Mini-Reviews: Maia Shroomie & Naughty Bits Bone Head Skull Vibrator

Bone Head skull-shaped vibrator by Cal Exotics and Maia Shroomie thick mini-vibrator

Today’s sil­ly sex toy shape themes are detri­tus and decom­po­si­tion, featuring:

  • Trippy Toys Shroomie by Maia — a mushroom-​shaped mini-​vibe with a fat 2.2” wide head and flex­i­ble stalk, great for off-​label insertion
  • Naughty Bits’ Bone Head by Cal Exotics — a skull-​shaped vibra­tor with heart-​shaped rhine­stone eyes and a pointy chin

That last bit is vital — vibrations-​wise, the motors are accept­able, as with many “bespoke” sex toys that rely on com­pact cute­ness. And that’s fine for the price, giv­en a few spe­cif­ic uses. Get ready for pho­tos galore.

Naughty Bits Bone Head skull vibrator with rhinestone heart eyes and Maia Shroomie thick mini-vibrator in hand for size comparison

How Sex Toy Form Follows Function

Maia Trippy Shroomie in Use

For starters, the Trippy Toys Shroomie is super front-​loaded and A BIIIIG STREEEETCCH to insert.

  • 0.8” across the nar­row stalk
  • 4.5” total length
  • 3 speeds, 12 patterns
  • 2.2” diam­e­ter across the head
Maia Shroomie flexible mushroom-shaped vibrator

Once it’s in, the sheer size does most of the work while sta­tion­ary, and the vibra­tions push me over the edge. The ini­tial clench increas­es my walls’ pres­sure through the super soft sil­i­cone and against the motor’s hard shell, I cum, there’s more pres­sure, and repeat, hands-free.

Get the Shroomie because you want an afford­able but big insertable that still feels plush to the touch.

Maia Shroomie flexible mushroom-shaped vibrator
Maia Shroomie and Naughty Bits Bone Head controls

Don't get it if you expect the vibra­tions to do much — they're too dis­persed for me externally.

Maia Toys’ Shroomie is broad, mean­ing it's best reserved as:

  1. An off-​label insertable that’s big but not bawdy-​looking (not every­one is into real­is­ti­cal­ly phal­lic sex toys; some of us just want some­thing colos­sal but cute and colorful)
  2. A mas­sage “ball” to sit and grind on, let­ting my weight and rock­ing coax the toy’s rolling

I've said it before: if it fits, I sits (on it).

Maia Trippy Toys Shroomie mushroom-shaped vibrator packaging

Cal Exotics Naughty Bits Bone Head in Use

Naughty Bits’ Bone Head skull sen­sa­tions also stay surface-​level, with shal­low move­ments that rely on speed for strength. They lack for­ti­tude but focus makes up for that; you have pin­point con­cen­tra­tion at the chin and mandible edges.

Naughty Bits Bone Head skull-shaped vibrator with heart-shaped rhinestone eyes by Cal Exotics

As well, the Bone Head’s teeth offer tex­tures to grind your clit on. That’s not my thing, since I rarely use clit vibes under my panties, let alone under my clit hood. Externally, it’s all about the deep pres­sure rather than the tac­tile for me.

This vibra­tor mea­sures 3” long from the cra­ni­um to the chin and 2” across. One but­ton con­trols 3 steady speeds and 7 pat­terns — the high­est inten­si­ty isn’t bad, and cer­tain­ly strong enough for me at the chin’s point.

Cal Exotics Naughty Bits Bone Head skull mini-vibrator and Maia Shroomie mushroom-shaped vibrator

As always, your mileage may vary. If you want a cute vibra­tor in a fun shape that’s actu­al­ly pow­er­ful, get a Unihorn instead.

But if you're enam­ored by spark­ly heart-eyes…

Textured Vibrator Care & Cleaning

I’ll keep it brief for these two vibes:

  • Don’t make it a habit to get your flu­ids on the rhine­stones; they’re hard­er to clean than the silicone.
  • Don’t pull too hard on the bor­der between the red mush­room cap and white stalk, since it is two pieces glued togeth­er rather than one seam­less coat
  • DO use a soft-​bristled tooth­brush for clean­ing tex­tured sex toys.
  • DO use some unscent­ed soap and water.
  • DO get in the nooks and crannies.
  • DO rinse thoroughly 
    • The Bone Head and Shroomie are sub­mersible, as long as you heed my warn­ing above!
Naughty Bits Bone Head skull-shaped vibrator by Cal Exotics next to an actual human skull in a glass display case

Closing Thoughts

On the Maia Shroomie & Naughty Bits Bone Head Vibrators

These sex toys cap­ture the play­ful­ness of toys. They’re noth­ing ground­break­ing, they don’t take them­selves too seri­ous­ly, and they don’t need to.

The Maia Trippy Toys Shroomie hel­la stretch­es me on the inside, and the Naughty Bits Bone Head focus­es on a nar­row zone on the out­side. Nothing more and noth­ing less.

“Bespoke,” budget-​friendly, body-​safe basics are beau­ti­ful for buy­ers who:

Arousal is holis­tic, and “because I like how it looks!” is enough of a rea­son to get these vibrators.

If you need some­thing more sub­stan­tial on the inside, too, shop Unihorns. They’re just as cute, their motors are stronger, and there is a "goth" ver­sion that could be besties with the Naughty Bits Bone Head and Maia Shroomie.

Mini-Reviews: Maia Shroomie & Naughty Bits Bone Head Skull Vibrator 1

Further Reading

Other silly-​shaped sex toys to check out

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