FemmeFunn Dioni Vibrating Finger Extender Review

The FemmeFunn Dioni is a rumbly vibra­tor that entire­ly envelops your fin­ger — a hybrid between a fin­ger bul­let, dil­do, and exten­sion sleeve.

FemmeFunn Dioni powerful finger vibrator and finger extending dildo

This fin­ger vibra­tor blends seam­less­ly into part­ner play, incor­po­rat­ing the pow­er­ful, zingy vibra­tions that FemmeFunn is known for. If you enjoy strong vibra­tions with a bit of bite to them, you might come to love the FemmeFunn Dioni. Here are 6 rea­sons I appre­ci­ate its design (and 4 rea­sons you might not, depend­ing on your needs. Nuance is vital in a vibra­tor review!)

6 Reasons to Try the FemmeFunn Dioni Vibrating Finger Dildo

Go deeper and add girth to your fingers

The FemmeFunn Dioni finger-​extending vibra­tor mea­sures 4.5" long by 1.4" max­i­mum diam­e­ter, and it has a mild bend for G‑spotting and some­times A‑spotting.

In my expe­ri­ence, a longer dil­do is ide­al for stim­u­lat­ing my ante­ri­or fornix and cervix, but 4" can be enough if it's ade­quate­ly firm and curved for tar­get­ing those hot spots. And that applies to the FemmeFunn Dioni.

I got the small­er size for my eensy-​weensy fin­gers — my index fin­ger prob­a­bly mea­sures ring size 5 or 5.5. The FemmeFunn Dioni Small fits ring sizes 8 and below, while the Dioni Large is best for sizes above 8.5.

FemmeFunn Dioni Small wearable finger extending dildo with G-spot curve and ridges

Add variety with the tactile feel of silicone and ridges

The buttery-​matte fin­ish of the FemmeFunn Dioni feels very dif­fer­ent from fin­gers, and its waves along the front of the "shaft" can feel deli­cious for G‑spotting.

Feel closer to your partner than with a traditional hand-​thrusted dildo alone

FemmeFunn's Dioni wear­able vibra­tor merges man­u­al and machine. You get the inti­ma­cy of fin­ger­bang­ing with the girth of an aver­age penis and more con­ve­nience than a bul­let vibra­tor. (Of course, strap-​on play is a dif­fer­ent fla­vor of fun.)

Combine vibrations with fingering

As with all FemmeFunn vibra­tors, the Dioni's motor packs a punch. When you dip it in water, the waves are fast-​moving with a bit of bit of splash.

The dis­place­ment isn't as dra­mat­ic as, say, the We-​Vibe Tango or Hot Octopuss Amo or Digit. FemmeFunn vibra­tions are less of a deep purr and more mod­er­ate hum. It's too sharp to be con­sid­ered pure rum­ble but deliv­ers in ampli­tude and strength.

Plus, the FemmeFunn Dioni's vibra­tions stay nice­ly focused in the tip.

Femmefunn Dioni finger vibrator button control and magnetic charging contact

Turn up the speed with the simple button control and "boost" function

One but­ton cycles through all set­tings, which could be a pro and a con. While you're wear­ing the FemmeFunn Dioni, the inter­face is eas­i­ly acces­si­ble using your thumb. Easy breezy. And if you want to go up to max­i­mum steady inten­si­ty quick­ly, double-​tap the but­ton, and it'll stay on that set­ting for 10 sec­onds before reverting.

Stick a bigger middle finger up to the world

I had to say it — some days, it be like that, and your bare mid­dle fin­ger alone doesn't quite do jus­tice to your unease. Perhaps the Femmefunn Dioni fin­ger vibra­tor will get the point across. I'm most­ly jok­ing, but only mostly.

FemmeFunn Dioni wearable finger extender vibrator on middle finger

4 Reasons Not to Try the FemmeFunn Dioni Wearable Finger Vibrator

It's quite rigid and won't give you much "come hither" dexterity

There's a built-​in G‑spotting bend on the FemmeFunn Dioni, but you won't get the whole mag­i­cal mobil­i­ty range of fingers.

Consider the Simple & True Silicone Finger Extender Dildo by BMS Factory for some­thing more flex­i­ble. It doesn't vibrate, but it'll give you more free­dom to move.

The silicone is thick and you won't feel your partner' wall textures

And, to me, that's part of the fun of fin­ger­ing. It's okay — there's no such thing as a per­fect sex toy.

FemmeFunn vibrators have too damn many patterns

The cycle typ­i­cal­ly com­pris­es of 3 steady speeds and 17 rhythm set­tings. That, com­bined with the "boost" double-​tap func­tion, could be fun if you enjoy edg­ing. But I don't know many users who like vibra­tor pat­terns at all, let alone enough to seek out 17 of them.

During self-​stimulation, your hand (and wrist) might get tired of reaching

Long dil­dos have built-​in han­dles. Enough said.

FemmeFunn Dioni finger extending dildo

My Verdict on the FemmeFunn Dioni Vibrating Finger Extender

The FemmeFunn Dioni is decid­ed­ly more of a sex toy for cou­ples than for solo play. For mas­tur­ba­tion, I'd instead use a dil­do with an ample shaft that I can eas­i­ly aim against my G‑spot and A‑spot — with­out con­tort­ing my back or wrist into uncom­fort­able positions. 

For part­ner play, though? Chef's kiss emo­ji. FemmeFunn's Dioni has a respectable power-​to-​size ratio, it's sim­ple to use, and you get the perks of so many worlds in one flu­id motion. Literally at your fin­ger­tips is a syn­er­gy of cock, vibra­tion, and a ver­sa­tile perma-​bend for the inter­nal hot spots.

You won't get the "come hith­er" motion for G‑spotting, but at least the FemmeFunn Dioni's stiff struc­ture means that your fin­gers won't get tired of push­ing up against a partner's walls while they're squeez­ing from cum­ming hard. And that's a good prob­lem to have.

Take 10% off all non-​sale items at Peepshow Toys with my dis­count code, SUPERSMASHCACHE

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11 Responses

  1. Almomen says:

    This blog is very infor­ma­tive for me and also help­ful to know about sex toys.

  2. Randy says:

    What is your opin­ion on using this for pros­trate massage?

  3. Maria says:

    For some rea­son this just looks so sil­ly to me…

  4. Trix says:

    It looks a lit­tle cum­ber­some, but it’s good to know the vibra­tions won’t affect your hand…

  5. Alex says:

    That is a real­ly unique design, but SEVENTEEN pat­terns is just too many. Why would a com­pa­ny have that many on a sin­gle but­ton toy? Three to five pat­terns seems like a more rea­son­able number.

  6. Frankie says:

    Isn't the buzzing on your fin­ger uncomfortable?

  7. Joe says:

    Are there any oth­er toys out there like this that don't vibrate or do any­thing special?

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