Category: Reviews

Review: 321 (Blast Off) & Seahorse slender S-curve dildos 1

Review: 321 (Blast Off) & Seahorse slender S-curve dildos

Looking for your G‑spot or A‑spot? Exploring your cer­vi­cal for­nices and deep spots? The 321 (Blast Off) and Seahorse acrylic dil­dos by Lovey Productions are per­fect for that! They are exact­ly what my vagi­na need­ed when I was younger.…

Review: Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrating alien dildo 2

Review: Cute Little Fuckers Trinity vibrating alien dildo

Meet Trinity, an ADORABLE cloud crea­ture who loves hug­ging, danc­ing, and cave explor­ing. The Trinity vibrat­ing dil­do is one of three new sex toys from Cute Little Fuckers. Their line fea­tures out-​​of-​​this-​​world vibra­tion cre­ations for any­body. There's no hot…

We-Vibe Rave Review: a rumbly G-spot & A-spot vibrator! 3

We-Vibe Rave Review: a rumbly G-spot & A-spot vibrator!

The We-​​Vibe Rave was the only G‑spot vibra­tor I would have re-​​bought if I had to restart my col­lec­tion from noth­ing — even after own­ing over $10,000 of sex toys. G‑spot vibra­tors don't often do much for me, but this…

Review: Svakom Nymph, Ella, and Tyler Vibrators 10

Review: Svakom Nymph, Ella, and Tyler Vibrators

"Svakom is what hap­pens when you bat­ter, over-​​salt, and deep-​​fry some­thing that's sup­posed to be fan­cy." "Really?" I respond­ed to my review­er friend. "I thought of it as the reverse: cheap vibra­tors in nice pack­ag­ing. That's a recur­ring problem…

Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager 12

Review: Lora DiCarlo Osé 2 CES Award-Winning Robotic Massager

I'm wait­ing for the immi­nent Netflix orig­i­nal doc­u­men­tary about the Lora DiCarlo Osé. Nobody's announced any plans for such a fea­ture, but I fig­ure it's only a mat­ter of time, giv­en this robot­ic massager's noto­ri­ety. The back­sto­ry: Lora DiCarlo's…

Review: Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit & G-Spot Stroker 13

Review: Happy Rabbit Curve Thrusting Rabbit & G-Spot Stroker

There's a self-​​thrusting rab­bit vibra­tor that sat­is­fies my inter­nal and exter­nal cli­toris simul­ta­ne­ous­ly — hands-​​free. I didn't imag­ine this day (nor myself) com­ing so soon with the Lovehoney Happy Rabbit Curve. But here we are, with one of the…

Review: Fun Factory Bouncer, B-Balls, and LuzArte Bubbles 15

Review: Fun Factory Bouncer, B-Balls, and LuzArte Bubbles

Run up the stairs. Hula-​​hoop. Belly dance. Hop in place. We're explor­ing toys with bumps and beads and inter­nal balls that move with your body for hands-​​free, battery-​​free sen­sa­tion. First up, we have the Fun Factory B‑Balls DUO and…

Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review 20

Nalone Pure X2 Inflatable Silicone Rabbit Vibrator Review

Yes, a body-​​safe, inflat­able rab­bit vibra­tor for aspir­ing size roy­al­ty! Not many toys car­ry the Nalone Pure X2's com­bi­na­tion of fea­tures: I LOVE big toys, and I can­not lie; inflat­able vibes are a must-​try! Nalone Pure X2 review table…

Review: LuzArte Jollet polka-dot dildo with Magic Wand attachment 21

Review: LuzArte Jollet polka-dot dildo with Magic Wand attachment

The icon­ic polka-​​dot LuzArte Jollet dil­do is per­fec­tion, both aes­thet­i­cal­ly and as a plea­sure prod­uct. I get ques­tions about LuzArte's eye-​​catching designs EVERY time they're in my pho­tos — even if there's only a brief cameo. It's for the…

FemmeFunn Cadenza self-thrusting dildo pulsator review 23

FemmeFunn Cadenza self-thrusting dildo pulsator review

If jack­ham­mer­ing your G‑spot sounds appeal­ing to you, then you can't miss this review of the FemmeFunn Cadenza.  It's anoth­er hand­held fuck­ing machine, made by the same peo­ple who brought us the: Fancy AF Bougie Bullet Cheap-​​but-​​powerful FFix and Ultra…