Category: Reviews

YoYoLemon Licking Pussy Pump vs. Her Ultimate Pleasure vs. Cal Ex 1

YoYoLemon Licking Pussy Pump vs. Her Ultimate Pleasure vs. Cal Ex

It's been half a decade since Pipedream's Her Ultimate Pleasure went viral — and for good rea­son. The suck­ing, lick­ing, and vibrat­ing mas­sager seemed to do it all. Then came Cal Exotics’ yas­si­fied girl­boss-​brand­ed ver­sion with bet­ter con­trols. Naturally, stripped-down…

Tracy's Dog OG 3 Review: 2-in-1 Air Pulse Dual Stimulator 2

Tracy's Dog OG 3 Review: 2-in-1 Air Pulse Dual Stimulator

Two toys in one to flit on your clit — both inside and out­side Womanizer pio­neered air pulse mas­sagers in the mid-​​2010s. Toward the end of the decade, Lora DiCarlo went viral for her air pulse dual stim­u­la­tor, the Osé.…

Bestvibe Little Fox Remote Panty Vibrator Review 3

Bestvibe Little Fox Remote Panty Vibrator Review

A lit­tle foxy fan ser­vice? This remote con­trol panty vibe comes with a strap­py black lace G‑string har­ness. Three faux pearls thread through the sil­i­cone slots to keep the whole unit togeth­er. Lucky for both of us, it happens…

njoy Disco Review: Next-Level Textured Steel Dildo 4

njoy Disco Review: Next-Level Textured Steel Dildo

Magic mir­ror on my fin­gers, let the orgasms loop and linger! I rel­ished my reflec­tion on the njoy Disco's flat­tened facet before it dis­ap­peared between my lips. Its pol­ished stain­less steel ele­vates my self-​​love rit­u­al. So much infor­ma­tion came in…

Voila Little Goo Review: POWERFUL Dinosaur Suction Toy 5

Voila Little Goo Review: POWERFUL Dinosaur Suction Toy

Hands down the best *bud­get* cli­toral air pulse toy I’ve tried yet Little Goo, the Suck-​​a-​​Saurus rex by Boutique Voila: It used to be that cli­toral air pulse mas­sagers fell into one of the fol­low­ing cat­e­gories: Boutique Voila’s Little…

Bathmate HydroMax & Penis Pump 101 Guide 6

Bathmate HydroMax & Penis Pump 101 Guide

Boosting your erec­tions and elec­tri­fy­ing every stroke Bathmate leads the penis pump pack — revered for their respon­sive con­trols, com­fort, and user-​​friendly HydroMax and HydroXtreme mod­els — all FDA-​​approved med­ical devices craft­ed in the UK. Add some range to…

Review: Leten Dream Series Kawaii Cat Ear Wand 7

Review: Leten Dream Series Kawaii Cat Ear Wand

This mini-​​wand looks like a sparkling scepter in a cat girl shōjo ani­me about the pow­er of friend­ship and self-​nurturing. It fea­tures: Most impor­tant­ly, did it add mag­ic to this protagonist’s jour­ney? Well, my boyfriend did say, “Baby likes…

A-spotty silicone vibrators with plenty of insertable length to go deep!

9 Breathtaking A-Spot Vibrators for Deep Penetration, Ranked!

I like my insertable per­vert­ibles long and gen­tly curved — my cervix and its fornix­es crave more than the pop­u­lar G‑spot vibra­tors of yore. Give me depth. Go all the way in with an A‑spot vibra­tor. This list com­pares A‑spotty…

Review: Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen Rumbly Thumping Wand 8

Review: Hot Octopuss Pulse Queen Rumbly Thumping Wand

Thuddy AF thump­ing com­pet­ing with the gold stan­dard of recharge­able wands Hot Octopuss's Pulse Queen com­bines wand-​​level pow­er with a point for more focused pussy-​​pounding. Rather than using the typ­i­cal spin­ning weight, its motor puls­es back and forth for…

YoYoLemon vs. Satisfyer Yummy Sunshine vs. Fun Factory Tiger 9

YoYoLemon vs. Satisfyer Yummy Sunshine vs. Fun Factory Tiger

I’m always excit­ed to see anoth­er afford­able A‑spotty vibra­tor in Toyland, made for deep pen­e­tra­tion. YoYoLemon’s ribbed mod­el looks famil­iar — but feels juu­u­ust dif­fer­ent enough for me to some­times rec­om­mend this white-​​label knock­off of a knock­off. It’s deriv­a­tive of the…

Review: Moon Rider Unicorn Dildo by Creature Cocks 10

Review: Moon Rider Unicorn Dildo by Creature Cocks

This uni­corn horn dil­do isn't just tapered and tex­tured — Creature Cocks’ Moon Rider screws inside with its intense­ly helix-​​spiraled shaft. Get ready to be stretched and bot­tomed out with its cervix-​​servicing 7" of insertable length and 2.3" diam­e­ter near the base.…

Review: Playboy Ring My Bell Clit-Thumping & Shallowing Vibrator 11

Review: Playboy Ring My Bell Clit-Thumping & Shallowing Vibrator

It’s about damn time that thud­dy thump­ing toys received the recog­ni­tion they deserve. Experience clitoris-​​rocking rum­ble — with­out break­ing the bank. Could I sum up this Playboy vibra­tor’s effects on me? Sobbing, whim­per­ing, soak­ing my face with tears, ruin­ing my…