Snail Vibe Gizi Rabbit Review: Constant Clitoral Contact?

You’ve heard of the tortoise and the hare; now it’s time for the rabbit and the snail.
Snail Vibe Gizi in carrying case

Rabbit vibra­tors boast it all: inter­nal and exter­nal stim­u­la­tion with the flick of a wrist. And because vul­vas and vagi­nas come in many shapes and sizes, Snail Vibe’s Gizi attempts to accom­mo­date any body with:

  • A flex­i­ble neck to fit dif­fer­ent dis­tances between the cli­toris and vagina
  • Spiral “shell” that unrolls and rerolls to main­tain cli­toral con­tact while thrusting
  • Five steady speed set­tings in each motor — with lots of rum­ble on the outside!

It’s like the “lite” ver­sion of sit­ting on, rid­ing, and hump­ing a wand that hugs you as you move — but in a com­pact, purse-​portable package.

And the motor? I love Snail Vibe’s deep, low-​pitched flut­ter! (If you’re famil­iar with Je Joue, think about how their vibra­tions tap and thrum.)

Snail Vibe Gizi rabbit vibrator flexibility
Snail Vibe Gizi dual stimulation vibrator with rolling clitoral stimulator for constant contact

What Snail Vibe's Gizi Promises

And where it falls short of the hype

The World Future Awards declared the Snail Vibe Gizi “Revolutionary” and “a leap for­ward in plea­sure tech­nol­o­gy.” And Snail Vibe’s own Gizi prod­uct page says, "First G‑spot stim­u­la­tor that will work for any body.”

And that’s where my bull­shit siren start­ed sounding.

Gizi’s bendi­ness is a bless­ing and a curse, much like the Je Joue’s Hera Flex was:

  • Its extreme­ly flex­i­ble neck com­pro­mis­es pres­sure and reduces lever­age against the G‑spot
  • The exter­nal motor can tech­ni­cal­ly line up with my clit, I guess, but the inter­nal dil­do por­tion is so bland that I’d rather just use two sep­a­rate toys (or just one vibe on the outside!)

I love the Snail Vibe Gizi’s strong motor and curl­ing, clit-​hugging con­cept. And yes, it lines up with my anato­my bet­ter than the orig­i­nal, rigid Snail Vibe, which over­shot my cli­toral glans and would not yield.

(Good for peo­ple with a wider clit-​vag gap! Not so great for me!)

Gizi’s out­er wheel, in con­trast, can place pres­sure where my pussy needs it the most. I can also sit on it to direct and roll it. But it won’t apply much pres­sure — inside or out — on its own.

Snail Vibe Gizi external clitoral massaging wheel

This iter­a­tion ain’t it for me. If your pref­er­ences are any­thing like mine, set your expec­ta­tions real­is­ti­cal­ly (and maybe just don’t get this toy).

With the Gizi by Snail Vibe, I’d have to choose between:

  • Gentle G‑spotting
  • Clitoral grind­ing and tap­ping on a rumbly motor

It’s hard to have both.

Who is the Snail Vibe Gizi For?

The Snail Vibe Gizi is best for some­one who:

  • Wants a gen­tle inser­tion, with light, light pres­sure on the front wall
  • Likes rock­ing their inserta­bles up and down in small motions
  • Cares more about exter­nal stim­u­la­tion than internal
  • Appreciates the textures!

I’m the oppo­site — I pre­fer some­thing more hard­core inside of me.

But if the Snail Vibe Gizi’s offer­ings sound scrump­tious to you, here’s what else you need to know.

Snail Vibe Gizi with unrolled shaft

Snail Vibe Gizi vs. Original

Differences between the Gizi and original Snail Vibe
  • The Snail Vibe Gizi is curved and bul­bous with a flex­i­ble shaft, while the orig­i­nal Snail Vibe is straight and rigid-shafted. 
    • Original: 1.4” all the way down the insertable portion
    • Gizi: 1.3” across the widest part and 0.6” across the narrowest
  • Gizi’s design is rel­a­tive­ly min­i­mal­ist from afar — no han­dle to grab on to!
  • Up close, Gizi’s rolling wheel has more tex­ture to it
  • Gizi has 2 but­tons and no pat­terns, while the orig­i­nal has 4 but­tons and 4 patterns
What’s the same between the two
  • Both work best with about 2–5” of the length inserted
  • Both are rumbly on the outside!
  • Both have inde­pen­dent­ly con­trolled motors
  • Both offer five inten­si­ties on each motor
  • Both come with cozy zip cas­es and vel­cro loops to cor­ral the cords

See every­thing Snail Vibe has to offer at SheVibe.

Unrolling the Snail Vibe Gizi's clitoral stimulation coil

A G-Spotter For "Any Body?" Nah!

Shopping for a rab­bit vibra­tor can be even more frus­trat­ing than find­ing the per­fect dress to hug your chest, waist, hips, and inseam while you’re mov­ing and groov­ing on the floor. (Shout-​out to girlies buy­ing swim sep­a­rates because one body part needs a total­ly dif­fer­ent size from the other.)

But imag­ine also:

  • The mak­er sells just three styles and sizes and claims one of them can fit any body
  • You don’t have a fit­ting room to try before you buy, so you just kind of guess from look­ing (or, if you’re lucky, hold­ing a dis­play tester)
  • There are no refunds
  • You see rave reviews galore for this sup­pos­ed­ly mirac­u­lous dress or bathing suit that isn’t doing any­thing for you and your body

Does that mean there’s some­thing wrong with you? No! But you may want to seek out more review­ers who are built like you.

About My Anatomy & Preferences

Personally? My bits are spaced quite close­ly togeth­er — more so than some oth­er review­ers, it seems:

  • My G‑spot is maybe an inch-​and-​a-​half in. (The con­ven­tion­al advice to find it 3–4 inch­es inside was a seri­ous dis­ser­vice to my sex­u­al dis­cov­ery. Here are my guide­lines for G‑spot stim­u­la­tion.)
  • The gap between my cli­toris and vagi­na is about an inch.
  • I looooove wham-​bam pres­sure ram­ming direct­ly on the wall!
Look how bendy the Snail Vibe Gizi is!

Considerations For Rabbit Vibrator Shopping

All of the fol­low­ing vary from per­son to per­son and make a dif­fer­ence in whether a dual stim­u­la­tor will fit someone:

  • The clitoris-​to-​vagina distance
  • The shape of someone’s pubic bone
  • How deep do they want to be penetrated?
  • Preferences for pres­sure — how tight­ly do they want it to clamp?

Every body is different.

Snail Vibe Gizi side view

My Verdict on the Snail Vibe Gizi

The Snail Vibe Gizi makes me miss the We-​Vibe Nova Classic even more. While Snail Vibes’ cli­toral stim­u­la­tors roll, the Novas’ fold up against the vul­va to stay in con­tact while thrusting.

Unfortunately, the Nova Classic was replaced by the Nova 2 — and the new­er mod­el is “pos­able.” On paper, that means it can fit a wider range of bod­ies. (Are you see­ing a pat­tern here?) In prac­tice, my walls straight­ened out the shaft and moved the prongs too far apart to accom­mo­date my hot spots simul­ta­ne­ous­ly as intended.

And I’m so done with toys that claim to fit every body. I’d real­ly rather they just stay in their lane and be more trans­par­ent about who the prod­uct is for and who it’s not for.

Just how floppy is the Snail Vibe Gizi's neck?

(But hey, that’s more job secu­ri­ty for me, I guess!)

What I'd Recommend Instead

Finding a dual stim­u­la­tor that fits is very per­son­al, so I’d gen­er­al­ly sug­gest shop­ping for an inter­nal toy and an exter­nal one separately.

  • Try one of the Je Joue toys on the out­side if you’re crav­ing that low-​pitched, thrum­ming flut­ter on your clit — I’m par­tial to the G‑Kii, Duet, and Amour.
  • If you want some more luxe rum­ble and are will­ing to spend a pret­ty pen­ny on pussy pound­ing, check out the Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen. It costs about the same as the Snail Vibe Gizi but ohh­h­hh mannnn, it is heavenly!

And if you’re built any­thing like me and want to know which dual stim­u­la­tors I like, consider:

  • Evolved Novelties’ Gyro Vibe — its cen­tral hub thumps against my clit while the flex­i­ble inter­nal part shakes against my front wall. The motor is not fuck­ing around.
  • Cal Exotics’ Santa Cruz Coaster grabs and self-​thrusts against my G‑spot. Its exter­nal motor is buzzy, but it clamps tight­ly enough on me to have hands-​free orgasms. Your mileage may vary. It feels quite mechan­i­cal, which might both­er you, but I love the sensations!
  • Evolved Novelties’ Playboy Ring My Bell is more of a shal­low pen­e­tra­tion rab­bit rather than a G‑spotty one — but that’s plen­ty for me, espe­cial­ly with how it pounds on the outside.

I wish the old We-​Vibe Nova was still up for grabs, and am still mourn­ing the loss. What can I say? After expe­ri­enc­ing so many of the wrong toys for me, it makes me appre­ci­ate the right ones even more.

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1 Response

  1. Yes! Thank you for your honesty!

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