Category: Reviews

Review: Double-Stuffing My Pussy With Fun Factory Ryde 1

Review: Double-Stuffing My Pussy With Fun Factory Ryde

Even more adven­tures of a com­pact, high-​​capacity human. HOW MUCH DO I LOVE GETTING DOUBLE-​STUFFED? Every time I get con­ve­nience store hot dogs, I put two in one bun, take a pic­ture for my Instagram sto­ry, and link to…

Wicked Bunny Collection Review: Air Pulse & Toy Care Kit 2

Wicked Bunny Collection Review: Air Pulse & Toy Care Kit

Can you believe it’s been ten years since Womanizer launched its Pleasure Air™ Technology? Air pulse mas­sagers have become their own cat­e­go­ry since then, with more com­pact, aes­thet­ic (read: less thermometer-​​like!), dis­creet, and afford­able options than before. A dinosaur…

Why Is This INTENSE Compact Wand So Familiar? 3

Why Is This INTENSE Compact Wand So Familiar?

Yes, the EdenFantasys Sleek Power Wand lives up to the "Power" in its name. And yes, you might have seen this wand before. I called its twin “the opti­miz­er of forced orgasms, plea­sure dom­i­na­tion, and post-​​nut sen­si­tiv­i­ty. It’s one…

BMS PalmPower vs. Cal Ex Couture POWERFUL Mini-Wands! 4

BMS PalmPower vs. Cal Ex Couture POWERFUL Mini-Wands!

PETITE. POWERFUL. INSERTABLE PERVERTABLE? I see you, California Exotics; you're keep­ing tabs on the com­pe­ti­tion and releas­ing your ren­di­tions of pop­u­lar prod­ucts years lat­er. You can be hit-​​or-​​miss some­times, but damn, when your ver­sion is good, it's aaAaaAahh —…

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Review: Dildo Bigger Than Soda Can 5

Dee's Big Daddy Dallas Review: Dildo Bigger Than Soda Can

I slide my thumbs over the swollen coro­na, its “meat” yield­ing just a lit­tle under pres­sure. Even just clean­ing Dee's Big Daddy Dallas — an act of devo­tion, wor­ship­ping the wind­ing vas­cu­la­ture wrap­ping the shaft — is enough to…

OhMIBod Sphinx nipple clamps with necklace chain

Lovense Gemini vs. OhMiBod Sphinx Bluetooth Nipple Clamps

Is this the future our Y2K selves imag­ined? You can con­trol these nip­ple clamps’ vibra­tions from around the world via Bluetooth! There’s some­thing nos­tal­gic about both the OhMiBod Sphinx and Lovense Gemini: Let’s bring these Bluetooth remote con­trol nipple…

Uberrime Uberous Large huge dildo in hand

Uberrime Uberron & Uberous Review: Huge Silicone Dildos!

When I rec­om­mend­ed these big bad­dies in my mega-​​guide to fist­ing & huge dil­dos, read­ers want­ed to know more about Uberrime's Uberron and Uberous. Both pro­fuse phal­lus­es: Since these volup­tuous mod­els have sim­i­lar names, let's clar­i­fy which one is…

Uberrime Reservo Review: Love for Intact Foreskin Dildos! 6

Uberrime Reservo Review: Love for Intact Foreskin Dildos!

Did you know that most penis­es around the world are not cir­cum­cised? (My UK read­ers are prob­a­bly chuck­ling at the lack of American sex edu­ca­tion on the top­ic.) But seri­ous­ly, I think it's pret­ty rad when a mak­er cares…

YoYoLemon Licking Pussy Pump vs. Her Ultimate Pleasure vs. Cal Ex 7

YoYoLemon Licking Pussy Pump vs. Her Ultimate Pleasure vs. Cal Ex

It's been half a decade since Pipedream's Her Ultimate Pleasure went viral — and for good rea­son. The suck­ing, lick­ing, and vibrat­ing mas­sager seemed to do it all. Then came Cal Exotics’ yas­si­fied girl­boss-​brand­ed ver­sion with bet­ter con­trols. Naturally, stripped-down…

Tracy's Dog OG 3 Review: 2-in-1 Air Pulse Dual Stimulator 8

Tracy's Dog OG 3 Review: 2-in-1 Air Pulse Dual Stimulator

Two toys in one to flit on your clit — both inside and out­side Womanizer pio­neered air pulse mas­sagers in the mid-​​2010s. Toward the end of the decade, Lora DiCarlo went viral for her air pulse dual stim­u­la­tor, the Osé.…

Bestvibe Little Fox Remote Panty Vibrator Review 9

Bestvibe Little Fox Remote Panty Vibrator Review

A lit­tle foxy fan ser­vice? This remote con­trol panty vibe comes with a strap­py black lace G‑string har­ness. Three faux pearls thread through the sil­i­cone slots to keep the whole unit togeth­er. Lucky for both of us, it happens…

njoy Disco Review: Next-Level Textured Steel Dildo 10

njoy Disco Review: Next-Level Textured Steel Dildo

Magic mir­ror on my fin­gers, let the orgasms loop and linger! I rel­ished my reflec­tion on the njoy Disco's flat­tened facet before it dis­ap­peared between my lips. Its pol­ished stain­less steel ele­vates my self-​​love rit­u­al. So much infor­ma­tion came in…