Selfdelve Marshmallow Squishy Spiral Silicone Dildo Review

If you've ever wanted to fuck a cloud deity, that's what the SelfDelve Marshmallow dildo feels like.

As the name sug­gests, the Marshmallow Sweet Treats Twisting Dildo is suu­u­u­u­u­per soft, with a col­or­ful rope design. Not only do the accent cords look beau­ti­ful under UV light, but they also pro­vide deli­cious tac­tile sensation.

Selfdelve Marshmallow squishy spiral silicone dildo

Think of the Crystal Delights Crystal Twist glass helix dil­do, but more fill­ing — or the Split Peaches Screw You. The SelfDelve Marshmallow is just as screwy with its spi­ral design, but a far more for­giv­ing dil­do with its super soft sil­i­cone density.

Its gen­er­ous mas­sage entices but doesn't bul­ly the "eject oxy­tocin" reac­tion from my cervix. Every part of my vagi­na is thrilled.

SelfDelve's Super Soft Silicone Sensations

My mind ini­tial­ly asso­ci­at­ed the shiny, candy-​like appear­ance with Tantus's OG firm and glossy sil­i­cone — or per­haps old-​fashioned can­dy but­tons on paper. However, the sil­i­cone sur­face has less to do with firm­ness and more to do with how the mold was prepared.

SelfDelve, a German arti­san dil­do mak­er, offers shapes inspired by egg­plants, cucum­bers, pep­pers, mush­rooms, can­dy, and so many oth­er things I usu­al­ly wouldn't rec­om­mend putting in a vagi­na. Silicone allows you to enter­tain the idea safely.

SelfDelve dil­dos come in many dif­fer­ent sil­i­cone den­si­ties: soft big toys for com­fort and firm small toys with­stand­ing pres­sure while thrust­ing. Think of a gum­my bear or relaxed thigh mus­cle. I can eas­i­ly bend this dil­do between two fin­gers or stretch it a lit­tle thinner.

Selfdelve Marshmallow squishy spiral silicone dildo

Marshmallow Twisting Dildo Measurements

As such, the SelfDelve Marshmallow super soft dil­do is a lot beefi­er than I expect­ed. It's squishy and THICC, mea­sur­ing 1.7" (4.4 cm) across if you include the accent ropes. The length is about 8.75" (22 cm) total, depend­ing on how much of it you need to grab, that could be up to 7.75" insertable.

SelfDelve's glossy sil­i­cone adds min­i­mal fric­tion; add some water-​based lube. (Never put sil­i­cone lube direct­ly on a squishy sil­i­cone toy!) It's all about the twist­ing pres­sure with the SelfDelve Marshmallow!

How SelfDelve's Marshmallow Twisting Dildo Feels in Use

Selfdelve Marshmallow squishy spiral silicone dildo

For Deep Penetration

My cervix approves — no, adores — the SelfDelve Marshmallow! Usually, I pre­fer firm dil­dos, so I had some con­cern that it would be too yield­ing or per­haps stub­born in the wrong ways. However, that fear was unfounded!

The SelfDelve Marshmallow twist­ing dildo's tip is ample for mas­sag­ing my cervix. Its tapered tip con­forms to the pos­te­ri­or fornix while still apply­ing pres­sure the way I like it. It reminds me of how I felt with the Vixen Creations VixSkin Outlaw, but slight­ly subdued.

Against My G‑Spot

Meanwhile, my G‑spot likes the slid­ing and spi­ral­ing; there's a stretch with plen­ty of indi­rect but con­sis­tent cli­toral pres­sure inter­nal­ly. You can bend the shaft against your exter­nal clit to grind against while thrust­ing, too! Overall, I find that the SelfDelve Marshmallow dil­do is best enjoyed twisted.

It's so flex­i­ble that I tend to un-​twist the spi­ral tex­tures straight if I'm clench­ing hard. To ful­ly appre­ci­ate the SelfDelve Marshmallow's bumps, play with dif­fer­ent ways of clench­ing and relax­ing around it. Or I could start with thrust­ing motions and switch to twist­ing in-​and-​out as I'm about to come.

During and After Orgasm

My only "prob­lem" with the SelfDelve Marshmallow is that, because it's so flex­i­ble, I occa­sion­al­ly push it out when com­ing hard. (Kegel game too strong!) All it real­ly means is that I have to be a lii­i­i­it­tle more mind­ful to keep it pushed in deep as I peak.

That's a good prob­lem to have, con­sid­er­ing the orgasms feel so effort­less with this dil­do. I had the same First World Problem with the Fun Factory Stronic Real.

Selfdelve Marshmallow Squishy Spiral Silicone Dildo Review 1

Selfdelve Marshmallow Squishy Spiral Silicone Dildo Review 2

Other Spiral-Twisting Dildos to Consider

The SelfDelve Marshmallow twist­ing dildo's spi­rals aren't as hard­core as the Crystal Delights Crystal Twist, but they serve dif­fer­ent pur­pos­es. Do you want focused G‑spot sen­sa­tion, or do you want to be filled up?

If you want both, try the Creature Cocks Moon Rider uni­corn horn dil­do!

My Verdict on the SelfDelve Marshmallow Super Soft Twisting Dildo

Selfdelve Marshmallow Squishy Spiral Silicone Dildo Review 3

SelfDelve's super soft sil­i­cone is just right, like a mem­o­ry foam mat­tress that pro­vides sup­port in the right places and con­forms to nes­tle you in oth­ers. If the SelfDelve Marshmallow spi­ral dil­do is right for you, you prob­a­bly already know. Enjoy squish, slight tex­ture, and big toys? Then hell yeah! What are you wait­ing for?

However, I wouldn't rec­om­mend this dil­do to those who need tar­get­ed stim­u­la­tion or are try­ing to get at a spe­cif­ic spot. Try some­thing firmer with more of a curve for that.

The SelfDelve curved cucum­ber is a lit­tle firmer and double-​ended for ver­sa­tile G‑spotting and A‑spotting fun. There's a rea­son I named it one of the best sex toys of 2019!

All of SelfDelve's arti­san sil­i­cone dil­dos are thought­ful­ly designed and unique pieces of art.

Making a big and super soft dil­do with tex­ture was bound to be a crowd-​pleasing deci­sion. However, the SelfDelve Marshmallow's col­ors and corkscrew con­tours ele­vate it from sound and sen­si­ble to bril­liant and bewitching.

Get your SelfDelve Marshmallow dildo from SheVibe or shop their other whimsically carnal creations.
Selfdelve Marshmallow Squishy Spiral Silicone Dildo Review 4

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4 Responses

  1. Sm says:

    Haha. You seem to like the spi­ral design. It's wild because I'd nev­er seen them before com­ing to your blog. Not a sin­gle spi­ral toy. Maybe I'm real­ly not very expe­ri­enced. Excited to maybe try this one day!

  2. D. Dyer says:

    I have been con­sid­er­ing anoth­er one of their pieces for a bit and this one was not on my radar most­ly because of the soft­er sil­i­cone but your suc­cess with it is mak­ing me recon­sid­er that.

  3. G says:

    i don't have much more to say that i haven't already but i do mean it when i say this is anoth­er won­der­ful writ­ten piece!!

  4. Jimena says:

    I didn’t know how much I need­ed this until I saw it

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