Review: Zeus Twilight Violet Wand & Cal Ex Impulse Petite

Turn me on with your electric feel.

I'm no stranger to elec­tros­tim­u­la­tion, but today, we're explor­ing THREE MORE elec­trokink sex toys:

  • The Zeus Twilight Violet Wand by XR Brands
  • Cal Exotics' Impulse Petite Electrostimulator Wand
  • Cal Exotics' Impulse Petite G‑Spot E‑Stim Wand
Electrostimulation toys for beginners: violet wand body contact, a conductive metal impact paddle, Kegel-inducing vagina-shocking vibrators, and argon-filled glass electrodes

Left to right: Kinklab Power Tripper, Kink Nerd Toys rug beat­er pad­dle, Cal Ex Impulse Petite, Violet Wand Mushroom Electrode, Cal Ex Impulse Petite G

The Violet Wand elec­tros­tim­u­la­tion device is for exter­nal play with inter­change­able glass elec­trodes and acces­sories, while the Impulse line fea­tures inserta­bles that deliv­er shocks to the pelvic floor — coerc­ing them to con­tract, effec­tive­ly induc­ing exer­cise of the Kegel muscles.

If you're experiencing déjà vu, there's a good reason.

I've reviewed the Neon Wand by Kinklab before, which is A LOT like the Zeus Twilight Violet Wand. And the Cal Exotics Impulse Petite inti­mate e‑stim vibra­tor is yet anoth­er blast from the past. I incor­po­rat­ed some sick burns in my review of the big­ger Impulse vibra­tor and men­tioned that I'd enjoy the petite ver­sions a lot more. Almost two years lat­er, I put that hypoth­e­sis to the test.

California Exotics Impulse vagina-shocking vibrator and Deluxe Edition Zeus Twilight Violet Wand packaging

Consider this begin­ner elec­tros­tim­u­la­tion toy list a follow-​up on thoughts I pre­vi­ous­ly expressed.

Let's get started!

The back of the XR Brands Zeus Twilight Violet Wand packaging, featuring five attachments

Five attach­ments are includ­ed with the Zeus Twilight Violet Wand. The one I got was pur­ple with a black sil­i­cone insu­la­tor handle.

Zeus Twilight Violet Wand by XR Brands

The Zeus Twilight Violet Wand (along with the Kinklab Neon Wand) deliv­ers small, con­trolled shocks — the attach­ments arc near skin or met­al or any­thing conductive.

1. How does the Zeus Twilight Violet Wand feel in use?

Five violet wand glass electrodes!

While the vio­let wand is the elec­tri­cal trans­former that main­tains a safe­ly low cur­rent, the exact sen­sa­tion depends a lot on what attach­ments and tech­niques you're using.

They can feel sub­tle, like sparkling water, or tor­tur­ous. Some includ­ed elec­trodes, like the mush­room, offer a dif­fuse sen­sa­tion, while the nar­row one feels more prick­ly and tattoo-like.

2. Why are violet wands called that?

These gad­gets are called vio­let wands because the glass elec­trodes are often filled with argon gas, which glows a beau­ti­ful pur­ple when a cur­rent pass­es through.

(Meanwhile, there are also Neon Wands filled with — you guessed it — neon, which glows red.)

Violet wand mushroom attachment electrical arc against finger

3. "Wait, isn't that a beauty device for stimulating skin and zapping zits?"

One of my Instagram fol­low­ers asked that. And the short answer is yes, the Zeus Twilight Violet Wand and Kinklab Neon Wand are essen­tial­ly estheti­cian tools rebrand­ed for kinky sensations.

These solid-​state vio­let wands are less pow­er­ful than and ofter a frac­tion of the range of tra­di­tion­al Tesla-​style vio­let wands with coils.

For a frame of ref­er­ence, there are more pow­er­ful vio­let wands out there that you can turn WAAAAYYY up to use for fire play and brand­ing. That's beyond my realm of expe­ri­ence, though, since they tend to be more expen­sive. I've felt a Tesla vio­let wand but nev­er oper­at­ed one myself.

4. How can I maximize my electronic violet wand's versatility?

There are acces­sories you can add to inten­si­fy vio­let wand play, like a body con­tact attach­ment. Personally, I use the Kinklab Power Tripper. It turns the wear­er into an elec­trode, allow­ing them to shock play part­ners with their bare hands — or tongue or cock or lips. Use your palm for a light tin­gle or fin­ger­tips for a more needle-​like feel.

Violet wand and separate body contact cable attachment

Left to right: Kinklab Power Tripper attach­ment, Zeus Twilight Violet Wand, Kink Nerd Toys rug beat­er paddle

Follow your dreams and be a Pikachu at par­ties. Hold hands with peo­ple and play Red Rover — every­one in the con­tact chain can shock oth­ers around them.

Or hold met­al rug beat­ers, knives, pom-​poms, etc. in your hand while the con­tact plate is against you, and let your imple­ments con­cen­trate or spread out the elec­tric­i­ty. as you please.

5. What's the best violet wand for beginners?

Unless you KNOW that you're going to LOVE every­thing to do with kinky elec­tro­sex, get an elec­tron­ic mod­el like the Zeus Twilight or Kinklab Neon Wand to start. They're a jolt­ing­ly jovial addi­tion to the layperson's toy­box for part­ner play.

You'll get A LITTLE more pow­er with the Kinklab Neon Wand than the Zeus Twilight Violet Wand — but not much. Try either one. And if the includ­ed glass elec­trodes feel mild to you, upgrade with the Kinklab Power Tripper attachment.

Those look­ing to get THE MOST pow­er out of their vio­let wands should con­sid­er tra­di­tion­al mini Tesla coil-​type mod­els. For those who are most­ly vanil­la and adding a hand­ful of sprin­kles? The Zeus Twilight Violet Wand is more than enough, even for me.

Violet wand glass attachments and other great beginner electrosex devices

Impulse Intimate E-Stim Vibrators (Petite & Petite G editions!)

Unlike the Violet Wand, the Impulse electro-​stimulators are explic­it­ly for inter­nal stim­u­la­tion — more specif­i­cal­ly, to make the pelvic floor mus­cles clench.

Such a device gives off deep, pinprick-​like sen­sa­tions, which can be fun, but it's also use­ful for peo­ple strug­gling to do Kegel exer­cis­es prop­er­ly. (Vaginal weightlift­ing isn't for every­body, you know!)

California Exotics Impulse Intimate vaginal electostimulation vibrators / Kegel exercisers — both the Petite and Petite G

If you haven't already read my review of the big­ger Impulse Intimate Electrostimulation vibra­tor, I high­ly rec­om­mend it. It includes safe­ty tips and scathing sneers, like:

With firmer sil­i­cone, this vibra­tor and my G‑spot could have been friends. Instead, it's like the fuc­cboi who only responds to you if he ini­ti­at­ed the conversation.

Luckily, The Vibed shop was kind enough to send me elec­tros­tim­u­la­tion vibra­tors with the same tech­nol­o­gy in a dif­fer­ent shape.

Petite & Petite G E‑stimulation vibrator shape

Impulse Petite G Wand

The Impulse Petite G E‑Stim vibe fea­tures a small­er but more round­ed head for — as the name sug­gests — G‑spot stim­u­la­tion. And the neck shaft is flex­i­ble, but not too much.

California Exotics Impulse vagina shocking vibrator / intimate e-stimulation Petite G wand


The tip effort­less­ly nes­tles along with my pubic bone's dip. Thrust it or swiv­el it; I can aim pres­sure with ease, what­ev­er motion I'm doing. In addi­tion, I can use it as a dil­do to go in deep­er against my A‑spot. Fuck yeah!

Impulse Petite straight shaft

The oth­er Impulse Petite E‑Stimulation Wand, in con­trast, has a flat head, firm neck, and ridges near the tip, suit­able for shal­low­er front wall mas­sage. It's not intu­itive for users who don't already know their anato­my well; it won't find your G‑spot for you. However, I'm gen­er­al­ly a fan of firm pres­sure and light tex­ture; I appre­ci­ate how easy it is to tilt the rigid shaft.

Cal Exotics Impulse vibration quality in use

The California Exotics Impulse Electrostimulation wands are deli­cious as dil­dos, but lack vroom as vibra­tors. They're def­i­nite­ly on the buzzy side. I'll quote my old­er Impulse E‑Stimulation Vibrator review:

… nei­ther amaz­ing nor amaz­ing­ly dread­ful. Enough to come, but surface-​level and need­ing a high pitch to com­pen­sate for the lack of ampli­tude on the fastest of the three speed settings.

But you're not read­ing this review because you want just any dil­do or insertable vibra­tor. You want electrostimulation.

What makes the Petite & Petite G models better

I can indu­bitably con­firm that the Petite Impulse E‑Stimulation Wands are way more use­ful than their big sib­ling, for two big reasons:

  • Either a short bulge or no bulge
  • Shorter elec­tros­tim­u­la­tion plates

My vagi­na tend­ed to suck in the big­ger Impulse Wand's steadi­ly swelling tip so that the tight­est part closed up around the toy's nar­row neck. When that hap­pened, the shock­ing plates went in deep­er and made my cervix twitch. At least, that's what it felt like. And I hat­ed it so much for that.

California Exotics Impulse vagina shocking Kegel exerciser / intimate e-stimulation Petite wand

How do the Cal Exotics Impulse Petite and Petite G E‑Stim Wands feel?

The petite Impulse wands' elec­tri­cal sen­sa­tions are still very much intense, but at least I can eas­i­ly keep steady a small­er insert­ed sec­tion. Think of how TV sta­t­ic noise looks, and imag­ine how that would feel. It's kind of like that. Or effer­ves­cent cham­pagne bubbles.

It's odd­ly plea­sur­able when the toy's clos­er to the mouth of my vagi­na and slight­ly rotat­ed. And again, the sen­sa­tion is sweet­ly severe for masochists but man­age­able. When the Impulse Petite G Wand is in the right spot, I can orgasm via the vagi­nal shock­ing alone, and I can com­fort­ably turn the inten­si­ty all the way up.

And there are five lev­els of elec­tros­tim­u­la­tion to explore. And it's afford­able for what it is.

Did the petite models flip my views on the California Exotics Impulse vibrators?

The small­er Impulse toys are intense, but not over­whelm­ing, and they cost less than the one I tried before. That should be the case when design­ing a begin­ner E‑stim toy.

I still pre­fer the wider inten­si­ty range of the MyStim self-​contained E‑stim vibra­tors (Electric Eric, Sizzling Simon, Tickling Truman), but those are expeeennnsive! For the low­er price, the Impulse Intimate E‑Stimulator Petite G Wand is a fair entry into the world of electrokink.

Review: Zeus Twilight Violet Wand & Cal Ex Impulse Petite 1

Closing thoughts on the Zeus Twilight Violet Wand and Cal Exotics Impulse Intimate E-Stimulator Petite G Wand

Both of these elec­tros­tim­u­la­tor kink toys offer a love­ly and respectable range of sen­sa­tions for the price. That's dou­bly true if you get the Power Tripper attach­ment to pair with the Violet Wand. Let your imag­i­na­tion run wild with all the met­al pret­ties — per­haps a vin­tage cake knife or thick wire rug beater.

(Just make sure to maintain common sense!)

  • Don't use elec­tros­tim­u­la­tion toys in or near water
  • Don't use them if you have a pacemaker
  • Keep them away from flam­ma­ble substances 
    • Unless fire play is what you're going for
  • Use these toys in a well-​ventilated area

Review: Zeus Twilight Violet Wand & Cal Ex Impulse Petite 2

Other E-stimulation toys I've tried before:

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1 Response

  1. Sm says:

    Yes yes yes. Electro stim toys are absolute­ly one of my biggest curios­i­ty points. Insearched for this top­ic specifically.
    It's fun­ny the more I go through your blog the more I real­ize that i, at 29 havent done half of the sex­u­al explo­ration as i thought I would by this time :/​ cest la vie

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