Evolved Gyro Vibe Review: WHAM-BAM Thumping Gyrations!

For when you and your partner both feel like bottoming.
Holding a purple Gyro Vibe thumping vibrator

When I hold the Our Gyro Vibe, its motor jos­tles my fore­arm. Its cen­tral hub con­tains a weight that spins rapid­ly, deliv­er­ing a com­bi­na­tion of thrust­ing, pul­sat­ing, and vibrating.

Some Instagram users (under­stand­ably) com­ment­ed on how scary it looked in videos — wild, chaot­ic, out of con­trol, and might “ruin a vagi­na.” But maybe you want some­thing to pul­ver­ize your pussy.

In that case, the Evolved Gyro Vibe is for you.

Evolved Novelties Gyro Vibe G-spotting head shape

Claim to Fame: A Powerful Motor

The Gyro Vibe‘s one-​button inter­face clicks through three set­tings, which can be summed up:

  • Oh, woowww
  • Woaaaahhh
  • OMG, what?!

The thrash­ing you see in viral videos isn’t the entire picture…

Evolved Novelties Gyro Vibe thumping double-ended vibrator flexibility

In oth­er words, it’s intense but still has juu­u­ust a lit­tle restraint at the first speed and when actu­al­ly in use. The thrash­ing you see in viral videos isn’t the entire pic­ture — the flex­i­ble shaft yields to my walls, tak­ing the move­ment qual­i­ty to a thrum­my, yum­my mas­sage internally.

I can increase to the “OMG, what?!” if I want to, and usu­al­ly, I do. Why? Because I tend to use the Gyro Vibe as a dual stim­u­la­tor, with the hard ball against my labia or cli­toral glans.

What Hot Spots Does It Target?

With how the Gyro Vibe‘s head, bendy neck, and motor line up with my anato­my, I can choose from the fol­low­ing ways to play:

  • Mild G‑spot mas­sage paired with strong cli­toral pounding
  • Moderately strong G‑spot sen­sa­tions with­out exter­nal stimulation
  • Intense A‑spot bul­ly­ing with also-​intense but indi­rect cli­toral pounding
Evolved Novelties Gyro Vibe head, shaft, and central hub

That last bul­let point is enchant­i­ng if your bits are spaced close­ly together.

I’m a Doxy user, yet the thud­di­ness of the Gyro Vibe against my cli­toral glans or labia majo­ra makes me see stars. It’s a whole dif­fer­ent type of inten­si­ty, and there’s a rea­son I keep say­ing “pound­ing” rather than “vibrat­ing” or “stim­u­lat­ing”; the range of motion is just over a half-centimeter.

Optimized for plea­sure… It is both “Hello, heav­en” and “Hell, yes.”

Ever want­ed to use per­cus­sive mas­sage on your clit? The Gyro Vibe might be a safer alter­na­tive, opti­mized for plea­sure. It is both “Hello, heav­en” and “Hell, yes.”

Evolved Novelties Our Gyro Vibe thumping gyrating vibrator massager

As for how the ball comes into play with inter­nal stim­u­la­tion, it comes down to pri­or­i­tiz­ing which zone you’d pre­fer to aim at:

  • G‑spotting means tilt­ing the head for­ward and the base back
  • Clitoral stim­u­la­tion with a dil­do means tilt­ing the base toward the bel­ly but­ton side
  • A‑spotting means going straight in, mean­ing you still get the thump­ing at the opening

Your mileage may vary, though. The Evolved Our Gyro Vibe‘s insertable por­tion is 4.5” long, which may be just enough to reach some users’ G‑spots, plen­ty to reach the G‑spot or A‑spot, or juu­u­u­ust suf­fi­cient to line up with the G‑spot and cli­toris just right simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. My bits are spaced quite close­ly together.

Measurements and Specs

  • 4.5” insertable length
  • 1.4” head max­i­mum diameter
  • 1.0” neck min­i­mum diameter
  • 2.8” cen­ter diameter
  • 12” total length

It’s avail­able in two G‑spotty ver­sions: one with a suc­tion cup base and the oth­er double-​ended like a Bop It.

Playing with the Evolved Novelties Gyro Vibe — a double-ended vibrator that looks like a Bop It

I test­ed the lat­ter, but the single-​ended ver­sion might bet­ter suit your needs if:

  • You’d strong­ly pre­fer to have 5” of insertable length over 4.5”
  • You’re fly­ing solo and sim­ply don’t need the two ends

Its suc­tion cup anchors eas­i­ly to a smooth-​surfaced hard point. That way, more move­ment trans­fers to your body rather than flail­ing outside.

If you’re using the double-​ended Our Gyro Vibe, then yes, some of that will go to your hand, but the end you’re not insert­ing can be use­ful as a han­dle for reach­ing and aiming.

It’s loud and mechanical-​sounding, but that’s to be expect­ed with a pow­er­ful sex toy.

Evolved Novelties Gyro Vibe G-spot massager and button control
  • Matte sil­i­cone finish
  • One but­ton control
  • Three steady settings
  • USB recharge­able
  • Waterproof

It’s loud and mechanical-​sounding, but that’s to be expect­ed with a pow­er­ful sex toy.

What mild­ly weirds me about this vibra­tor is that when I lift the charg­ing flap, I usu­al­ly won’t see a port to plug in the pin. Rotating the ball to access the aper­ture takes some jostling or fin­ger finess­ing. Not a huge deal, but it might make you won­der, “How do I charge this thing?” at first.

G-Spotting Flexibility and Feel

So how does the Evolved Our Gyro Vibe hold up as a G‑spot vibra­tor alone?

Evolved Novelties Gyro Vibe flexible G-spot massager head

First, remem­ber that the shaft is flex­i­ble. A hol­low chan­nel runs through the insertable por­tions, though the heads are firmer.

So while I get big move­ment with the pul­sa­tions on, the motor doesn’t do every­thing for me. I often want to insert the Gyro Vibe at a steep angle to facil­i­tate pres­sure. It’s lit­er­al­ly soft-core.

Silky rib­bing dec­o­rates the flat head, giv­ing the user some fin­er fric­tion to grab onto.

That said, I love the head shape! It’s between round­ed and squared off, allow­ing me to knead the front wall, but its hook isn’t too dras­tic. It rubs not just the area past the pubic bone but also fol­lows the spongy, G‑spotty area where the bone dips.

Evolved Novelties Gyro Vibe textured G-spotting head shape

Silky rib­bing dec­o­rates the flat head, giv­ing the user some fin­er fric­tion to grab onto.

How It Held Up to My Walls in Use

My G‑spot is bony and gives the Evolved Gyro Vibe‘s tip a looot of resis­tance, but the tex­tures still pow­er through. Its high inten­si­ty is fan­tas­tic for a lazy day; just insert and hold it in place. Ahhhh. Like ded­i­cat­ed fin­gers with pre­ci­sion and small but mighty strokes.

“Vibrator” doesn’t quite do jus­tice when it feels more like mag­net­ic pulsation.

Evolved Novelties Gyro Vibe thumping and gyrating massager

“Vibrator” doesn’t quite do jus­tice when it feels more like mag­net­ic pul­sa­tion. The ball at the cen­ter spins to pro­pel the entire unit, pum­mel­ing my clit and my walls. Is it:

  • A dual stim­u­la­tion pulsator?
  • A G‑spotter and prostate toy?
  • Thuddier than a wand for per­cus­sive cli­toral play?

It could be any or all of the above delights — for you or for two!

This post was orig­i­nal­ly writ­ten for Spectrum Boutique's Journal and repost­ed here. See my Spectrum chan­nel for more content!

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2 Responses

  1. Ali M says:

    There's a sin­gle line in the instruc­tion leaflet that says it has to be hor­i­zon­tal for the port to line up, but because it nat­u­ral­ly see-​saws when you lay it down you have to bal­ance it juu­u­ust right for the weight to make the ball to roll around and align the port to the flap. Absolute men­ace lmao

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