Review: Gvibe Gpop 2 vibrating plug by Fun Toys London

I love it when a vibrating butt plug pleasantly surprises me with its motor!

Holding the Gvibe Gpop 2 rumbly vibrating butt plug in my hand

Fun Toys London reeled me in with its stun­ning hues and ele­gant han­dles, but I didn't expect to be cap­ti­vat­ed by the Gpop 2's vibra­tions.  Turning it on imme­di­ate­ly blew my expec­ta­tions out of the water; its deep vibra­tion qual­i­ty shocked me.

The main thing you need to know: this lit­tle plug packs a punch, with more rum­ble than the LELO Mona 2, and for a frac­tion of the cost. Think of it as lux­u­ry lite.

I tried the Gpop's cousin, the squishi­er Fun Toys Bioskin Gplug, in 2018, only to be dis­ap­point­ed by its mosquito-​like vibra­tions. When dipped in water, its move­ment made the tini­est, pal­try rip­ples. The dual-​density mate­r­i­al under the sil­i­cone was fun for anal pen­e­tra­tion, but the mak­ers might as well have just not made it a pow­ered toy at all.

That's not the case for all of Fun Toys London's new­er plugs.

Funtoys London Gvibe Gplug 2

Two years later, I tried the Gvibe Gpop 2 vibrating butt plug.

This thing has JUMP to it. It taps like a steady drum against hard sur­faces. It splash­es in water — more than the LELO Mona 2, but a lit­tle less than the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy.

Either way, my cli­toris approves. WOW, does that pointy tip feel great for focus­ing the vibra­tions exter­nal­ly, even though it's most­ly mar­ket­ed as a butt plug.

Let's talk about the Gvibe Gpop 2 plug's shape.

This butt plug fea­tures a tapered tip and a clas­sic G‑spotty and P‑spotty swell, akin to the LELO Mona 2, but thin­ner. There's a 1.25" max­i­mum diam­e­ter with about 4" of insertable length. The Gpop 2's head is about 2.5" long, leav­ing a 1.5" stem. Its neck is slim for the anal sphinc­ter to close up around, flex­i­ble for com­fort, and the base is flared for retrievability.

Fun Toys didn't have to be so extra with the han­dle, but opu­lence is part of their per­son­al brand. It doesn't both­er me much when sit­ting, but your mileage may vary — this plug may be best for when you're doing chores or stand­ing for long peri­ods of time at home.

I can also respect the design­ers' choice to leave the metal­lic accents to the exter­nal por­tion, unlike LELO with their Soraya ren­di­tions. Gold paint on hard plas­tic isn't as body-​safe as sil­i­cone is, and it doesn't belong inside me.

Review: Gvibe Gpop 2 vibrating plug by Fun Toys London 1

Within the bendy silicone handle is a trade-off.

It's great for long-​term anal or vagi­nal wear but makes decreas­es inten­si­ty while thrust­ing. Just keep that in mind: there is a for­ward tilt for tick­ling the prostate or evad­ing the cervix, but the Gvibe Gpop 2 is mild if you intend to use it as a dildo.

Some users aren't into hard­core thrusta­bles and would rather have some­thing gen­tle, like the Gpop 2 or Blush Avant Pride P1. For users who want more vroom, it's the vibra­tions that real­ly make the Gpop 2. With the vibra­tions off, I'd have to real­ly clench my vagi­na and pull the Gpop 2 for it to do any­thing for me. When it's turned on? Yesssssss. Everything about it is amplified.

Downsides to the Gvibe Gpop 2 vibrating silicone butt plug

Even though the Gvibe Gpop 2 makes a fan­tas­tic plug, my review notes aren't all hearts and rain­bows. I'm only picky because it has much poten­tial to be prac­ti­cal­ly per­fect for its tar­get audience.

Funtoys London Gvibe Gplug 2 vibrating plug charging LED on

There's enough room on the Gpop 2's han­dle to incor­po­rate a "decrease speed"/"toggle back" but­ton. That, com­bined with more steady speeds on the low­er end, would take this rumbly vibra­tor from, "Ooooh, I like it a lot as a plug," to "YES, BUY IT ALREADY. IT'S SO MIND-​BOGGLINGLY VERSATILE FOR THE PRICE." (BMS Factory's bul­lets set great examples.)

Maybe the first speed is gen­tle for some palates, but some­times it's too much for me to start with. I also wish the mar­ket­ing was inclu­sive of inter­sex and gen­der non-​conforming folks. Instead of say­ing it's a toy "for men and women," they could say it's a toy for everybody.

Funtoys London Gvibe Gplug 2 silicone vibrating plug side view

My verdict on the Gvibe Gpop 2 plug by Fun Toys London

As the Gvibe Gpop 2 cur­rent­ly is, it's rumbly. It's pow­er­ful, rival­ing toys from some more known (and more pricey) lux­u­ry brands. Its shape offers users plen­ty of ways to play. For every­thing you get, it's very rea­son­ably priced — even more so when you use my coupon code, SUPERSMASHCACHE

Users who want more direct G‑spot stim­u­la­tion and a wider range of vibra­tion inten­si­ties should con­sid­er the BMS Pillow Talk Sassy. It's a bit thick­er at 1.5", it's not anal-​safe, and you won't get any pat­terns with it — but the Sassy is more of a vagi­nal G‑spotting spe­cial­ist than the Gpop 2.

Review: Gvibe Gpop 2 vibrating plug by Fun Toys London 2

For those who chiefly want a bul­bous butt plug with rumbly vibra­tions, the Gvibe Gpop 2 fits the bill. And again, it offers far stronger motors than, say, LELO and b‑Vibe, two very hyped-​up brands. Depending on your needs, you may find that the Gvibe Gpop 2 plug brings you more bang for your buck than many lux­u­ry plugs avail­able on the mar­ket. It's a frig­gin' steal.

Shop the Gvibe Gpop 2 plug at Fun Toys London

Take 10% off with code SUPERSMASHCACHE

This post was spon­sored and uses affil­i­ate links. But even if it weren't, I still would have laud­ed the Gpop 2's motor.

Review: Gvibe Gpop 2 vibrating plug by Fun Toys London 3

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2 Responses

  1. Frankie says:

    It's nice to see a well-​reviewed insertable that's small. It's often hard to me to fig­ure out which dil­dos I'd like, since so many review­ers seem to only enjoy way big­ger dil­dos than me.

  2. Trix says:

    For the price, this looks like a good addi­tion to the toybox!

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