Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro Review: A Strapless Strap-On?

Fun Factory’s Share Vibe Pro makes promis­es galore.

Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro double-ended strapless strap-on dildo with rumbly vibrations
  • Hands-​free, harness-​free thrust­ing dur­ing part­ner play
  • More skin against skin
  • G‑spot, prostate, and clit stim­u­la­tion all in one
  • Fun Factory’s sig­na­ture rumbly vibra­tions — their words: “the strongest motor of any dou­ble dil­do on the market.”

This company’s lux­u­ry insertable vibra­tors are always bold­ly basslike, with a low-​pitched flut­ter — and Share Vibe Pro stepped up to that stan­dard, replac­ing the old­er Share Vibe’s remov­able (buzzy) bul­let with a prop­er­ly brand-​befitting motor. They also con­tin­ued the trend with pat­terns made to tease, edge, or give big bursts of power.

Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro size comparison to my hand

So, as an insertable vibra­tor, the Share Vibe Pro is quite fun.

“White-​hot” — words and nois­es were not fil­tered. All of his RAM was con­sumed, and he had no way to process intellectually.

When using it as a strap­less strap-​on for peg­ging, I have some reser­va­tions, and I invite read­ers to keep real­is­tic expectations.

Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro control panel and handle grip textures

Hopefully, after read­ing this review, you can decide for your­self whether it’s best to:

  • Use Share Vibe Pro as a dou­ble dildo
  • Use a mod­u­lar har­ness sys­tem where you can fit the straps, bul­lets, and cock to your (and your partner’s) per­son­al preferences.
  • Get a dif­fer­ent dou­ble dildo.
  • Just get a reg­u­lar ol’ hand-​thrusted dil­do or vibra­tor instead

How Do Strapless Strap-Ons Work?

Strapless strap-​on dil­dos are made for part­ner play with­out the need for a har­ness. They are double-​ended by design — one end is worn inter­nal­ly by the giv­er, and the oth­er end pen­e­trates the receiver.

The giver’s pelvic floor mus­cles clench around the inter­nal bulb to hold it in place — on paper, allow­ing for more skin-​to-​skin con­tact while thrust­ing and pen­e­tra­tion sen­sa­tions for both parties!

Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro strapless strap-on bulb contours

“Come clos­er, baby,” says the Share Vibe Pro's pamphlet.

In prac­tice, the effec­tive­ness of a strap­less strap-​on can vary depend­ing on:

  • Personal anato­my — you’re deal­ing with two people’s pref­er­ences while shop­ping for one toy. It’s like the clas­sic rab­bit vibra­tor prob­lem: every body is dif­fer­ent, and one toy can­not hit everyone’s hot spots the way it’s advertised.
  • Muscle strength and posi­tion­ing — you rely on the wearer’s pelvic floor mus­cles to fight against grav­i­ty. Either that, or they’re squeez­ing it with their legs, which lim­its the options for sex posi­tions. Also, it’s two people’s pelvis­es and vis­cera fight­ing with a flex­i­ble but firm piece of sil­i­cone that wants to spring back into its rest­ing shape.
  • The shape of the device — you’re con­cerned not only about stim­u­la­tion but also how well the bulb tes­sel­lates with the wearer’s pubic bone, evades their cervix, and hope­ful­ly main­tains con­tact with the exter­nal clitoris.

With so many vari­ables at play, it’s hard to rec­om­mend a strap­less strap-​on over the alternatives.

Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro Measurements

  • Overall length: 9.9" over­all (while relaxed)
  • Weight: 0.73 lb (about 12 oz)
Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro vibrating double dildo
wearer's prong
  • 4.4 –6.5" insertable length — depend­ing on how much you're straight­en­ing it out
  • 1.3" diam­e­ter across the top bulb
  • 1.2" between bulbs
  • 1.6" diam­e­ter across the bot­tom bulb
  • 0.9" across the neck
Receiver's prong
  • 6.1" insertable length
  • 1.5" across the widest part of the head
  • 1.3" at the nar­row­est part of the neck
  • 1.6" across the base

What Does the Share Vibe Pro Do Differently?

Its design fea­tures include:

  • Comfortably tapered heads and G‑spotty dips on both ends
  • More sur­face area (and there­fore fric­tion) against the giver’s pubic bone
  • A rumbly built-​in motor with 8 set­tings (3 speeds, 4 pat­terns, and one “tur­bo mode” for easy access to the top speed)
  • An adjustable hinge to keep the toy erect
  • Textures on the out­side for easy gripping
Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro vibrating double dildo and anal lube

“The adjustable hinge pre­vents droop­ing, so the toy stays erect through­out your play,” the prod­uct page says.

If you’ve been read­ing my blog for a while, you know how I feel about adjustable hinges: too often, they’re too easy to undo with my goril­la grip coochie. And that’s what I found hap­pen­ing quite a bit with my partner.

My Personal Experience With the Share Vibe Pro

What My Partner and I Didn’t Love

  1. It wasn’t easy to lever­age and angle when his hips pulled the toy in one direc­tion, and mine pulled it in anoth­er. The springy sil­i­cone want­ed to snap back and fight its way out. “Fuck it,” I thought, “I’ll just hand-​thrust it.”
  2. When our posi­tion nat­u­ral­ly pried the two ends apart, that of course meant that there was no longer any cli­toral con­tact between the toy and me. I would rather have a bul­let slot­ted into a har­ness, bump­ing against me to reg­u­late my thrusting.
  3. I don’t want to spread lube on his bum­hole and then grab part of a toy that could ride up my vagi­na — though now that I know this toy moves around a lot, that can be addressed eas­i­ly with new gloves and a towel.
  4. A single-​button con­trol pan­el for a $169 vibra­tor? Are you kid­ding me? I under­stand want­i­ng to keep it sim­ple, so you’re not “jim­my­ing around” too much, but I wish we had more options for click­ing through the settings.
  5. Again, $169? I respect it as a review­er, but it wouldn’t be our first choice if we were shoppers.
Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro flexibility 1
Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro flexibility 2

In prac­tice, the Share Vibe Pro is more “dou­ble dil­do plus” than “strap-​on minus.”

What He and I Did Enjoy (“WHITE-​HOT”)

As a vibrat­ing dil­do, Share Vibe Pro is intense.

  • The Share Vibe Pro worked well for close posi­tions like mis­sion­ary or cow­poke with our chests against each oth­er — which, of course, is the point of a strap­less strap-on!
  • In all fair­ness, I appre­ci­ate the easy-​grip tex­tures for hand-thrusting.
  • A seam­less inser­tion — the first cou­ple of inch­es were effort­less and organic
  • There was resis­tance once I reached the prostate, and he was very full
  • His inter­nal hot spots were all hit; the cur­va­ture, taper, and flex­i­bil­i­ty were just right for his com­fort and the “wow” factor.
  • “White-​hot” — words and nois­es were not fil­tered. All of his RAM was con­sumed, and he could not process intellectually.
  • Circling and short thrusts were his favorite! The long thrusts back and forth were a bit much — once we were in the groove, he could con­tin­ue, but once I pulled it out, the iner­tia of restart­ing was just too much.
  • The inter­nal part on his end held its shape well.
  • It was his first vibra­tor, and “Goddamn” — he appre­ci­at­ed the ramp­ing up in rumble.
  • The vibra­tions cer­tain­ly added to the pen­e­tra­tion sen­sa­tions, and the pat­terns “did their damnedest” to bring him back to need­ing a sec­ond round. “That's evil,” he said.

Also? As with all Fun Factory sex toys, the pack­ag­ing includ­ed a cute “Flirt or Dare” game that brought up many utter­ances of “Well, damn” and plen­ty of laugh­ter. The game usu­al­ly starts with some­thing like, “Whoever has the jig­gli­er butt or longer tongue goes first.”

(We pinched each other’s bums at the same time and decid­ed mine was jigglier.)

Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro bulb and handle

Our Verdict on the Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro

We love the Share Vibe Pro as an insertable vibra­tor but not as a strap­less strap-on.

Some ques­tions to pon­der before get­ting one include:

  • What shape and angle does the wear­er want?
  • What does the per­son being pen­e­trat­ed want?
  • Do you care a lot about vibrations?

For my per­son­al pref­er­ences, I’d rather have a har­ness, bul­let vibra­tor, low-​tech dil­do, and maybe a pussy plug to clench around and round out the experience.

My part­ner prob­a­bly would have pre­ferred a plain butt-​safe insertable vibra­tor. He also loves the inten­si­ty of glass and steel dil­dos (try the L'Acier Capo).

As a pair, we’d want more ver­sa­til­i­ty with posi­tion­ing with­out babysit­ting the exact angle of the prongs. We like it mod­u­lar in this house.

Fun Factory Share Vibe Pro strapless strap-on next to a mug that says, "today I want to top"

In short, while we respect the Share Vibe Pro’s shape and sen­su­al rum­ble, it isn’t worth it for us—at least at the reg­u­lar price. Get a har­ness, bul­let, and dil­do, or wait for a sale.

Disagree? Think the Share Vibe Pro is for you?

Where to Get the Share Vibe Pro

…or browse har­ness­es at Peepshow Toys and SheVibe.

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1 Response

  1. Ann says:

    Judging from the images, this seems like the squishi­est and most flex­i­ble a "strap­less" strap on with inter­nal motors can get. Just not sure about that hinge, espe­cial­ly for the price, since anoth­er "strap­less" strap on Fun Factory made recently-​ish also had it and it turned out to break easily.

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