BMS Factory Pillow Talk Cheeky Rumbly Rechargeable Wand Vibrator Review

[Image: the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Cheeky is about the same max diameter (1.5

The rum­ble of BMS Factory's Pillow Talk Sassy ruined prac­ti­cal­ly all oth­er G‑spot vibra­tors for me— even out­per­form­ing the renowned LELO Mona 2. It's per­haps the most under­rat­ed vibra­tor in exis­tence, and a steal for the price. I didn't do jus­tice to it in my orig­i­nal review. Since then, I've refined my prover­bial palate to appre­ci­ate the Pillow Talk Sassy more thor­ough­ly. And I love it so much that I'm review­ing its sib­ling, the Pillow Talk Cheeky, to wax poet­ic about the motor again.

Deep Powerbullet Vibrations

Yes, BMS's Powerbullet tech­nol­o­gy is often that good. I "fuck yeah!"-ed upon mere­ly hear­ing the Cheeky's qui­et but dis­tinct vibra­tion pitch: not a buzz, but a deep and grow­ly purr. "Good" vibra­tions are sub­jec­tive, but ampli­tude and fre­quen­cy aren't. If I turned on and dipped my vibra­tors halfway in a bowl of water, the Pillow Talk Sassy and Cheeky's splash would beat (but not all) most vibra­tors of their size class.

[Image: Pillow Talk Sassy next to Pillow Talk Cheeky and Kink Nerd Toys rug beater paddle]

The Cheeky, mea­sur­ing 1.5" across, is rum­bli­er than the Sassy, but only by a hair. Both make big­ger waves than, say, the LELO Mona 2 does, both in terms of height and width. The range of motion rocks more of my inter­nal cli­toris, instead of work­ing only at the sur­face lev­el. Whatever mood I'm in, there's a set­ting on the Cheeky that deliv­ers me mul­ti­ple back-​to-​back orgasms.

Ample Power in a Modestly Sized Package

In terms of the sheer amount of pow­er, the Cheeky's high­est speed is some­where between the Magic Wand Plus's sec­ond and third set­tings. It's not quite as thud­dy, but still impres­sive, con­sid­er­ing that the Cheeky is less than half the size of the Magic Wand.

It's also about par with the Magic Wand Mini — just a tad weak­er on the high­est set­ting, but the grad­ual con­trols might make up for that!

[Image: the Pillow Talk Cheeky is a dainty wand compared to the Magic Wand Plus]

This mini wand vibra­tor is also far more travel-​friendly than a clunky mains-​powered vibra­tor with­out sac­ri­fic­ing too much strength. Or usage time, for that mat­ter. The Cheeky's bat­tery lasts up to 2 and a half con­tin­u­ous hours.

The Cheeky's Settings and Control

And the BMS Pillow Talk line's speed range? Nothing but love. I enjoy both ends of the Cheeky's pow­er spec­trum. The low­est intensity's tim­bre is plen­ty rumbly for me. The high­est is enough to bul­ly my clit when my brain is in a funk. One but­ton con­trols the speed; press to turn on or off, and hold to ramp up through the con­tin­u­ous speed range. There are no pat­tern set­tings. If that's not a deal­break­er, and pre­cise con­trol of inten­si­ty is essen­tial to you (like it is to my diva of a clit), you're prob­a­bly going to love this vibrator.

However, if you're a diehard pow­er queen and fre­quent­ly turn your vibe all the way up, you might find that wait­ing 6 sec­onds to reach the high­est set­ting takes annoy­ing­ly long. In that case, get a Doxy 3 Rechargeable or BMS Swan Wand instead.

(Or if you don't mind the bulk, get a Doxy Die Cast, Magic Wand Plus, or Magic Wand Rechargeable).

My Verdict on the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Cheeky

BMS Factory Pillow Talk Cheeky Rumbly Rechargeable Wand Vibrator Review 1

Don't under­es­ti­mate the Pillow Talk line based on its del­i­cate looks alone. The Cheeky's com­bi­na­tion of pitch, pow­er, and speed range makes it a robust vibra­tor over­all, but espe­cial­ly so for those look­ing for an afford­able and unin­tim­i­dat­ing first wand.

Not every­one wants a wand mas­sager that looks or sounds like a pow­er tool, and that's okay. For those who want a com­pact wand with the most pow­er pos­si­ble, I high­ly rec­om­mend the Doxy 3 Rechargeable.

For oth­ers who want a gen­tler but still rich and purring motor, the Pillow Talk Cheeky chan­nels sig­nif­i­cant pow­er into a rel­a­tive­ly small pack­age for those who love broad stimulation.


Where to Get the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Cheeky

It's also avail­able in teal! Find the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Cheeky at The Pleasure Garden Shop UK and use my 10% off sitewide coupon code: SUPER


The Pleasure Garden Shop sent me the BMS Factory Pillow Talk Cheeky wand vibra­tor in exchange for my freely giv­en and hon­est review. There are affil­i­ate links in this post, which bring me a com­mis­sion at no extra cost to you.

Clearing your cook­ies and then buy­ing sex toys via my links helps fund my blog and pay my bills. Thank you!

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7 Responses

  1. Cam says:

    Another love­ly review! Cute pas­tel colors

  2. G says:

    Love the pil­low line reviews!!

  3. Oreon says:

    Ah nice! I will be wait­ing for it!

  4. Oreon says:

    Nice. And love the teal col­or. Would you say this may be stronger than the bms Swan wand? I have that one but it didn't do too much for me, so was look­ing for some­thing a tad stronger. ^^;

  5. Ana says:

    Hey, thanks for a review­ing this one! I've read else­where the metal­lic part on the head was annoy­ing to clean, did you find it to be ok? Also, is the head flexible/​how much? I'm look­ing for some­thing less wig­gly and more rigid. Thanks!

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