Review: Fun Factory Bouncer, B-Balls, and LuzArte Bubbles

Run up the stairs. Hula-​hoop. Belly dance. Hop in place.

We're explor­ing toys with bumps and beads and inter­nal balls that move with your body for hands-​free, battery-​free sensation.

Review: Fun Factory Bouncer, B-Balls, and LuzArte Bubbles 1

First up, we have the Fun Factory B‑Balls DUO and Bouncer. The B‑Balls DUO is a jig­gling plug that's butt-​safe but most delight­ful in my vagi­na. And the Bouncer does the same thing but in dil­do form. Thrust it with extra bravado!

Then to close this post, we have the sil­i­cone LuzArte Bubbles. It doesn't jig­gle, but its beads and firm shaft make it a crowd-​pleaser for simul­ta­ne­ous G‑spot and A‑spot stimulation.

Table of contents

Fun Factory B-Balls DUO review: jiggling Ben Wa balls for your butt (sort of)

Fun Factory B-Balls DUO spinning butt plug review

Ooooh, if you've want­ed moti­va­tion to do car­dio, Fun Factory's B‑Balls might be just the thing!

The weight­ed inner beads tap against the hard plas­tic shell, tak­ing on momen­tum from every lit­tle move your hips make.

Fun Factory's B‑Balls fea­ture a flared T‑shaped base that com­fort­ably fits between the cheeks if you want to use it in your butt.

You can still use a butt plug vagi­nal­ly, though, depend­ing on your anato­my! Just make sure you clean it prop­er­ly if you're switch­ing holes. My Fun Factory B‑Balls DUO review is about vagi­nal use.

Historically, I wasn't a big fan of jig­gling Kegel balls. The LELO Luna Beads didn't feel like much; I instead grav­i­tat­ed toward vagi­nal weightlift­ing to get my jollies.

But my butt adored the also-​jiggly (but slight­ly less so) b‑Vibe Snug Plug 3.

Finally, it's my vagina's turn to feel the glo­ry, with the Fun Factory B‑Balls.

Why the Fun Factory B‑Balls feel so much more pleasurable for my vagina

Fun Factory B-Balls DUO jiggling butt plug review

If you have a vagi­na and have tried tam­pons, you may find that push­ing one deep­er makes it less notice­able. It was like that with LELO Luna Beads and Fun Factory Smartballs Duo — I could bare­ly feel them, despite my strong pelvic floor.

My vagina's espe­cial­ly sen­si­tive near two zones; one is my cervix, and the oth­er is near the vagi­nal open­ing. The in-​between zone dis­si­pates into no man's land for a del­i­cate touch.

Luckily, the B‑Balls' base serves as a stop­per; the beads don't get pulled too far. They stay near my entrance. My inter­nal cli­toris can best feel their move­ment there while my pelvic floor clenches.

Using the Fun Factory B‑Balls this way works well for me because my G‑spot is shal­low, and my pubic bone is short (about 1.5"). If yours is longer, the stop­per might be coun­ter­pro­duc­tive — the beads may rest too low for you and be prone to expul­sion. Keep in mind that the B‑Balls' neck is about an inch long.

My verdict on the Fun Factory B‑Balls

Whyyyyy the hell had I nev­er tried the Fun Factory B‑Balls plug vagi­nal­ly before? The sen­sa­tion is fan­tas­tic, and for a low­er price than the well-​known LELO Luna Beads. I used to think that jig­gling vag balls weren't for me, but now I want to wear the Fun Factory B‑Balls every day to make up for the lost time.

Review: Fun Factory Bouncer, B-Balls, and LuzArte Bubbles 2

Fun Factory Bouncer review: jiggling silicone dildo

Fun Factory's insertable toys are con­sis­tent­ly are on point. Among them is the Bouncer: most­ly dil­do, part Kegel ball, and part shake weight.

As with the B‑Balls, the Bouncer's (THREE) inner weights bounce against their hard encas­ing. Depending on how you thrust, they can add a light tap­ping or rolling sensation.

How to use the Fun Factory Bouncer

I like that you can try a vari­ety of move­ments with the Fun Factory Bouncer dil­do. Don't lim­it your­self to the usu­al back-​and-​forth. Other motions you can try with the Bouncer include:

  • Shaking up-​and-​down against your front wall
  • Gyrating it for con­tin­u­ous spin­ning or in half-circles

Fun Factory Bouncer jiggling dildo with 3 rotating balls

As often with orgas­mic sen­sa­tions, con­sis­ten­cy is vital. The Fun Factory Bouncer is not for the lazy mas­tur­ba­tor. We have The Thruster and Fun Factory's Stronics for that. You'll prob­a­bly put more effort into jostling the Bouncer than you would with oth­er toys.

It can be fun if orgasms via pen­e­tra­tion come easy to you.

The Fun Factory Bouncer dildo's shape

The Fun Factory Bouncer's rhyth­mic rip­pling bulbs pull against my G‑spot with every "out" stroke. It's a good fit for those who find that their G‑spot is most sen­si­tive on the pubic bone and not super-recessed.

If I want to go deep­er, its shape, 7.1" length, and gen­tle curve eas­i­ly reach in front of or behind my cervix. A few thrusts and its firm girth gets the job done from any angle for me.

However, this dil­do isn't for every­body. Its shape feels non-​committal. You don't get a steep curve or defined head with the Fun Factory Bouncer, which many peo­ple need for intense G‑spotting or prostate play.

Review: Fun Factory Bouncer, B-Balls, and LuzArte Bubbles 3

For a more defined shape, move on to my sec­tion about the LuzArte Bubbles.

My verdict on the Fun Factory Bouncer jiggling and shaking dildo

Overall, get­ting a Fun Factory Bouncer is like splurg­ing on an exot­ic sea­son­ing. It offers a del­i­cate dimen­sion that you can't quite repli­cate with any­thing else, but it's no sub­sti­tute for the basics.

As well, if shal­low pen­e­tra­tion doesn't feel amaz­ing to you, you prob­a­bly won't feel the tap­ping sen­sa­tion much any­way. The beads' move­ment is subtle.

I like the Fun Factory Bouncer, but for the price? It goes into the "Maybe get it if there's a sale" category.

Consider that way less can get you the Fun Factory Boss or a rumbly Blush Impressions vibra­tor at their reg­u­lar prices. And that's before tak­ing 10% off every­thing at Peepshow Toys with my coupon code, SUPERSMASHCACHE

LuzArte Bubbles review: graduated bead silicone dildo

LuzArte Bubbles attached to Magic Wand Plus

Rotund beads and bulbs are a clas­sic shape in glass dil­dos. The sil­i­cone LuzArte Bubbles remind­ed me that such a design is under­rat­ed for vagi­nal use.

LuzArte Bubbles measurements

This dil­do is 7" long, with five beads that sub­tly increase in girth as you go down the shaft. The top­most ball is 1.25" diam­e­ter, the sec­ond 1.38", the next 1.5", 1.5", and last­ly, back down to 1.38". A butt-​safe and har­ness­able base follow.

How does the LuzArte Bubbles dildo feel?

The LuzArte Bubbles bead­ed dil­do feels like insert­ing a cock head over and over again. At least, on the inward stroke.


Unlike the rip­pled Tantus Tsunami, though, the Bubbles lacks any defined corona-​like ridges. As such, the beads dip along my pubic bone's curve, grab­bing it and pulling along my G‑spot with broad­er pressure.

With lube on the glossy sil­i­cone, I get deli­cious­ly glid­ing pres­sure at the mouth of my vagi­na, too. The LuzArte Bubbles coax­es it into rhyth­mi­cal­ly clench­ing and relax­ing around its con­tours. And with far more inten­si­ty than the Fun Factory Bouncer.

Review: Fun Factory Bouncer, B-Balls, and LuzArte Bubbles 4

So the shaft is plen­ty G‑spotty. The Bubbles' curve and tip, meanwhile?

AND A‑spotty AF!

BAM, the LuzArte Bubbles' head goes right into my A‑spot, like the dis­tant and more yield­ing kin of the NS Novelties G‑Spot Wand. Many toys I've tried can fit into the ante­ri­or fornix eroge­nous zone, but few are as targeted!

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3 Responses

  1. D. Dyer says:

    I pick up the boun­ncer in the last sale and while I def­i­nite­ly agree that it is a very unique sen­sa­tion, one I’m real­ly hap­py to have access to, I’m also glad I wait­ed until a sale to pick one up.

  2. J says:

    I've real­ly enjoyed the sen­sa­tion of tantus's "4 balls" for vagi­nal use, maybe it's time to start sav­ing up for the Bubbles.

  3. Lisa Stone says:

    Cool review.

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