Review: Playboy Ring My Bell Clit-Thumping & Shallowing Vibrator

It’s about damn time that thuddy thumping toys received the recognition they deserve.

Experience clitoris-​rocking rum­ble — with­out break­ing the bank.

Rumbly clitoris-thumping pulsing vibrators

Could I sum up this Playboy vibra­tor’s effects on me? Sobbing, whim­per­ing, soak­ing my face with tears, ruin­ing my make­up, stick­ing my tongue out, whin­ing, beg­ging my boyfriend to take con­trol with it against me, both wish­ing that the over­whelm would and wouldn’t stop?

Its ecsta­t­ic inten­si­ty was enshrinement-worthy.

You know a fea­ture is full-​on trend­ing when it’s made its way to main­stream man­u­fac­tur­ers. Such clitoral-​thumping vibra­tors include:

Playboy Pleasure and Ovation Acclaim packaging

They rapid­ly pulse back and forth for tap­ping sen­sa­tions and a more promi­nent range of motion than tra­di­tion­al rotary vibra­tor weights — stim­u­lat­ing the sens­es on a deep­er lev­el, under the right con­di­tions. I’ll elab­o­rate more on who is or isn't a good fit for them.

Top view of the Playboy Pleasure Ring My Bell's pulse plate and Cal Exotics' Ovation Acclaim

Playboy Pleasure Ring My Bell

Playboy Pleasure’s Ring My Bell mas­sager spe­cial­izes in shal­low pen­e­tra­tion, paired with pum­mel­ing my pea. Its most­ly exter­nal impact yield­ed mind-​melding scream­ing and shak­ing for me — which could have looked like I was being exorcised.

I’ve nev­er before encoun­tered such a com­pelling com­bi­na­tion of cli­toris clob­ber­ing and tip-​drilling. Keep in mind: I’m usu­al­ly a pen­e­tra­tion princess, savor­ing spelunk­ing cervix mas­sage.

But the Playboy Ring My Bell vibra­tor has both brute force and tar­get­ed technique.

Pros & Cons

To sum up what’s to love about Evolved Novelties’ Ring My Bell:

  • Its cli­toral tap­ping is strik­ing­ly strong on the out­side, both fast and forceful
  • It rocks just right against my inter­nal cli­toris — yes, one inch of inser­tion is enough!
  • The fin­ger loop makes the rock­ing motion super easy to pivot
  • Independent con­trol of the two motors
  • It lines up with my exter­nal clitoris-​to-​vagina dis­tance just right — my gap is about an inch, which is pret­ty bang-​on average

The main down­sides include:

  • Dual stim­u­la­tors, by nature, won’t line up with everyone’s anato­my.
  • If you apply pro­fuse pres­sure, the pul­sa­tions damp­en and feel like con­ven­tion­al­ly buzzy vibra­tion — but frankly, that would nev­er be a prob­lem, because I wouldn’t want to crush it against me. Its thump­ing is that strong.
  • The inter­nal vibra­tions are too buzzy to do much for me — which is fine. The cli­toral thump­ing and shal­low­ing shape are the stars of the show.
My hand holding the Playboy Pleasure Ring My Bell shallowing vibrator from the side view

Indeed, Playboy’s Ring My Bell vibra­tor is not for every­body, but it feels like it was made for me and will keep going and going until I can’t take it anymore.

I’ve been one to press my labia mino­ra and vagi­nal entrance like a door­bell if I craved cum­ming quick­ly. And if you’re a tip-​drilling devo­tee like me — or would like to be — daaaaaaamn, is the Playboy Ring My Bell worth it!

Save 10% off when you use code SUPER at Betty's Toy Box.

Playboy Pleasure Ring My Bell clit-thumping and vagina shallowing vibrator

Measurements & Specs

  • 1” insertable length
  • 0.9” insertable diameter
  • Submersible for show­er and bath­tub play
  • 3.9” total length
  • 2.69 inch­es total depth
  • 1.34 inch­es total width
  • Most of the space tak­en up by the fin­ger loop
  • 2 but­tons
  • Independently con­trolled motors
  • 3 thump­ing speeds and 7 patterns
  • 3 vibra­tion speeds and 7 patterns

Ovation Acclaim by Cal Exotics

Meanwhile, Cal Exotics’ Ovation Acclaim mas­sager feels like the caress­ing kiss­es of the Karma Lilac Unihorn — with a few differences.

California Exotics Ovation Acclaim pulsing clitoral massager

Pros & Cons

Compared to Karma Lilac, the Ovation Acclaim by California Exotics:

  • Has 10 steady speeds and no Morse code-​like patterns
  • Is juu­u­ust a tad weak­er but more rumbly at the top speed
  • Doesn’t have a buzzy vibrat­ing motor on the oth­er end — fine by me!
  • Is frill-​free in its form, focus­ing less on cute­ness and more on the sleek, com­pact car­ry­ing case

No, it’s not shaped like a uni­corn, but it fits dis­creet­ly in dain­ty purs­es. You might also love the Ovation Acclaim’s small­er steps between set­tings. And if you’re the type to get sen­si­tive after orgasm, you can quick­ly click back to the low­est steady speed instead of mov­ing into patterns.

Rumbly thumping intense clitoral massagers

Downsides that both the Ovation Acclaim and Karma Lilac Unihorn share include:

  • One but­ton con­trols the pul­sa­tions — you won’t get the tight con­trol of an “increase” and “decrease” option.
  • They stall and stop quite eas­i­ly when strained. While there’s still more rum­ble than a tra­di­tion­al vibra­tor, you bet­ter be will­ing to keep the pres­sure steady.

In oth­er words, they’re wow-​worthy and out­per­form oth­er mini-​vibrators in their price range. As I wrote before about Karma Lilac, “If and only if you like light pres­sure, this Unihorn vibra­tor’s quick kiss­es can feel quite brisk.”

Shallowing, tip drilling, and clitoral pulsation vibrator

What's more? These clit thumpers not only feel fan­tas­tic, but are also quite affordable!

Save 10% off when you use my code, SUPERSMASHCACHE at Peepshow Toys.

Measurements & Specs

To recap how the Ovation Acclaim mea­sures up:

  • 10 steady speeds
  • 1 but­ton
  • 2.75” total diameter
  • 1” total depth
  • Submersible
Playboy Pleasure shallowing dual stimulator and Cal Exotics clit thumper

Which Clitoral Thumping Vibrator Should You Get?

You might pre­fer the Ovation Acclaim if you:

  • Want some­thing more com­pact and discreet
  • Want to keep cli­toral stim­u­la­tion and pen­e­tra­tion separate
  • Like hav­ing some options on the gen­tle end
  • Enjoy some pow­er but don’t need much pressure
Review: Playboy Ring My Bell Clit-Thumping & Shallowing Vibrator 1

The Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen might be more up your alley if you:

  • Want more pow­er from your puls­es — think of wand-​level power
  • You like rel­a­tive­ly pin­point stim­u­la­tion and a big range of motion
  • Want to keep cli­toral stim­u­la­tion and pen­e­tra­tion separate
Vibrator for tip drilling penetration and shallowing

I’d rec­om­mend the Playboy Pleasure Ring My Bell for users who:

  • Enjoy tip drilling and tap­ping along the inter­nal clitoris
  • Can han­dle mod­er­ate­ly high-​intensity exter­nal cli­toral thrumming
  • Have an exter­nal clitoris-​to-​vagina dis­tance of 1 inch
  • Looooove the inten­si­ty of forced orgasms
  • Just fuck­ing want to cry when they cum

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3 Responses

  1. Amber says:

    Thanks for the review! I'd be very inter­est­ed to know how Ring My Bell and Cal Exotics Surf City com­pares to the Playboy Thumper..

  2. Amber says:

    I hadn't realised that Playboy make toys. This one looks inter­est­ing. I would love to see reviews of Tap That and The Thrill!

  3. Miranda says:

    Appreciate your arti­cle, it's quite intrigu­ing. It's com­mend­able that you invest your time in shar­ing such valu­able insights with others.

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