Review: Blush Lush Gia wand & Juna pinpoint mini-vibe

Do you ever imagine a better version of a toy and — POP! — the universe grants your wish?
Review: Blush Lush Gia wand & Juna pinpoint mini-vibe 1

That's how I feel about the Lush Gia rechargeable/​cordless wand by Blush Novelties. It's not per­fect, but it's a steal for the price!

And, don't for­get: you can take 10% off your order at Peepshow Toys with dis­count code SUPERSMASHCACHE at check­out, tak­ing the Lush Gia down to about $45.

At the oth­er end of the vibra­tor spec­trum is the pin­point and high-​frequency Lush Juna, which you can get for the same price. Unfortunately, the Juna is utter­ly for­get­table, despite my love of focused vibrations.

Blush Lush Gia & Juna review table of contents

Fast facts about the Lush Gia and Juna by Blush Novelties

Lush Gia cordless rechargeable mini-​wand massager

My first impression of the Lush Gia

I like the shape of the Gia's bul­bous G‑spotter a lot! The insertable end's neck is a bit too flex­i­ble for my taste, but the exter­nal mas­sager end is plen­ty robust.

Review: Blush Lush Gia wand & Juna pinpoint mini-vibe 2

Compact wands like the Lush Gia are super help­ful for relax­ing and prepar­ing for giant insertions.

Review: Blush Lush Gia wand & Juna pinpoint mini-vibe 3
Lush Gia wand vibrator specifications
  • Double-​ended — the "han­dle" is insertable!
  • 9.5 inch­es total
  • 1.5" wide
  • 3.5 inch­es of insertable length 
    • That's before you get to the con­trol panel
    • You could go in deep­er since the sil­i­cone is seamless
  • 3 steady speeds and 4 patterns
  • 2‑button con­trol panel
  • USB recharge­able and splash-proof

Lush Juna focused clitoral vibrator with attachments

My first impression of the Lush Juna

The Lush Juna mini vibrator's rose design is super cute! There's some sub­tle tex­tur­ing to mark the "petals," while a rose gold ring marks the top where the flower opens.

Blush Novelties Lush Juna vibrator review 1

I think Blush Novelties missed an oppor­tu­ni­ty, though. Purple feels visu­al­ly blasé. In a sea of pink and egg­plant pur­ple sex toys, a deep wine red would have been far more strik­ing and elegant.

Review: Blush Lush Gia wand & Juna pinpoint mini-vibe 4
Lush Juna vibrator specifications
  • 1 cm wide at the tip
  • 3.5" long total
  • 1.5" wide at the bulb handle
  • Comes with 4 remov­able heads — or use the tip naked 
    • Rabbit ear, cup, side-​facing brush, top-​facing brush
  • 2 steady speeds and 5 patterns
  • 1 but­ton at the base
  • USB recharge­able and splash-proof

How the Blush Lush Juna felt in use

Let's address the elephant in the room.

I hate every one of the Lush Juna's attachments.

Blush Novelties Lush Juna vibrator review 2

Its vibra­tions are buzzy to begin with (hence the cleverly-​marketed term, "high fre­quen­cy"), and the detach­able heads' sil­i­cone mud­dles the move­ment even more. The rab­bit ears and cup add noth­ing to the expe­ri­ence, and the brush­es straight up irritate.

The Lush Juna's bare tip is focused enough to deliv­er intense sen­sa­tions. That's the only way I enjoy using it.

But even then, don't be fooled.

The Lush Juna can­not com­pare to the far rum­bli­er Zumio, just like the Blush Aria Flutter can't com­pare to the NU Sensuelle Trinitii's flick­er­ing tongue. That's not a jab against the quality-​to-​price ratio of Blush Novelties' prod­ucts. Though they're often a steal for what you get, you have to be real­is­tic with your expec­ta­tions for the Juna.

Blush Novelties Lush Juna vibrator review 4

My clit is deeply dis­ap­point­ed. The Lush Juna has a mere two steady inten­si­ties. Are you kid­ding me? That lim­it­ed speed selec­tion is okay for the Blush Nöje W4 wand because it deliv­ers a rel­a­tive­ly nice rum­ble for what it is. But all of the Juna's options are super buzzy; I can't rec­om­mend that for $45.

My verdict on the Blush Lush Juna

The Lush Juna is all but a re-​packaged elec­tric tooth­brush for dogs. If you want focused vibra­tions for your cli­toris, nip­ples, or penis, stick with a clas­sic zingy bul­let instead.

Try one of the fol­low­ing pow­er­ful mini-vibes:

Further reading

Want to see what makes a vibrator's qual­i­ty buzzy vs. rumbly? See the motors of bul­let vibra­tors I've dissected.

Blush Novelties Lush Gia vibrator review 1

How the Blush Lush Gia wand felt in use

Think of the Lush Gia wand by Blush Novelties as the next step up from the Nöje W4.

You get the same rumbly vibra­tions, an addi­tion­al speed set­ting, and longer, more ergonom­ic han­dle on the exter­nal stim­u­la­tor side. It's not the absolute best com­pact wand for the price, but it's up there. If you want more pow­er and steady speed range, go a step fur­ther and get the Pillow Talk Cheeky instead.

With the Lush Gia, your money's going towards the oth­er end's motor, too. It's very "okay." It's weak­er, but it's accept­able, and I don't have much to say about it. As well, if you're plan­ning on using the Lush Gia as a G‑spot vibra­tor, be aware that it's veeeery bendy. You won't get firm front wall pres­sure with it.

The Blush Lush Gia is a generalist.

If you want a budget-​friendly but more spe­cial­ized G‑spot vibra­tor, con­sid­er the Cloud 9 G‑Spot Slim 7" or BMS Factory Pillow Talk Sassy. They're flex­i­ble but not near­ly to the same extent as the Lush Gia. Plus, the Cloud 9 one is seam­less sil­i­cone all over, allow­ing for deep pen­e­tra­tion and A‑spot explo­ration.

Get these and other body-safe vibrators at Peepshow Toys!

Take 10% off with my coupon code, SUPERSMASHCACHE sitewide.

Review: Blush Lush Gia wand & Juna pinpoint mini-vibe 5

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