a mas­sage ball for your vulva.

Velvet Alley spooky silicone sex toys - Brainzzz textured clitoral grinding toy and anatomical heart sculpt

Personally, the Brainzzz half-​brain grinder doesn't do much for me since the tex­tures aren't quite the right bal­ance of def­i­n­i­tion and pres­sure for me. But you might like it if you're one for firm and direct cli­toral friction.

Get Velvet Alley cli­toral grinders at Spectrum Boutique

Pennywise by Velvet Alley Designs

Hella textured but (thankfully) way scaled down arm and fist dildo

This dil­do mod­eled after Pennywise's arm and hand hold­ing a bal­loon was… sur­pris­ing­ly pleasurable.

My friends' first impres­sions of it were:

  • What the fuck is going on
  • There's no way that actu­al­ly feels good
  • That's just for looks… right?

Nope. Despite this horror-​inspired dil­do being pret­ty much exact­ly on my thresh­old of creepi­ness tol­er­ance, I like how it feels inside me.

I cer­tain­ly admire the detail­ing. There's a lot going on — even an origa­mi boat float­ing on a styl­ized pud­dle lead­ing into the sew­er grates. And the "glove" has stitch­ing along a finger.

How the hayul­l­l­ll could the Pennywise dil­do actu­al­ly feel good? It's all in how it aligns with my anatomy:

  • The round "bal­loon" tip squish­es nice­ly behind my cervix
  • The knuck­le def­i­n­i­tion on the "fist" push­es against my A‑spot
  • There's a bal­ance of firm­ness and flexibility.
  • The high­ly ruf­fled sleeves line up with my G‑spot on the outstroke.
  • I can rotate and twist it for more depth and dif­fer­ent sen­sa­tions on the front wall.
Velvet Alley Designs Pennywise It clown hand indie artisan silicone dildo next to miniature (petite) HEARTACHE - Dolly's Revenge dildo

The Velvet Alley Pennywise dildo's base doesn't do much for me. Usually, an edge like that would be fun for hit­ting my clit, but this one isn't arranged at the opti­mal angle. It's also quite bendy; the base main­ly serves as some­thing to grab onto while thrusting.

Sinister? Yeah. But, to me, it's not as eerie as their Dr. Edgar dil­do, for some rea­son. That one, I def­i­nite­ly told Velvet Alley not to make for me. Thank good­ness you could cus­tomize your spooky mys­tery box.

I was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised by this addi­tion to my Velvet Alley mys­tery box — like, shock­ing­ly so. Somehow, there are still dil­dos that man­age to wow me after all these years of collecting.

Heartache  - Dolly's Revenge full size vs. petite in my hand vs. Pennywise dildo by Velvet Alley Designs
Holding the Petite HEARTACHE — Dolly's Revenge next to the full-​sized one. Plus, a com­par­i­son between my hand and the hand on the Pennywise dildo.

Uberrime Happy Snowman dildo

AKA Frosty the Hoe-​Man and sim­ply "the bon­er snowman"

13+ Unique Sex Toys for the Collector Who Has Everything 1

Can't Get Enough?

If you want a more in-​depth gift guide sort­ed by toys' "per­son­al­i­ties," check out: Sex Toys for Every Star Sign & Pleasure Persona!

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2 Responses

  1. Trix says:

    I don’t know how I missed most of these? (Also, is the Pelle Orange soft­er than the NS Novelties Firefly Yoni?)

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