Uberrime Maxime vs. Vixskin Johnny Review: Girthy Realism

Uberrime Maxime and VixSkin Johnny dual-density dildos

Uberrime's Maxime dick­ma­tizes me into an alter­nate state, Googling “visions dur­ing inti­ma­cy” short­ly after fuck­ing myself (and fol­low­ing the search sug­ges­tion to “tran­scen­den­tal intimacy”).

My beloved VixSkin Johnny, which has been with me for ten years now, has all but been replaced by the Maxime dual-​density dil­do.

Uberrime Maxime and VixSkin Johnny girthy realistic dildo heads

What I Love About Maxime and Johnny

As far as real­is­tic sil­i­cone sex toys go, nei­ther Vixen Creations’ VixSkin Johnny nor Uberrime's Maxime are fuck­ing around:

  • Their swelling, flared coro­nas impose on my walls with shal­low strokes
  • The flared fore­skin on my G‑spot feels like a split-​second replay of the corona's gliding
  • The swoop­ing glan­des tes­se­late with my pos­te­ri­or (or ante­ri­or) fornix for a deep­er, more sump­tu­ous cervix mas­sage than just about any oth­er mak­er has accomplished.
  • They feel fuck­ing lux­u­ri­ous with the firm inner core and soft, skin-​like out­er layer.
Uberrime Maxime vs. Vixen Creations VixSkin Johnny

Both make me see stars.

Both are meaty and filling.

But what are the crit­i­cal dif­fer­ences that make me favor the Uberrime Maxime?

Both the Uberrime Maxime and Vixen Johnny dildos are quite girthy compared to my wrist

Uberrime Maxime vs. VixSkin Johnny

Here's how the two con­trast with one another:

  • Three-​quarters of an inch — Maxime is about 7.75” vs. Johnny's 7.25” insertable length.
  • Three Shore hard­ness incre­ments — Maxime's tip mea­sures about 5.5 on my Shore A durom­e­ter, while Johnny mea­sures about 2. Think of the dif­fer­ence between taffy or cold gum­my can­dy com­pared to warm gum­my candy.
  • It's eas­i­er to grab the Uberrime Maxime's soft, platform-​like base when thrust­ing (though you may pre­fer Johnny's for harnessing!)

I'm tak­ing every inch and feel­ing every vein.

Uberrime Maxime and Vixen Creations VixSkin Johnny realistic dildo top view

Uberrime Maxime Measurements

  • Head diam­e­ter: 1.75”
  • Mid-​shaft diam­e­ter: 1.67”
  • Total length: 8.25”
  • Insertable length: 7.5”
  • Shore 20A inner core
  • Shore 5A out­er layer

VixSkin Johnny Measurements

  • Head diam­e­ter: 1.75"
  • Mid-​shaft diam­e­ter: 1.60"
  • Total length: 7.5"
  • Insertable length: 6.75"
  • Shore 25A inner core
  • Shore 2A out­er layer
Uberrime Maxime and Vixen VixSkin Johnny realistic dildo heads with bunched retracted foreskin

How Does Uberrime's Maxime Feel in Use?

Cervical orgasms and deep pen­e­tra­tion feel far more intu­itive with Maxime by Uberrime Dildos.

Like it was made to go deep. Like it should be deposit­ing cum all the way inside.

Sighing hard­er in sync with the slow strokes.

The pres­sure builds, and my orgasm “meter” rock­ets faster.

Holding the Uberrime Maxime realistic dual-density silicone dildo in my hand

When I'm on the precipice, I tilt the Uberrime Maxime for­ward a lit­tle, angling it like I'm pulling my legs in towards my chest or ele­vat­ing my hips with a pil­low dur­ing mis­sion­ary. Bam, that head against my hot spots is divine — my G‑spot is rubbed when pulling back on the out­stroke, while my A‑spot and cervix are wooed when push­ing and pounding.

While fuck­ing myself hard­er isn't nec­es­sary, I feel like an end­less loop of clench­ing — my cunt on the cock, my free hand on my sheets, my legs squeez­ing together.

The Uberrime Maxime has a more prominent head than the Vixen Johnny does

Ways I Like Thrusting the Uberrime Maxime

Every move­ment makes plea­sure effortless:

  • Long, smooth strokes
  • Short, deep, chop­py strokes
  • Long jack­ham­mer­ing thrusts
  • Holding it sta­tion­ary against my ceiling
  • Tilting it for­ward in front of my cervix
  • Tilting the cock head and shaft for­ward so my clit can get some of the vein action, savor­ing every detail

Oneness. Melding.

A closer look at the Uberrime Maxime's G-spotty and A-spotty head shape

Who Is Uberrime's Maxime For?

Indeed, oth­er real­is­tic dil­dos can take me on a sym­phon­ic sum­mit, but Maxime does it effort­less­ly — it's adept and, dare I say, per­fec­tion for its category.

The Uberrime Maxime dual-​density dil­do is the per­fect fit for some­one who:

  • Craves a cock deep inside them above all
  • Loves a girthy dil­do that's still in the realm of real­is­tic human sizes
  • Wants to clench around a juicy corona
  • Appreciates dil­dos with fin­er skin and vein textures
Vixen Johnny vs. Uberrime Maxime realistic dildo head shape top view

That last point is part of what dis­tin­guish­es the cur­rent Maxime mod­el from the old one.

Uberrime Maxime vs. Other Realistic Dildos

Whereas Uberrime's focus used to be hand-​sculpted and some­what abstract­ed semi-​realism, the stu­dio has moved on to 3D-​modeled vas­cu­la­ture and grain­ing to look and feel more life­like than before.

That said, the new­er Uberrime Maxime's head is as deli­cious as ever.

Uberrime Maxime vs. Vixen Creatons VixSkin Johnny length: realistic dildo comparison side-by-side

I once wrote about the VixSkin Johnny, “It had so high­ly raised my stan­dards since I start­ed col­lect­ing toys,” and that the dual-​density for­mu­la took Johnny from “like” to “need.”

As such, I wouldn't rule out:

  • Vixen Creations’ VixSkin Johnny for those who want a girthy and real­is­tic dil­do for A‑spotting
  • Uberrime’s Aptus for those who love it long and lean
  • Vixen Creations' VixSkin Cash for those who want some­thing girthi­er but squishier
  • SelfDelve's Curved Cucumber for those who want way more intense G‑spot stim­u­la­tion — and are okay with not hav­ing a realistic(ally human) toy, of course. It is, how­ev­er, more curved and firmer for tar­get­ing the front wall.

However, Uberrime's dual-​density Maxime is my new stan­dard with­in its size class — a top pick for those built like me and delight in deep dicking.

Uberrime Maxime vs. Vixen Creations Johnny base

Closing Thoughts on the Uberrime Maxime

I'm not sure if there's a horny equiv­a­lent of see­ing red, but I call it see­ing pink through my half-​shut, rolled-​back eyes, maybe light­ly speck­led with black, white, and aqua glit­ter. In case you were won­der­ing, the sci­en­tif­ic term for the stars seen is “phosphenes.”

Surrender to some endoge­nous DMT and take your brain and body on a tad of a trip. I once again think I know all the answers to my ques­tions about love — even if only for as long as I'm rid­ing anoth­er orgas­mic wave and anoth­er and another.

Vixen Creations VixSkin Johnny vs. Uberrime Maxime dual-density dildo

Where to Shop

Get the Maxime and Aptus from Uberrime and cus­tomize your colorway!

My Uberrime Maxime dual-​density dil­do col­or­way is Ultra Shift: Nebula Purple, Blue Shift, and Purple Shift.

Or get the Johnny from SheVibe:

I'd sug­gest get­ting the dual-​density for­mu­la if you can, but I trust that you know your own tastes if you're adamant­ly crav­ing some­thing firm. I, for one, quite love the single-​density Vixen Randy. 🙂

Realistic dildo head shape frenulum and foreskin
Vixen Creations VixSkin Johnny dual-density dildo vs. Uberrime Maxime

Further Reading

Vixen Creations VixSkin Johnny dual-density dildo vs. Uberrime Maxime

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1 Response

  1. Adriana says:

    I can see how this would be eas­i­er to hold than the Johnny. Beautiful, too

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