NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8 tongue-flicking and clit-sucking vibrator review

One ques­tion fre­quent­ly asked of sex blog­gers is, “If you nev­er had sex with a part­ner again, what would you miss most?” I’d always answer, “Sex toys can’t self-​wash.” The most pop­u­lar response, though, is “Oral sex.”

I don’t think sex toys are any­where near replac­ing cun­nilin­gus. However, of the body-​safe oral sex sim­u­la­tors I’ve tried, the NU Sensuelle Trinitii is one of my favorites.

NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8 tongue-flicking and clit-sucking vibrator review 1

The Trinitii XLR8 not only does All The Things, but does them well. It sucks, licks, and vibrates, with three but­tons to (most­ly) con­trol the func­tions independently

  • Other options for sex toys that lick
  • What makes the NU Sensuelle Trinitii stand out as a lick­ing vibrator? 
    • Tongue mea­sure­ments
    • Licking speed
  • The NU Sensuelle Trinitii’s suc­tion function
  • Vibrator shape, qual­i­ty, controls
  • Verdict and recommendations

Sex toys that simulate cunnilingus: a quick run-down of your other options

The Trinitii's price makes it a steal com­pared to the over­priced AF LELO Ora 2.

NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8 tongue-flicking and clit-sucking vibrator review 2

The Ora 2 feels good, but not $189 good. The Sqweel Go‘s pow­er is “meh.” Its larg­er pre­de­ces­sor, the Sqweel 2, is a lube hog that’s hard­er to clean. I quite enjoyed Her Ultimate Pleasure by Pipedream, but its suc­tion set­tings weren't as con­sis­tent as I would have liked.

Cal Exotics' Empowered Queen was delec­table for broad­er stim­u­la­tion. And final­ly, the Fun Factory Volta is worth every pen­ny, but its flut­ter is more con­ven­tion­al vibra­tion than licking.

What makes the NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8 stand out as a licking vibrator?

It's fuck­ing focused as fuck.

Sure, its noz­zle looks and feels like an alien’s mouth, and sounds vague­ly robot­ic. But the Trinitii is potent. It’s not fuck­ing around, and it’s not for the faint of cli­toris. I pre­fer cli­toral stim­u­la­tion over my hood most of the time, but if you like direct cli­toral fric­tion, using lube is a must with the Trinitii.

The Trinitii’s tiny silicone tongue measurements

Its tongue is flex­i­ble at the tip, but thick­er and rein­forced towards its base. It’s not flop­py, by any means. Most notably, it’s tiny, mea­sur­ing 1.0 cm wide by 1.3 cm long by 2 mm thick— noth­ing like a human tongue. The sen­sa­tion is far more pin­point. I enjoy vibra­tors with sharp edges, as well as press­ing a fin­ger­nail over my clit hood, so the Trinitii’s con­cen­tra­tion works amaz­ing­ly for me. If you need a broad­er stim­u­la­tor, the Trinitii won’t work for you.

How fast the NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8 licks

I am thor­ough­ly pleased with the Trinitii‘s speed options. At the fastest of the four, I’d esti­mate that its tongue licks two back-​forth cycles per sec­ond (120 per minute). Back-​forth-​back-​forth. I can only ball­park because it goes so ridicu­lous­ly fast that it’s too over­whelm­ing for me to count with pre­ci­sion. 1–2‑3–4, every sec­ond, until the bat­tery dies out, which takes about a half-hour.

NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8 tongue-flicking and clit-sucking vibrator review 3

On to the NU Sensuelle Trinitii’s suction function!

There are three big things you need to know about this clit toy’s suction:


A hole in the back allows the sucked air (or water) to vent. The unit as a whole is splash­proof and the noz­zle easy-​to-​clean, but make sure that lube doesn’t get into the suc­tion chan­nel and dry up.


It latch­es to what­ev­er I hold it against, regard­less of whether I’ve part­ed my fleshy labia mino­ra or moved my hood out of the way. If you plan on using the suc­tion and lick­ing at the same time, I sug­gest turn­ing on the aspi­ra­tion first and then adjust­ing posi­tion­ing from there.

Patterns com­prise the oth­er six suc­tion func­tions. Most of the rhythms fea­ture long paus­es between the suc­tion phas­es, which I would usu­al­ly con­sid­er use­less. However, since the con­tin­u­ous setting’s inten­si­ty may be too much right away for some, I rec­om­mend click­ing through the pat­terns first for a warm-​up. The Trinitii‘s most intense suc­tion set­ting can get me off on its own, but the orgasm strad­dles the discomfort-​pain thresh­old.


If your junk doesn’t fit inside the Trinitii’s noz­zle, it won’t seal all the way around. Luckily, the Trinitii’s open­ing is more sub­stan­tial than oth­er suc­tion or pres­sure wave toys I’ve tried— about 1.5cm wide, 2cm long, and 2cm deep. Unlike with The Butt Chicken, there’s ample space in the Trinitii’s head for me.

NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8 tongue-flicking and clit-sucking vibrator review 4

Vibration settings: does the Trinitii live up to the Sensuelle hype?

The Sensuelle Point and Point Plus bul­lets are often sug­gest­ed as pow­er­house We-​Vibe Tango alter­na­tives. In oth­er words, they’re among the strongest mini-​vibes. I have high expec­ta­tions for NU Sensuelle’s vibra­tors at large for that reason.

NU Sensuelle Trinitii shape and vibration quality

The Trinitii‘s motor is in its han­dle, which fea­tures a broad face and sharp edges. This shape gives the user options for con­cen­trat­ed or dif­fuse vibra­tions. In one word, I’d call its vibra­tion qual­i­ty “zingy.” It’s strong and fast, and I can’t com­plain about its range of motion. It does not lack rumble.

But it doesn’t have a basslike purr like, say, the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy. I’d say that the NU Sensuelle Trinitii‘s vibra­tions are almost par with FemmeFunn and its mod­er­ate­ly high pitch — fan­tas­tic but not the absolute deepest.

Vibration controls and functions

NU Sensuelle's Trinitii has 7 speeds and 7 patterns

I very much appre­ci­ate that there are more options for steady vibra­tions. The motor is at least robust enough that 2 out of the 7 rhythms can still get me off, but I don’t care much for pat­terns. One but­ton loops through the Trinitii’s vibra­tion set­tings, keep­ing the con­trol pan­el straight­for­ward when there’s so much going on.

NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8 tongue-flicking and clit-sucking vibrator review 5

My verdict on the NU Sensuelle Trinitii clit-licking vibrator

I usu­al­ly don’t care for toys that try to do every­thing. Still, the NU Sensuelle Trinitii is well-​executed: fast and pin­point lick­ing, potent suc­tion, and sol­id vibra­tions, all in one body-​safe sil­i­cone package.

The main down­side is that the func­tions aren’t 100% inde­pen­dent­ly con­trolled. If you press the but­ton to turn the suc­tion off, it turns off the entire unit. And, again, be mind­ful of lube clog­ging the suc­tion chan­nel. Ultimately, though, those are small gripes com­pared to every­thing that the Trinitii deliv­ers. It’s a unique addi­tion to my col­lec­tion.


No, it can’t replace a human mouth, but it’s one of my favorite lick­ing toys I’ve tried, along with the Cal Exotics Empowered Queen.

As far as external-​only toys go, though, the Trinitii’s ergonom­ic han­dle is both easy-​to-​hold and ver­sa­tile for dif­fuse or con­cen­trat­ed vibra­tion. And its “tongue” feels like it was designed just for me. I’d rec­om­mend it to any­one who loves pin­point stim­u­la­tion as much as I do.

Get the NU Sensuelle Trinitii XLR8 oral sex sim­u­la­tor at SheVibe.

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19 Responses

  1. Trix says:

    Sometimes I find even Fun Factory Volita tips a lit­tle sharp, but I’m still intrigued by the Trinitii!

  2. No Name says:

    Hey, I think there's some­thing wrong with this post? I'm not sure if it’s just me, but this is the Pipedream Fantasy For Her review, not Nu Sensuelle Trinitii. I clicked the link in the PFFH and it sent me here, but this post is iden­ti­cal to that one.

  3. Natz says:

    I wish I had ready this BEFORE try­ing mine out last night. I had tried oth­er suc­tion toys but this was def­i­nite­ly much more intense and actu­al­ly quite painful from the sec­ond the suc­tion start­ed. Thankfully I had ready the man­u­al so was able to do a full turn-​off of all func­tions, and then un-​suction myself. Will def­i­nite­ly be try­ing the more grad­ual approach men­tioned here next time …

  4. Anon says:

    I was won­der­ing if you've already cho­sen the winner?

  5. Noni Lake says:

    real­ly curi­ous about that lick­ing function!

  6. Cherokee Walker says:

    Now this toy im Real excit­ed for! Sensuelle are one of mh favorite toys!

  7. Bread says:

    Sex toys have come a long way.

  8. Nova says:

    Sex toys nowa­days seem pret­ty advanced. I was sur­prised to learn that this lit­tle thing was sup­pose to do suck, lick, and vibrate.

  9. Nichole Smith says:

    in the ear­ly 90's I had a toy that was sup­posed to imi­tate cun­nilin­gus. It looked like an egg with a ugly lit­tle tail that whipped and snapped at my clit like a rub­ber band. It was awful in both look and per­for­mance. Sex toys sure have come a long way.

  10. Jaden says:

    the Trinitii looks amaz­ing i real­ly hope im able to try it out one day!!

  11. Summer says:

    I would LOVE to try this toy out. I’m still try­ing to fig­ure out what toys real­ly work for me and I think this one could be AMAZING.

  12. Jeff says:

    It's bet­ter to feel good than to look good…

  13. B. says:

    I’m so excit­ed to try this flut­ter boi soon.

  14. Shawn Stover says:

    Looks amaz­ing and so much fun!

  15. J says:

    One type of toy I have yet to try is the "lick­ing" kind! Thanks for the review and give­away opportunity 🙂

  16. G says:

    Just want­ed to say thank you so, so much for hav­ing this giveaway!!

  17. C says:

    Ooh, I real­ly won­der what the one-​way suc­tion would feel like as opposed to the Womanizer Pro40. And I’m curi­ous about how the suck­ing and lick­ing com­bined would feel too.

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